What would convince you?

No, it's exactly the same UNLESS the person neither believes nor disbelieves, having no idea if it's true or false....

Saying something isn't true is the same as saying it's false...that's the definition of false, "not true"...

"I believe in God"
"I don't believe in God"
"I neither believe nor disbelieve in God"

Do you really not see a difference between a jury saying "the prosecution couldn't prove his guilt" vs. "the defense proved his innocence"?
Do you really not see a difference between a jury saying "the prosecution couldn't prove his guilt" vs. "the defense proved his innocence"?

But that's not what it actually says, it says guilty or not guilty.
But that's not what it actually says, it says guilty or not guilty.
Not in Scotland - they have "Not Proven" (or words to that effect) - meaning they couldn't prove the guilt - not that the person is necessarily innocent.

Rational thought and logic are not synonymous with the legal system of the US.
In many cases rationality and logic aren't even followed in the courts. It's not what is about logical / rational / fair - it is all about what you can convince someone else of.
Do you really not see a difference between a jury saying "the prosecution couldn't prove his guilt" vs. "the defense proved his innocence"?

The jury doesn't say that, they say guilty or not guilty, plus the court system is designed so that you're innocent until proven guilty, or in other words false until proven true (an argument from ignorance) in order to protect the rights of people so that you can't accuse someone of murder and get them the death penalty if they're innocent...

There really is NO difference between "I lack belief in God" and "I don't believe God exists" unless you neither believe nor disbelieve in God...
I won’t respond to all your points as others already have done so. It is clear that you are ranting against strong atheism but refuse to accept this.

What you are saying is incorrect VitalOne. You can try and get away with it by saying “that’s how it seems” but it is still incorrect. Just because you have a different stance to someone else that doesn’t mean that you think you are better. This goes for theists and atheists.
It's not really incorrect, it's what atheists like Dawkins and others say, religion is for primitive people...

shaman_ said:
We agree. There is no evidence for it so you will not believe it is true yet. Just like me with all these gods, you think it is possible but you aren’t going to believe in it until there is evidence. We don’t think it is definitely false. See we are not that different.
So you're basically saying evidence causes something to become true...no reason to believe the Earth revolved around the Sun until there was evidence, until then the Sun revolved around the Earth because it appeared so...right?

shaman_ said:
Which is proving a negative. If something never existed it there tends to be a distinct lack of evidence left behind ...you know, for the entity that was never there.
You can't even give me an example of what would be evidence that would indicate it's existence yet you say this...the ignorance of these atheists amazes me...it's like someone saying there's no evidence for the many-worlds interpretation and I can't tell you what would be evidence, so it indicates that the many-worlds interpretation is false...

shaman_ said:
So what evidence would prove the absence of god? Can you think of some?
No I can't, which is why I say that it is (currently) unverifiable, meaning there's no way to know if it's true or false....atheists say it's unverifiable so that means God doesn't exist...

shaman_ said:
So you now admit that most religious figures don’t say very similar things but explain it away because the other religions did not have access to some mystical truth.
No only certain religious figures say the samethings...you know Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, etc...and I'm not talking about morals or anything generic I'm talking about how they explain reality to be...

shaman_ said:
Similar to above, I showed you how different the creation myths often are and you backpedal and invoke some mystical, essential 'truth'.
I don't really see much differences.....I'm sure there's truth to most of them...

shaman_ said:
I don’t want to discuss all creation myths though VitalOne; I am just curious how you can believe in the existence of gods from more than one religion (Yahweh and Ra) and not see any problems with the contradictions.
What are the contradictions? Ra was likely an Egyptian pharaoh....
There really is NO difference... between "I lack belief in God" and "I don't believe God exists" unless... you neither believe nor disbelieve in God

So then, the conclusion is that there really IS a difference. Glad you agree in your own bizarre way.
It's not really incorrect, it's what atheists like Dawkins and others say, religion is for primitive people...
No you are making an absurd generalization. What you are saying is no different from me saying that all theists think that they are superior to atheists. Can you see a problem with this VitalOne? How basic do I have to get before you will understand?

Could you please show me where Dawkins said that by the way?

So you're basically saying evidence causes something to become true...no reason to believe the Earth revolved around the Sun until there was evidence, until then the Sun revolved around the Earth because it appeared so...right?
Are you actually reading my points or just scanning? We were in agreement on that point. As we were in agreement, your bizarre conclusion must apply to you as well.


You can't even give me an example of what would be evidence that would indicate it's existence yet you say this
I have given you examples :rolleyes: I answered your question on the first page of this thread which was actually the second time I answered. Can you see why people get frustrated with you VitalOne?

...the ignorance of these atheists amazes me...it's like someone saying there's no evidence for the many-worlds interpretation and I can't tell you what would be evidence, so it indicates that the many-worlds interpretation is false...
Please take the time to read what you are responding to. I am trying to explain how difficult it is to prove that something doesn’t exist -or to provide evidence of absence, as you like to put it. Your ramble about the many worlds intepretation is irrelevant here.

No I can't, which is why I say that it is (currently) unverifiable, meaning there's no way to know if it's true or false....atheists say it's unverifiable so that means God doesn't exist...
But atheists don’t necessarily say that God doesn’t exist. You know this but truly accepting it would give you less to rant about.

I am just curious what you would accept as evidence that god doesn’t exist as this is the (illogical) reverse of your challenge to the atheists. You seem to think that it's possible to produce this evidence.

No only certain religious figures say the samethings...you know Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, etc...and I'm not talking about morals or anything generic I'm talking about how they explain reality to be...
..Which confirms my point. Only certain religious figures say "similar" things, not most.

I don't really see much differences.....I'm sure there's truth to most of them...

What are the contradictions? Ra was likely an Egyptian pharaoh....
You are discarding what you don’t want to see. Those stories are vastly different. Do I need to post them again an analyze them?

There are contradictions in the creation myths and you still believe in Ra and Yahweh. You just keep telling yourself that they are “similar” and that the two religions can co-exist with no problems at all.

What experience have you had with elves?
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if god spoel openly to the world and proved himself, i mean he promised jesus in the year 2000 it seems 2000 yeas ago he was realy active now he just seems he can't be botherd with us anymore
If i get t Saint Peter's ill know God exists... Or if there's virgins... And ill cry because God seemed to be a real prick
Atheists often say that they would believe in God if there was evidence, so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?
if peoples lost limbs grew back and the sick all got well, the blind, deaf, and dumb, all could see, hear, and speak.
that would convince me of a loving god.
you want know what would be good evidence if god actually came out of heaven and fixed all the problems with this hellish planet. god does not qualify as supernatural he qualifies as dogma supernatural is like ghosts or aliens or big foot the simple fact is that evolution happened the world is billinos of years old not 6000 the big bang happened there never has and never will be a god because something would have had to create that god to
the fact that the person who created this shos that they are willing to be lead down a dogmatic path of lies because lots of people pray to a "loving" god who does not help them lots of poor nations pray to the same god and recieve nothing except living in poverty and hunger
you want know what would be good evidence if god actually came out of heaven and fixed all the problems with this hellish planet. god does not qualify as supernatural he qualifies as dogma supernatural is like ghosts or aliens or big foot the simple fact is that evolution happened the world is billinos of years old not 6000 the big bang happened there never has and never will be a god because something would have had to create that god to

Typical amateurish atheistic post, so you're basically giving me evidence that no one can ever gather, an event that just happens ("God coming down")

Your atheism is unfalsifiable, just the same as any other faith-based belief system
Yes, it is. No one can explain why we have been put on earth, we will never be able to understand that. One can't ignore the fact that someone made all of this, and a force that can make such wonders is supernatural.

Science can and does explain it. evolution through natural selection!
and I have a bit of understanding about the subject
There is absolutely no logical reason to assume a designer.
Please show evidence of said supernatural force:rolleyes: