What would convince you?

Atheists often say that they would believe in God if there was evidence, so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?

Simple. Show us the evidence that convinced you.
The only evidence that could be considered is the knowledge of events during death that would otherwise be impossible even for the unconscious.
You would ascertain these were real events, and not imagined how!
Vitalone said:
so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?
even if a god came up to me and did something truly miraculous, I would still question, but if this being did something that effected everybody at the same time, then I would have to say that would be pretty convincing.
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The problem is there isn't any evidence, and even if there were some evidence which to religious fanatics suggested a god it still wouldn't be construed as REAL evidence by me. You see any number of mystical or amazing miracles can occur, that doesn't mean god is the cause of them. It could be an unknown phenomena that we simply don't understand, however I truly believe anything is explainable. God is a human concepts and without humans it wouldn't exist, therefore god does not exist. Sorry to burst that bubble but GOD IS TOTALLY FAKE!
Evidence for design does not convince any atheist to even the slightest extent that God or anything supernatural exists...design is explained by nature + causeless chance...which is why I'm asking the atheists for an example of what would convince them...nothing seems to...

It's becoming pretty obvious (at least to me), that God, if he is around, probably isn't in a real big hurry to reveal himself to humanity and at the very least, in a physical sense. If so, we probably would have caught sight of him by now. Now maybe Moses might disagree with me on that one.
It's becoming pretty obvious (at least to me), that God, if he is around, probably isn't in a real big hurry to reveal himself to humanity and at the very least, in a physical sense. If so, we probably would have caught sight of him by now. Now maybe Moses might disagree with me on that one.
But who's to say that
1, mose’s ever existed
2, he was just making the whole thing up to keep control.
But who's to say that
1, mose’s ever existed
2, he was just making the whole thing up to keep control.

God yelling out ten universal commandments to a guy named Moses from a burning bush? Now if you can believe that, then you might even possibly believe that God is somewhere nearby listening in on your conversations, cell phones included.
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Maybe we cant explain why we are here, simply because there is no reason.

Nonsense, ofcourse there's a reason for everything, even if we can't understand it.
Have a look at the ant; Such a small creature and yet its huge purpose on earth can't be questioned. It's here for a reason.
Both you and I are here for a reason.
Nonsense, ofcourse there's a reason for everything, even if we can't understand it.
Have a look at the ant; Such a small creature and yet its huge purpose on earth can't be questioned. It's here for a reason.

Ok, you tell me it's purpose and I'll let you know if it needs questioning.

Both you and I are here for a reason.

And again, same thing.
All this talk and these atheists still don't give me examples...the conclusion is simple atheists simply don't want to believe in God....it has absolutely nothing to do with evidence...if it did they could very easily give examples...but they can't...this is a clear indication atheists are unwilling to believe in God simply because they don't want to, they have abandoned all rationality in order to preserve atheistic faith...
Simple. Show us the evidence that convinced you.

The evidence that convinced me is my personal experiences, but personal experiences mean absolutely nothing to an atheist...

Currently I am unable to think of a way to objectively measure if God, free-will, or the supernatural exists....but there are ways to measure if prayer, miracles, etc...works...
All this talk and these atheists still don't give me examples...the conclusion is simple atheists simply don't want to believe in God..
Ok, but the question is of little value unless this 'god' is defined...as part of the question itself.

For example the transcendent God of the Indian mystics is very different from the sky deity of the ancient hebrews.
All this talk and these atheists still don't give me examples...the conclusion is simple atheists simply don't want to believe in God....it has absolutely nothing to do with evidence...if it did they could very easily give examples...but they can't...this is a clear indication atheists are unwilling to believe in God simply because they don't want to, they have abandoned all rationality in order to preserve atheistic faith...

Alas, it is you who have abandoned rationality. It is after all, you whose belief in the Easter Bunny is so firm, regardless of the complete lack of evidence, that you somehow imagine that it might be reasonable to ask us who do not believe in the Easter Bunny to provide examples of what would convince us to believe in it.

That is absurd.

You seem to be forgetting that when one supports an unsubstantiated belief, the onus falls to you to convince us of the veracity of the content of your belief, not the other way round.
you somehow imagine that it might be reasonable to ask us who do not believe in the Easter Bunny to provide examples of what would convince us to believe in it.

That is absurd.
Not really...there is a potential body of evidence that would convince even hardened scientists of the existence of the Loch Ness monster...not as yet discovered.
Alas, it is you who have abandoned rationality. It is after all, you whose belief in the Easter Bunny is so firm, regardless of the complete lack of evidence, that you somehow imagine that it might be reasonable to ask us who do not believe in the Easter Bunny to provide examples of what would convince us to believe in it.

That is absurd.

You seem to be forgetting that when one supports an unsubstantiated belief, the onus falls to you to convince us of the veracity of the content of your belief, not the other way round.

This post is a great example of what someone who is known as a "fool" is...

For some reason this guy, abandoning, rationality, logic, etc...concludes that some how that God = Easter Bunny, despite the fact that the Easter Bunny and God have innumerably different attributes, properties, characteristics, etc...using his foolish logic "if the Easter Bunny doesn't exist then God doesn't exist"...such a flawed (non-sequitur) logic...

He also thinks that using evidence is absurd...
For some reason this guy, abandoning, rationality, logic, etc...concludes that some how that God = Easter Bunny, despite the fact that the Easter Bunny and God have innumerably different attributes, properties, characteristics
To some, they are both the SAME, both being mythical entities for which there is no evidence.
The problem is there isn't any evidence, and even if there were some evidence which to religious fanatics suggested a god it still wouldn't be construed as REAL evidence by me. You see any number of mystical or amazing miracles can occur, that doesn't mean god is the cause of them. It could be an unknown phenomena that we simply don't understand, however I truly believe anything is explainable. God is a human concepts and without humans it wouldn't exist, therefore god does not exist. Sorry to burst that bubble but GOD IS TOTALLY FAKE!

Thanks for the re-confirmation, atheism is entirely faith-based and unfalsifiable....

"Nothing will convince me that God exists, I will never believe that God exists, there is no evidence that can convince me, but my atheism is some how not based on blind faith"

The logic of these atheists is fascinating...
To some, they are both the SAME, both being mythical entities for which there is no evidence.

By this logic we should conclude that the geocentric theory and the theory of relativity are both the SAME, simply because they're both theories, so all the differences don't matter at all...
This post is a great example of what someone who is known as a "fool" is...

You maintain an unfounded belief in an invisible, all-powerful creature, and I'm the fool?

Sounds like you need a dictionary.

For some reason this guy, abandoning, rationality, logic, etc...concludes that some how that God = Easter Bunny, despite the fact that the Easter Bunny and God have innumerably different attributes, properties, characteristics, etc...using his foolish logic "if the Easter Bunny doesn't exist then God doesn't exist"...such a flawed (non-sequitur) logic...

Interesting comments, considering I teach logic.

Firstly, I made no reference whatsoever to secondary characteristics. The analogy was strictly ontological, i.e.: both the Easter Bunny and 'god' are empty concepts used by people as an explanatory agent within a specific mythological context. Perhaps you would prefer that I had used 'unicorn' instead of 'Easter Bunny'. Regardless, you fail to even comprehend a simple metaphorical comparison.

Secondly, you obviously have no concept whatsoever of what a non-sequitor might be: your "foolish logic" (a contradictory semantic by the way..) statement not only fails to qualify as a member of such a fallacy, but it also fails to qualify as a remotely logical statement. You attempted to structure a materially implicative statement, but forgot to include a premiss.

And by the by, if you could learn to read, you might notice that I didn't have any such line of argument in my post.

He also thinks that using evidence is absurd...

The attempt to use evidence to support an imaginary entity is indeed absurd.
Again, I must refer you to a dictionary.