What will we replace religion with?

I don't comprehend how something can come from nothing, the way you've explained it. Can you explain in it is very simple terms? ''Nothing'' means ''no-thing. Right?
Sure... before the Norman Invasion in 1066, when the people of Angle Land were still speaking Anglo-Saxon. Today, "nothing" has many meanings. Dictionary.com includes "something that is nonexistent," "nonexistence itself," and "something that is without quantity or magnitude."

If a speech that merely repeats things that the entire audience already knows can be dismissed as "nothing," a space-time continuum completely devoid of matter, energy and anything else, could surely also be referred to as "nothing."

How can something just pop into existence when there is no space, no time, no energy?
When you find the answer to that question, please be sure to notify the physics departments of all the major universities. They're looking for it too.

What's even more intriguing is the possibility (which has not been dismissed) that other universes have popped into existence that do not have matter, energy, time, space, and perhaps even logic and arithmetic. They may have a structure so different from our universe that we'll never know of their existence. And if somehow we did, it would take us a couple of centuries to figure out what their natural laws are.

Don't be stifled by the limitations of our language. "Nothing" is a rather useless word in this discussion!

After all, its grammar and syntax were more-or-less completely developed by the time Shakespeare began writing. As the Head Linguist around here, about the only major grammatical/syntactical neologism I can identify is the noun-adjective compound, such as fuel-efficient, cable-ready and user-friendly. This construction is a new way of expressing relationships, a direct (if many centuries belated) response to the fact that English has a very small set of prepositions which are expected to describe every kind of relationship that exists, and unlike nouns, verbs and adjectives, the rules of our language discourage the creation of new prepositions.

The most widely discussed case for the fallacy of conflating them is fundamentalism, which incorrectly interprets the creation and flood myths of antiquity as historical narrative.
I can't speak for the flood myth, but many historians and other scholars are satisfied that the Atlantis myth is simply an exaggeration of the Minoan eruption around 1500BCE, the earthquake and tsunami that reshaped the island of Thera (now Santorini, a large caldera surrounded by piles of volcanic ash half a kilometer deep), which caused (or at least was a major factor in) the collapse of the Minoan civilization.

The Mesopotamian creation myth, which was co-opted by the Jews and subsequent Abrahamists, goes so much farther back that its referents are probably lost forever. However, bits of it can be explained. Apples are not indigenous to Mesopotamia, so the fruit that the serpent offered to Eve absolutely had to be a pomegranate.

The proof that legend and myth exists is trivial, since you only need to Google "myth" or "creation myth". Once we establish that it exists, and it does, then the thrust you speak of comes strictly from the evidence. Gods are created in myths, legends and fables. That's the thrust.
As I've noted before, Jung tells us that many of the legends we refer to as myths, as well as many visual images and rituals, which recur in almost every society in almost every era, are probably archetypes, instinctive ideas pre-programmed into our synapses by our DNA. (He died before genetics became a mature science, these are modern renderings of his words.) Most archetypes are survival aids, but there's no reason some can't have been passed down through a genetic bottleneck (Mitochondrial Eve or Y-Chromosome Adam) by accident.

Anyone who would accept this as historical narrative, acting with the normal intelligence of an average educated modern person, would be deemed irrational. A cult of such persons would be deemed irrational. The religion that professes this would be deemed irrational.
Let's see... check, check and check. Yup, the people, the cult and the religion are indeed irrational. Next question? ;)

When my mother was forced to admit to me that millions of otherwise sane, healthy adults actually believe this bullshit is true, I became a cynic at age seven.

The case is this: That ancient cults invented the gods to explain phenomena for which they had no science.
Or... that preprogrammed into their cerebral hardware, were archetypes passed down through the generations. Apparently mutations have occurred. No one on either side of my family has ever taken religion seriously, going back at least three generations.

Believing a myth is reality is stupid behavior. But I know very smart people who do this, some of them good friends.
Joseph Campbell (Jung's most successful popularizer) discovered that many people are incapable of comprehending the idea of metaphor. He found people in Appalachia who, when asked, "What does it mean to say that the moon is a silver chariot hopelessly chasing the sun?" would answer "That is a lie!"

Then what's frightening are all the metaphors that they accept as literal truth!

Is ''believing''... behaviour?
Why not? In an era when millions of people "work" by sitting in a chair, reading and writing on a computer screen, I think we can safely say that cerebral activity is behavior.

Did God come from nothing?
That's the paradox that, to me, makes religion nothing but a fairytale for very young children.
  • We're told that God created the universe.
  • An uncontroversial definition of "universe" is "everything that exists."
  • God must obviously exist, in order to have performed all of the magnificent feats attributed to him.
  • Therefore, God is part of the universe.
  • Therefore God created himself.
And these are the same people who think evolution is too ridiculous to believe!
Aqueous Id,

You would think the same thing listening to the speeches being made by religious people running for office in the US.


I hadn't thought of it in terms of false ego so much as two schools of thought: orthodoxy, which believes that judgement is the work of God, and fundamentalism, which feels justified in doing the punishing for him.

You'll probably find that those same individuals, if they should turn atheist, are still pretty vocal in how people should be. But this time their vitriol is directed at religious people, especially if atheism is in fashion like it was a couple of years ago. IOW it is their character and personality that should be questioned, not the bandwagons they hitch a ride on.

What is NOT happening are real meaningful discussions as to what is meant by scriptures, and religions that are based on those scriptures.

Aqueous Id,


You'll probably find that those same individuals, if they should turn atheist, are still pretty vocal in how people should be. But this time their vitriol is directed at religious people, especially if atheism is in fashion like it was a couple of years ago. IOW it is their character and personality that should be questioned, not the bandwagons they hitch a ride on.

What is NOT happening are real meaningful discussions as to what is meant by scriptures, and religions that are based on those scriptures.


Come on Jan, you can't get away with that. People have been arguing about scriptures and religion since people could speak! A lot of discussions ended up with wars, which is 'real meaningful', especially if you get killed. All over the globe Muslims are chatting to Christians who are chatting to Buddhists, and look at the result. What more do you want to talk about? Atheists would prefer that you shut up and do whatever you want to do in private, and leave us in peace.
And then one comes to the whole "Christ drank from the cup of sin and died on the cross to absolve us our sins" bit... or are you saying that, unless we are able to be sinless ourselves, we are unable to enter the Kingdom of God despite Christ's sacrifice?

That is the Christian way of looking things. Fine, but it doesn't really mean much...

God came down from Heaven in the guise of Jesus, died on the cross, and any who profess belief in him will be automatically saved from the material world, and will ascend into heaven to be with him forever, and all those who don't profess belief in him will go to Hell and burn for all eternity. So if I say ''I believe in the power of Jesus'', I am automatically cleansed? I know that's not how it works, if only by reading the words, and contemplating on the life (although heavily censored) somebody deemed fit to share with us in the gospels.

We must ''believe'', yes, because it is through that belief we develop the faith to move onward, despite not knowing for ourselves, who and what we are, who and what is God, and our relationship to God. That is a completely life changing situation, which we must embrace NOT on our own terms. Jesus' gave us a great example of what that life would entail, and how one would be perceived and treated by others. Through it all, he showed that he is, like us, in our pure form, transcendent to this atmosphere.


Come on Jan, you can't get away with that. People have been arguing about scriptures and religion since people could speak!

I don't think so. But my point is, there is no need for you and I to argue about scriptures and religion. We should discuss what the texts mean (especially outside of the Christian framework), despite our differences. Has it ever occurred to you that, spiritually, homosexuality, and adultery, are actual transgressive acts, despite what we might thing about them. And if that is the case, then we do ourselves and others harm, beyond what we can percieve with our senses.

A lot of discussions ended up with wars, which is 'real meaningful', especially if you get killed.

But we don't have end our discussion with war.

All over the globe Muslims are chatting to Christians who are chatting to Buddhists, and look at the result. What more do you want to talk about?

Are they really chatting though? Or are they measuring dick sizes? :)
I would like to discuss the meanings of the teachings by great characters like Jesus, Buddha, and so on. At least as a starting point.
It seems that all the atheists want to do here is knock religious scriptures (I say scriptures, but I mean the Bible as that is their main target), and do away with anything seemingly religious without even comprehending what it is they want to do away with outside of their own meagre comprehension.

I mean! Why have a religious forum if that is all it's for?

Atheists would prefer that you shut up and do whatever you want to do in private, and leave us in peace.

I know that's how you feel. But atheists have proven themselves to be the most vicious when they have the upper-hand. How many did a handful of atheists murder, in how short a space of time. Come on!
I know you're going to give the ''the didn't murder in the name of atheism comeback'', but that is just lame. They wanted to be rid of religion, and boy did they set about it.

Atheists aren't responsible for other atheists. This is unlike religions like Christianity, where supposedly, they all follow the same teaching. There is no teaching for atheism other than the idea that there isn't a god.
Atheists aren't responsible for other atheists. This is unlike religions like Christianity, where supposedly, they all follow the same teaching. There is no teaching for atheism other than the idea that there isn't a god.

Of course not. All the atheist organisations, and churches, and religious wannabees (without God and Jesus), or ideologies {music, art...) where they take the teachings from scripture but disregard the teachers, are run by families, just for the heck of it. They don't want to propogate their ideology do they?

Oh and this Freudian-slip needs to be corrected...

Sorcerer said:
Atheists would prefer that you shut up and do whatever you want to do in private, and leave us in peace.

Of course not. All the atheist organisations, and churches, and religious wannabees (without God and Jesus), or ideologies {music, art...) where they take the teachings from scripture but disregard the teachers, are run by families, just for the heck of it. They don't want to propogate their ideology do they?

Oh and this Freudian-slip needs to be corrected...


Can you explain where the slip is?

I don't think so. But my point is, there is no need for you and I to argue about scriptures and religion. We should discuss what the texts mean (especially outside of the Christian framework), despite our differences. Has it ever occurred to you that, spiritually, homosexuality, and adultery, are actual transgressive acts, despite what we might thing about them. And if that is the case, then we do ourselves and others harm, beyond what we can percieve with our senses.

But we don't have end our discussion with war.

Are they really chatting though? Or are they measuring dick sizes? :)
I would like to discuss the meanings of the teachings by great characters like Jesus, Buddha, and so on. At least as a starting point.
It seems that all the atheists want to do here is knock religious scriptures (I say scriptures, but I mean the Bible as that is their main target), and do away with anything seemingly religious without even comprehending what it is they want to do away with outside of their own meagre comprehension.

I mean! Why have a religious forum if that is all it's for?

I know that's how you feel. But atheists have proven themselves to be the most vicious when they have the upper-hand. How many did a handful of atheists murder, in how short a space of time. Come on!
I know you're going to give the ''the didn't murder in the name of atheism comeback'', but that is just lame. They wanted to be rid of religion, and boy did they set about it.


I'm not sure I know where to go with this. Are you saying there has been no discussion? The world is awash with it. What do you mean, homosexuality is a transgressive act?!? Loving someone is transgressive? How does it hurt anyone if two men love each other?!? You should be ashamed of yourself for being a homophobe!

A lot of people do end the discussion with war.

I was using the expression chat ironically: they are beating the cr** out of each other.

It's called the religion forum, not the religious forum. You don't have to be religious to participate in talking about religion.

They didn't manage it though. There are still religionists all over the world persecuting women, minorities and each other, as a look at the news will assure you.
That is the Christian way of looking things. Fine, but it doesn't really mean much...

God came down from Heaven in the guise of Jesus, died on the cross, and any who profess belief in him will be automatically saved from the material world, and will ascend into heaven to be with him forever, and all those who don't profess belief in him will go to Hell and burn for all eternity. So if I say ''I believe in the power of Jesus'', I am automatically cleansed? I know that's not how it works, if only by reading the words, and contemplating on the life (although heavily censored) somebody deemed fit to share with us in the gospels.

We must ''believe'', yes, because it is through that belief we develop the faith to move onward, despite not knowing for ourselves, who and what we are, who and what is God, and our relationship to God. That is a completely life changing situation, which we must embrace NOT on our own terms. Jesus' gave us a great example of what that life would entail, and how one would be perceived and treated by others. Through it all, he showed that he is, like us, in our pure form, transcendent to this atmosphere.


Erm, this is preaching or proselytising, isn't it?
Of course not. All the atheist organisations, and churches, and religious wannabees (without God and Jesus), or ideologies {music, art...) where they take the teachings from scripture but disregard the teachers, are run by families, just for the heck of it. They don't want to propogate their ideology do they?

Oh and this Freudian-slip needs to be corrected...

There is no ideology of atheism.
Of course not. All the atheist organisations, and churches, and religious wannabees (without God and Jesus), or ideologies {music, art...) where they take the teachings from scripture but disregard the teachers, are run by families, just for the heck of it. They don't want to propogate their ideology do they?

Is this another one of your suggestions that western ethics are derived from religious ethics?

Would you care to explain that, or would you rather just admit that you made it up and have no compelling argument for it? And while you're at it, could you demonstrate your understanding of the differences between atheism and secularism? It seems you don't quite grasp these concepts. Maybe if we talked about them...?

You'll probably find that those same individuals, if they should turn atheist, are still pretty vocal in how people should be. But this time their vitriol is directed at religious people, especially if atheism is in fashion like it was a couple of years ago. IOW it is their character and personality that should be questioned, not the bandwagons they hitch a ride on.

Quite the blind generalization there, don't you think?

What is NOT happening are real meaningful discussions as to what is meant by scriptures, and religions that are based on those scriptures.

Another broad, seemingly baseless statement. Who isn't having the conversation? Who's supposed to be? Why should anyone care?

I'm being serious: Who is supposed to be bothered with scripture?
Erm, this is preaching or proselytising, isn't it?

No, because Kittamaru asked a direct question about belief, and that was a direct response. Two Christians talking about their beliefs is not the same as someone trying to convert or preach to you. Perhaps this is why you have been unable to evaluate religion piecemeal. If you take any discussion of personal belief to be preaching/proselytizing (and some sort of affront to you personally) then you miss out on what religion is all about.
No, because Kittamaru asked a direct question about belief, and that was a direct response. Two Christians talking about their beliefs is not the same as someone trying to convert or preach to you. Perhaps this is why you have been unable to evaluate religion piecemeal. If you take any discussion of personal belief to be preaching/proselytizing (and some sort of affront to you personally) then you miss out on what religion is all about.

Why aren't you at least challenging Jan's assertion that God came to earth in the form of Jesus? Seems that if an atheist had said something similar, but to the contrary, you'd be interrupting that conversation quicker than a cough.
We're really moving forward here, Syne. So the Catholics are off, and all of Islam, which is about half the world, plus fundamental Jews, evangelical Christians. That limits the field a bit. I'll have to look at the Gnostics - they seem better- and maybe Hindus and Buddhists. Maybe they will find a way for me to go to heaven, or whatever they call it, instead of hell.

You still seem to be missing the point. You do not even necessarily need to take any one religion/denomination wholesale. There may not be any of these that speak to you in their entirety. You may not even find any that suit you enough for you to participate in, but you may find parts of several that you do find meaningful. Maybe you find a reverence for nature and Western traditions appealing (i.e. Wiccan-Christian). Or if you are committed to atheism, perhaps Buddhism is the best fit.
Why aren't you at least challenging Jan's assertion that God came to earth in the form of Jesus? Seems that if an atheist had said something similar, but to the contrary, you'd be interrupting that conversation quicker than a cough.

Are people not allowed to share their beliefs? This one does nothing to impugn the beliefs or intelligence of others.
You still seem to be missing the point. You do not even necessarily need to take any one religion/denomination wholesale. There may not be any of these that speak to you in their entirety. You may not even find any that suit you enough for you to participate in, but you may find parts of several that you do find meaningful. Maybe you find a reverence for nature and Western traditions appealing (i.e. Wiccan-Christian). Or if you are committed to atheism, perhaps Buddhism is the best fit.

This seems to be true. I would say most modern theists accept the parts of their faith that they're comfortable accepting, and either ignore or dismiss the rest. Even in places where religion is law, most people don't follow it to the letter.

I disagree with the notion that anyone needs religion, obviously. If you're going to take it special-order anyway, then you are clearly capable of thinking for yourself, have principles that make no reference to any religious code, and therefore are only seeking something that can be found elsewhere. Go read a book, or something. Go join a club. No need to associate yourself with ancient pre-philosophy cults, no matter how watered down you take them.
Impugning others' beliefs hasn't seemed to be a requisite in the immediate past...

No, the recent past has been about hasty generalizations and trolling, neither of which is committed by a belief in the divinity of Jesus.