What will we replace religion with?

Why single out only homosexuals?

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.


Or, more to the point, Jan, why demonize a person who has been condemned by God?

Or is "Judge not lest ye be judged" permission for the righteous to make that determination as proxies for God?
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Or, more to the point, Jan, why demonize a person who has been condemned by God?

Or is "Judge not lest ye be judged" permission for the righteous to make that determination as proxies for God?

I don't get how this response is relevant. Why if it's only about religion/scripture, is all the emphasis on homosexuality.

I don't get how this response is relevant. Why if it's only about religion/scripture, is all the emphasis on homosexuality.


The earlier comment from Sorcerer looks like he was connecting other statements made in the "Demonizing" thread to the statements made here. I think that was where homosexuality was linked to this.

I was more interested in your reply that linked "demonizing" to the warning in the Bible, that people who do the listed behaviors will be punished.

It seems like there are two main kinds of Christianity: the ones who think God does the punishing, and the ones that think they get to do the punishing themselves.
The earlier comment from Sorcerer looks like he was connecting other statements made in the "Demonizing" thread to the statements made here. I think that was where homosexuality was linked to this.

I was more interested in your reply that linked "demonizing" to the warning in the Bible, that people who do the listed behaviors will be punished.

It seems like there are two main kinds of Christianity: the ones who think God does the punishing, and the ones that think they get to do the punishing themselves.

Sorcerer seems to forget that homosexual aren't the only ones who are punished for their act, in the Bible. If I never read the Bible before, I would think that they are, reading these posts and threads.

You are aware of the third law of motion '' To every action (force applied) there is an equal but opposite reaction (equal force applied in the opposite direction).''? Well all actions (thoughts included) are energy in motion (some subtle, some not so). This is the understanding with regards to the spiritual development of human beings.

The whole point of scripture, and genuine religion, is learn how to live. How to curb ones actions so that they don't attract unwanted reactions, which they will be forced to play out by the very laws of nature herself. This only becomes understandable when one understands that they are not the physical representation they see before them in the mirror, but a spiritual particle inhabiting that form.

So the punishment is entirely fair and just, as it is not based on false ego.

And then one comes to the whole "Christ drank from the cup of sin and died on the cross to absolve us our sins" bit... or are you saying that, unless we are able to be sinless ourselves, we are unable to enter the Kingdom of God despite Christ's sacrifice?
Sorcerer seems to forget that homosexual aren't the only ones who are punished for their act, in the Bible. If I never read the Bible before, I would think that they are, reading these posts and threads.

You would think the same thing listening to the speeches being made by religious people running for office in the US.

You are aware of the third law of motion '' To every action (force applied) there is an equal but opposite reaction (equal force applied in the opposite direction).''? Well all actions (thoughts included) are energy in motion (some subtle, some not so). This is the understanding with regards to the spiritual development of human beings.

The whole point of scripture, and genuine religion, is learn how to live. How to curb ones actions so that they don't attract unwanted reactions, which they will be forced to play out by the very laws of nature herself. This only becomes understandable when one understands that they are not the physical representation they see before them in the mirror, but a spiritual particle inhabiting that form.

So the punishment is entirely fair and just, as it is not based on false ego.


I hadn't thought of it in terms of false ego so much as two schools of thought: orthodoxy, which believes that judgement is the work of God, and fundamentalism, which feels justified in doing the punishing for him.
Sorcerer seems to forget that homosexual aren't the only ones who are punished for their act, in the Bible. If I never read the Bible before, I would think that they are, reading these posts and threads.

You are aware of the third law of motion '' To every action (force applied) there is an equal but opposite reaction (equal force applied in the opposite direction).''? Well all actions (thoughts included) are energy in motion (some subtle, some not so). This is the understanding with regards to the spiritual development of human beings.

The whole point of scripture, and genuine religion, is learn how to live. How to curb ones actions so that they don't attract unwanted reactions, which they will be forced to play out by the very laws of nature herself. This only becomes understandable when one understands that they are not the physical representation they see before them in the mirror, but a spiritual particle inhabiting that form.

So the punishment is entirely fair and just, as it is not based on false ego.


And if you put your pee pee in the wrong hole, the universe will exert cosmic retribution?
This is actually a good question, and I am not sure that I would have an answer.

I do plead, though, that the fact these religions once existed remains in the public consciousness. Art needs all the inspiration it can get. I would not wish to get rid of Handel's Messiah or Judas Maccabeus, Bach's B Minor Mass, Either the Puccini or Poulenc Glorias or the Verdi Requiem (although Verdi self-identified as a nonbeliever). Nor would I wish to see the Sistine Chapel demolished, nor Michaelangelo's many Pietas.

One can admire certain things that a religion has inspired, without the burden of believing that religion.

Oh, for sure, that's absolutely correct.
Yes, you can. Religion is only as meaningful as it is useful to you. This explains the very large variety of religions, denominations, and interpretations. Just like some claim the Bible (for instance) was inspired so it is with your reading of scriptures (or poetry, or viewing of art for that matter). It is about what "speaks" to you.

Granted, if you walk into a Catholic church and do not find that much "speaks" to you then you are in the wrong church, denomination, or religion.

We're really moving forward here, Syne. So the Catholics are off, and all of Islam, which is about half the world, plus fundamental Jews, evangelical Christians. That limits the field a bit. I'll have to look at the Gnostics - they seem better- and maybe Hindus and Buddhists. Maybe they will find a way for me to go to heaven, or whatever they call it, instead of hell. Now in the meantime, can the rest of you stop demonising me and my kind? If you don't like me, just shut up about it. It's none of your business.
Why single out only homosexuals?

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.


Because the religionists are extremely vocal about it, and gay people are being singled out all over the world for condemnation, and often death. That make it kind of more serious than the other categories. Really, Jan, you should know better.
Righteous, all this talk of religion is making me feel righteous and just a little intolerant too.

Intoxicating, isn't it... that feeling that you can latch on to a belief system and, because it is so "mainstream", use it to clobber those who believe differently about the heads and generally make others feel like trash while building yourself up higher and higher.

It's why bullying continues to this day...
Intoxicating, isn't it... that feeling that you can latch on to a belief system and, because it is so "mainstream", use it to clobber those who believe differently about the heads and generally make others feel like trash while building yourself up higher and higher.

It's why bullying continues to this day...

Yep, all the while patting each other on the back and assuring each other about how right they are!
Yep, all the while patting each other on the back and assuring each other about how right they are!

Indeed... as a religious man myself, though, I take heart in the fact that, when the time comes, they will be judged against their misdeeds by the One who's opinion truly matters.