What was He thinking ?

Enlightened beings that got it from the bible, as i said directly or indirectly.

Not quite.

Zarathustra lived around 2000 BC - 1000 BC, he was enlightened. Gautam Buddha at 500 BC. Not counting Thot (Hermes), Shiva, Krishna, Shakti, Enoc... whos date was lost in antiquity.

As a matter of fact, no enlightened man has ever gotten his knowledge from the Bible.
Not quite.

Zarathustra lived around 2000 BC - 1000 BC, he was enlightened. Gautam Buddha at 500 BC. Not counting Thot (Hermes), Shiva, Krishna, Shakti, Enoc... whos date was lost in antiquity.

As a matter of fact, no enlightened man has ever gotten his knowledge from the Bible.

Fair enough. So what belief do you have ?
Fair enough. So what belief do you have ?

The truth told by all of these fellows.

I believe in the potential of every person to become a Buddha; and I believe that the only obstacle towards that goal is the trash we collect during our life and it is cleansed after death. As a fact, I believe in Karma (cause and effect), how it transcends only 1 life for an individual, and how it affects the circumstances of your future experiences. I believe in free will in life, as well as free will in the after life (conditioned by our past actions).
The truth told by all of these fellows.

I believe in the potential of every person to become a Buddha; and I believe that the only obstacle towards that goal is the trash we collect during our life and it is cleansed after death. As a fact, I believe in Karma (cause and effect), how it transcends only 1 life for an individual, and how it affects the circumstances of your future experiences. I believe in free will in life, as well as free will in the after life (conditioned by our past actions).

Sounds respectable :)
Sounds respectable :)

Well, I wouldn´t be shocked if all this is proven wrong, ´cause I think is just the explanation of something much more complex. But even if I tell you that which I believe, I think that the most important thing is to live in the frequency of compassion towards all life.
The explanation of how the Universe works is complex, but is simple if you put it in the basis of an ordinary life. There is creation and there is destruction, there is love and hate; you can either live in the realm of love & creation or in the one of hate & destruction.
what if we were sent here not to be good or evil, but to figure out the existence of the universe?.

he wanted to see if an animal could actualy figure out the mystery of the universe without help. and he doesent give a shit about pain suffering or happiness for us. just lets us get on with it. we are like entertainment to him.

and he might reward us with an afterlife for everyone who is conscious, because he is good sport.

r what if god himself doesent even know how the universe was created. he is confused about how he did it, so he created us to figure it out for him.

Hm i have a problem with any religion that has a 'He' in it.
I respect religions (if they are indeed religions) like Buddhism and the likes much more. As also beliefs like the Native Indians had.

Edit: I guess natural religions in general. :)

"I believe in God, only I spell it Nature." ~Frank Lloyd Wright
Not quite.

Zarathustra lived around 2000 BC - 1000 BC, he was enlightened. Gautam Buddha at 500 BC. Not counting Thot (Hermes), Shiva, Krishna, Shakti, Enoc... whos date was lost in antiquity.

As a matter of fact, no enlightened man has ever gotten his knowledge from the Bible.
M*W: What is the significance of the name Zarathustra? What does it mean?
It's the Avestan(old Iranian) name. Hmm I guess that does make it the orignal name. Zoroaster is the greek.

*zarat-uštra-, which is in turn "perhaps"
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