What was He thinking ?

Everybody likes to have total free will; but some argue that there is too much evil in the world, duh there is free will. If the world would be all laughs and love, then there would be no free will whatsoever, and there would be no births and deaths because everything would already be created, then what else is next to create?
Human intelligence cannot possibly match the creator of humans intelligence.

::Raises hand:: I have a question. How are you, operating by human intelligence which you say is inferior, so able to read so acutely into the mind of this Creator?
::Raises hand:: I have a question. How are you, operating by human intelligence which you say is inferior, so able to read so acutely into the mind of this Creator?

I just know that we cannot possibly understand God, or even question His creations. I don´t have the arrogance to go and think that I can have it all figured out.

It seems to me like fish trying to debate on how the ocean was created.

I´m only a fish that says that we cannot possibly understand that.
I just know that we cannot possibly understand God, or even question His creations. I don´t have the arrogance to go and think that I can have it all figured out.

It seems to me like fish trying to debate on how the ocean was created.

I´m only a fish that says that we cannot possibly understand that.

But the bible gives a perfect account of how the earth was created.
I just know that we cannot possibly understand God, or even question His creations. I don´t have the arrogance to go and think that I can have it all figured out.

It seems to me like fish trying to debate on how the ocean was created.

I´m only a fish that says that we cannot possibly understand that.

Yes but I think as you do this, you simultaneously discount the tremendously incredible discoveries that humans, sitting in one corner of one galaxy (of perhaps one universe!) have made concerning the universe and its fundamental properties and constants. What science alone has given us is much like a fish, not debating, but discovering how the ocean was created, or how it works if that inquiry is more satisfying to you. I see even more corollary with this and the "mind of God" as several influential and great scientific thinkers have regarded the whole of science as the pursuit of the mind of God. By discovering the way things work, you have (if you believe in a God) understood his blueprints for his entire creation and poetically placed your foot in his footprint. That is stupendously inspiring and I think a fair point to consider in response to your claim that we would never be able to know the mind of God.
If there was a Book that contains all the truth of God, it would be as big as God. Or even better would be to put all the words of all the languages of Earth and put a note in the Book intro. that says: "mix all the following words randomly".
And do you take all that the Bible says literally?
Or do you even believe in the Bible? Cause I have my doubts...

I dont, but we are discussing this from a theists point of view. See OP.

So which parts of the bible are we to take literally and which not ?
Yes but I think as you do this, you simultaneously discount the tremendously incredible discoveries that humans, sitting in one corner of one galaxy (of perhaps one universe!) have made concerning the universe and its fundamental properties and constants. What science alone has given us is much like a fish, not debating, but discovering how the ocean was created, or how it works if that inquiry is more satisfying to you. I see even more corollary with this and the "mind of God" as several influential and great scientific thinkers have regarded the whole of science as the pursuit of the mind of God. By discovering the way things work, you have (if you believe in a God) understood his blueprints for his entire creation and poetically placed your foot in his footprint. That is stupendously inspiring and I think a fair point to consider in response to your claim that we would never be able to know the mind of God.

I never discounted the discoveries of science, I´m all in favor of science.

On the other hand, it is men´s ego to think that we can figure it out. I would have to tell you to give that search out, because it will lead you nowhere.

Imagine a more evolved organism from us, like if hipothetically humans survive a million years, we would evolve into a more advanced organism. Off course that that being would see us the way we see chimps.
And I don´t even think that a highly evolved organism would even begin to grasp the concept of God, and they certainly would be smarter and more knowledgeable than us; but still not enought to figure it all out.
I never discounted the discoveries of science, I´m all in favor of science.

On the other hand, it is men´s ego to think that we can figure it out. I would have to tell you to give that search out, because it will lead you nowhere.

Imagine a more evolved organism from us, like if hipothetically humans survive a million years, we would evolve into a more advanced organism. Off course that that being would see us the way we see chimps.
And I don´t even think that a highly evolved organism would even begin to grasp the concept of God, and they certainly would be smarter and more knowledgeable than us; but still not enought to figure it all out.

Well this is all on the assumption that God exists in the first place, which you know by now I disagree with. In my opinion, I totally agree with you that we will never know the mind of God; how can we understand the mind of anything that doesn't exist? But using the theist's terms as Enmos has established, and especially given your appreciation of science, don't you think that it is worth finding out if we can peek into the mind of God or not instead of just dismissing it out front? It seems you're saying you'd rather believe in something that requires no effort than to try and potentially get there via hard applied work.
I just know that we cannot possibly understand God, or even question His creations. I don´t have the arrogance to go and think that I can have it all figured out.

It seems to me like fish trying to debate on how the ocean was created.

I´m only a fish that says that we cannot possibly understand that.

But you seem to have enough understanding (arrogance?) to repeatedly assert that God is love and claim that as the absolute truth. Doesn't that make you more similar to the fish trying to debate instead of the fish who says we can't possibly understand?
I see God as a lonely child. He made everything to entertain himself. He made humans so that they could say "Wow! You did a good job" He needed validation and he throws temper tantrums (the flood, Sodom, kicking Lucifer out) just like a child.
I see God as a lonely child. He made everything to entertain himself. He made humans so that they could say "Wow! You did a good job" He needed validation and he throws temper tantrums (the flood, Sodom, kicking Lucifer out) just like a child.

So He really needed to create human because He is insecure and needed to see that He could do something good ?
On the other hand, He created humans in such a way that we would have free will, which would enable us to destroy His other creations. And ultimately probably themselves. I see no logic in that unless it was his plan to only let it last for so long, like a build-in timer. Remember, God is all-knowing and all-powerful. So He did know beforehand it would turn out like this and He could do something about if He wants.
This is what confuses me.
perfection is boring. Throw in a little free will, things perk up a bit.

and he can always create more. All those other dimensions. All those other planets. I imagine we are like a zoo. Earthlings are poo flinging monkeys.
perfection is boring. Throw in a little free will, things perk up a bit.

and he can always create more. All those other dimensions. All those other planets. I imagine we are like a zoo. Earthlings are poo flinging monkeys.

Bottomline: God has no purpose ;)