What was He thinking ?

Yes but doesnt inanimate mean lifeless ? lol

I think that's a connotation of it but not strictly a denotation. If you'd like, I could use a clearer adjective...how bout static, as opposed to dynamic?
Seriously though, lots of theists believe in heaven but not in hell. They believe in a loving God (!)

God IS Love my friend, but hate is necessary for love to exist. To live in the frequency of love 24/7 is to live in the language of God.
God IS Love my friend, but hate is necessary for love to exist. To live in the frequency of love 24/7 is to live in the language of God.

Once again, the idea of hate is required for the idea of love. You can retain the idea of hate yet experience love totally.
I would like to volunteer to provide the hate that would help fuel Wisdom Seeker's Love.

Hey someone's gotta do it...
So the standing conclusion up to this point is:
God created man with the intention to for man to screw up their surroundings and He did this with the intention to make Himself look better.

There is one problem with that. Who is he trying to impress ? There is noone else but the humans he created to look good.
God never intended for man to destroy his surroundings, it was man alone who did that, no divine help needed.
There is one problem with that. Who is he trying to impress ? There is noone else but the humans he created to look good
Who else, but the super entity that did this all before.
So the standing conclusion up to this point is:
God created man with the intention to for man to screw up their surroundings and He did this with the intention to make Himself look better.

There is one problem with that. Who is he trying to impress ? There is noone else but the humans he created to look good.

Or, "...He did this with the intention to make Himself look good in the first place", not necessarily just "better". Perhaps he was trying to impress fellow members of his God-species. That may be the only other answer aside from just humanity itself.
Or, "...He did this with the intention to make Himself look good in the first place", not necessarily just "better". Perhaps he was trying to impress fellow members of his God-species. That may be the only other answer aside from just humanity itself.

Yep, this maybe true. Does the bible mention other Gods ?
Yep, this maybe true. Does the bible mention other Gods ?

Yes it does, even in the celebrated ten commandments. The time of Old Testament writings, there were several Gods competing for recognition, and this admonishment was made to keep the Jews from flirting with gods of other tribes. This is further evident in accounts in the OT of wars; the side who won a battle was able to further promote their respective god(s) as the dominant one. Of course this isn't as frequent these days, so the original commandment is now taken through a more spiritual lens; these "other gods" are what we try to worship in the place of God (often drugs, sex, rock'n'roll, etc from the mouth of the common preacher).

There are actually some passages that suggest we ourselves are gods (always carefully not capitalized), I think there is a recent thread in here about that.
Everybody likes to have total free will; but some argue that there is too much evil in the world, duh there is free will. If the world would be all laughs and love, then there would be no free will whatsoever, and there would be no births and deaths because everything would already be created, then what else is next to create?
Human intelligence cannot possibly match the creator of humans intelligence.