What It Means To Be A Christian

Originally posted by Carnuth
If not believing in god lands me in hell thats ...well, ridiculous.

Religion is ridiculous, what do you expect? Logic, Reason, Compassion? No, these appear to be out of the scope of god (or at least Christianity). p.s. Carnuth, you rock- ZERO MASS

Originally posted by TheVisitor
Andy will be raised up someday and jugded according to his works, and given the chance to recieve christ in the milineum, when the bride sits with christ in that city as the Son of David, (The son of david was the wisest man that ever lived, Solomon)
The nations of the earth will be allowed to enter at the gates of the city and enquire of God's wisdom from His bride.
These words are as the fruits of the tree of life...Solomon said so.

We will be kings and priest...Don't you know the saint's shall judge the angels.,

Just a reminder, Andy is a fictional character, don't get too carried away. And this whole part here was a bit much to swallow, I mean, holy crap man.

Originally posted by TheVisitor

I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume (make an ass out of U and ME, but U more than ME) that "rejecting the truth in his life" means not believing in Christ.
Holy Crap, he doesn't believe in god, he doesn't want to hear what crap comes out of his mouth. I think you are missing the point here a little.
And what about Joe, the killer guy (who is also fictional, btw. I mean there could be a killer named Joe out there but I have no knowledge of him at this time) Does he get "to hear of god"? whatever that means.
Lets go back to Andy there, um, He doesn't believe in heaven or hell, or god for that matter. Is he still a fool in your eyes even though he lives a life of service and not evil?

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Religion is ridiculous, what do you expect? Logic, Reason, Compassion? No, these appear to be out of the scope of god (or at least Christianity). p.s. Carnuth, you rock- ZERO MASS

hey hey, you guys are generalizing! Christianity, Islam, and Judaism arent the only religions! No Logic, Reason, or Compassion?! You cant just say ALL religion is ridiculous. There IS such a thing as a good christian, a good muslim, a good jew, etc. Dont believe in something so blindly that you count out all possbilities.
Zero Mass,

What was that one thing? Not believing in god! And for that he is dirty and must spend eternity in hell even though he led a better life than Joe did? Holy Crap, you wrote more stuff, hold on...
No, it wasn't just not believing in God. He simply did something wrong.

Ok, so religion is the soap we use to wash away our sins. SO, Joe can do anything in this mortal realm as long as sometime before he dies he finds god and scrubs up for his appearance before saint peter?
So Joe (that bad, bad boy) can rape, kill, steal, destroy, and denounce god for the sham that he is for like forty years, then spend some time repenting and god will forgive him and reward him with eternity in "paradise"???
I thought religion was supposed to be like a moral code for a people to live by to help keep order in the world. You make it out that it allows anything as long as you repent for it. What’s this? You wrote more...
If Joe is filled with God, how can he do all those things that you said he can? Besides, read Romans 6 again... How many times do I have to post the same verses until you get it?

Dumbfounded...I guess this is the crap that you people like to preach though. In my world, KILLING PEOPLE IS WRONG, it? THE worst thing you can ever do. Please tell me where you live, so I can stay far, far away in peace where people don't think that it's cool that they kill one another.
Who said killing is "cool"!?!?!? You are twisting it again! That's ridiculous and immature!

Cancer, right. Well TruthSeeker, I'm glad you at least didn't use the AIDS as your example. Btw, what does Christianity say about homosexuals gaining admittance into heaven? Just curious.
What about it? They repent, accept Christ in their hearts, stop sinning, then go to Heaven. That's it.:bugeye:

Ok, so he didn't have cancer, but he did have cancer. Right, I got it, continue... (totally mocking you there, holy crap I rule)
Oh my God... You are being immature again...:rolleyes:
He didn't have, but then he got it. What? Everyone that has cancer has had cancer since they were little babies?:bugeye:

How is this not the same as your previous example? And what exactly do you mean by "dangerous"?
b/c Andy helped people out in life and never hurt anybody? Yeah, that’s what I call dangerous. Especially when there are people like Joe (*see above) to compare Andy to in society.
Whom do you fear more?
A Killer or an Atheist?
An atheist of course. Read what you wrote. You are way too immature...
QUOTE]Originally posted by TruthSeeker
No, it wasn't just not believing in God. He simply did something wrong.[/QUOTE]

What did he do that was wrong other than not believing in the myth that you believe in?

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
If Joe is filled with God, how can he do all those things that you said he can? Besides, read Romans 6 again... How many times do I have to post the same verses until you get it?

Can't he kill a lot of people then find god? Then he would be accepted into heaven, correct? That is what I was trying to point out, that god forgives sins no matter what the person did on earth.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Who said killing is "cool"!?!?!? You are twisting it again! That's ridiculous and immature!

I think you said god said it was cool, as long as you repent and accept Christ into your heart after the act. You can be forgiven when you repent, then you are accepted into gods kingdom and spend all eternity in heaven with him. Isn't that what the latter part of Romans 6 says?
I totally agree, that is ridiculous and immature...and crap.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
What about it? They repent, accept Christ in their hearts, stop sinning, then go to Heaven. That's it.:bugeye:

So you think homosexuality is a sin that must be repented before one gains acceptance into heaven? Can I ask you why you believe homosexuality to be a sin?

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Oh my God... You are being immature again...
He didn't have, but then he got it. What? Everyone that has cancer has had cancer since they were little babies?

I am being immature there; I thought it was pretty funny.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
An atheist of course. Read what you wrote. You are way too immature...

Who would you rather invite into your home? A killer or an Atheist? Let’s use the example, Andy or Joe?

And answer this, how is Andy the Atheist more "dangerous" than Joe the KILLER (that means he kills people)?

In response to your repeated accusation that I am immature, well, I am, but its b/c you're talking about fairy tales and using childish reason in place of logic that my maturity level has decreased, crapface.

Zero Mass,

What did he do that was wrong other than not believing in the myth that you believe in?
I don't know. What I do know is that it is impossible to live a perfect life...:eek:

Can't he kill a lot of people then find god? Then he would be accepted into heaven, correct? That is what I was trying to point out, that god forgives sins no matter what the person did on earth.

I think you said god said it was cool, as long as you repent and accept Christ into your heart after the act. You can be forgiven when you repent, then you are accepted into gods kingdom and spend all eternity in heaven with him. Isn't that what the latter part of Romans 6 says?
It is not "cool". It is ok to be forgiven after repenting.
Romans 6 basically say that we are forgiven, and also advises us not to sin anymore because we are free from sin. If you understand this concept (free from sin) then you are able to understand God's forgiveness.

I totally agree, that is ridiculous and immature...and crap.
You know I'm talking about what you are saying.

So you think homosexuality is a sin that must be repented before one gains acceptance into heaven? Can I ask you why you believe homosexuality to be a sin?
Not healthy, not natural,....

Who would you rather invite into your home? A killer or an Atheist? Let’s use the example, Andy or Joe?
If Joe is seeking God and is repented, certainly Joe.

And answer this, how is Andy the Atheist more "dangerous" than Joe the KILLER (that means he kills people)?
If he is an atheist in the sense that wants anyone to believe in God, then he doesn't kill bodies, but worse, he kills souls.

In response to your repeated accusation that I am immature, well, I am, but its b/c you're talking about fairy tales and using childish reason in place of logic that my maturity level has decreased, crapface.
A mature person is never immature, not even in this kind of situation.

Your morals and ideas are good on paper, but are very unrealistic in real life. Its just nonsensical if you re-read what you just wrote, particularly:

1) An aethist is more dangerous than a murderer

2) Homosexuality being unnatural , its genetic! i dont see anything more natural than genetics, and according to the bible, god created people which includes our DNA which in itself contains the potential for people being homosexual

3) And you would trust a murderer in your home more than someone who doesnt want to accept what people tell him, and think for himself about his own creation? Thats a bit naive, you cant trust someone to be truly reformed, at least not in this age sadly.
Thanks Carnuth,
I knew that I couldn't be the only person who thought that TruthSeeker was a little off...
You would rather have a killer in your home than an atheist?
With that kind of intelligence, how have you not died yet?

Because he also believes that God will protect him from anything from nuclear weapons to murderers. If he is killed it is because God needs him in the afterlife.

Now my idea of God... He'd let him be killed as punishment for stupidity.
As you can see from the number of posts I have here I'm brand new so if I make an ass out of myself I hope you all can understand.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
What about it? They repent, accept Christ in their hearts, stop sinning, then go to Heaven. That's it.

Actually in Leviticus 20.13 it says..

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death.

I'm not sure is this what you mean by repenting TruthSeeker? How many homosexuals have you killed? Isn't it a sin to kill another man? Of course this is all old testament stuff so I could be talking out of my ass here.

One final thing I personally don't believe in Hell so in your examples given before I believe both Andy and Joe will go to heaven. Can anyone accept the possibility that all people go to heaven when they die? Certainly an all loving god could not be so harsh as to make his children rot forever in a place like hell?

Just a thought anyways..

Inviting an atheist into your home is more dangerous than inviting a murderer? Come on now.

If your faith and religion was really solid, surely it should easily stand up to any challenge put by an atheist?
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
The rules:
None. Yes, there is absolutly no rules. God does advise us to Love one another but if you screw up He doesn't condemn you at all.
That's not what Jesus said:

Matthew 5:17 - 19
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Luke 16:16 - 18
"The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. "But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail.

Nor is it what Paul said:

Romans 2:12-16
For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law; for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.

For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.

Christianism is about New Testament and NOT Old Testament:
So what is written in the Old Testament has nothing to do with us.
See above.

Christianism is about New Testament and NOT Old Testament:
So what is written in the Old Testament has nothing to do with us.

Well like i said is the old testament talking about a different god? Is it just fake writing or what?
Let’s continue the discussion of Andy & Joe, and hopefully into a perspective which can be easily understood. Let’s make them brothers & their father is the richest man in town.

Andy does all the good deeds, helps people, & is considered a good man. But Andy does not want to know his father & has not spoken to him since leaving home. Andy hates his father, wants no reconciliation, and wants nothing to do with him.

Joe murdered someone & is serving the time for the crime. Joe repented, & has asked his father’s forgiveness. Joe loves his father & is ashamed of what he did.

What should the father do about his sons?

1) An aethist is more dangerous than a murderer
If he kills souls it is true.

2) Homosexuality being unnatural , its genetic! i dont see anything more natural than genetics, and according to the bible, god created people which includes our DNA which in itself contains the potential for people being homosexual
SIn also become genetic through Adam.

3) And you would trust a murderer in your home more than someone who doesnt want to accept what people tell him, and think for himself about his own creation? Thats a bit naive, you cant trust someone to be truly reformed, at least not in this age sadly.
No weapon shall prosper against me. Yes, sadly it seems hard for someone to be reformed in this age... but people can really repent, you know?

Because he also believes that God will protect him from anything from nuclear weapons to murderers. If he is killed it is because God needs him in the afterlife.
Why would God need me?

Now my idea of God... He'd let him be killed as punishment for stupidity.
You still don't know the "punishment" for stupidity...:bugeye:

Welcome :)
Actually in Leviticus 20.13 it says..
Old Testament.
Christianism is about New Testament and NOT Old Testament:
So what is written in the Old Testament has nothing to do with us.
And the real tranlation for that would be:
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall die [or "shall be dead]."
Because "the wages of sin is death". It is something that occurs naturally. The Law of God was desgined tpo mantain people alive. That's why it is written so many times "shal die" or "shalle be put to death", or whatever. The point is that death is a natural result of sin, not something that should be actually done.

I'm not sure is this what you mean by repenting TruthSeeker? How many homosexuals have you killed? Isn't it a sin to kill another man? Of course this is all old testament stuff so I could be talking out of my ass here.
It is a sin to kill. But read above for an explanation about the Law.

One final thing I personally don't believe in Hell so in your examples given before I believe both Andy and Joe will go to heaven. Can anyone accept the possibility that all people go to heaven when they die? Certainly an all loving god could not be so harsh as to make his children rot forever in a place like hell?
Depends what hell is and who make the choice...
James R,

If your faith and religion was really solid, surely it should easily stand up to any challenge put by an atheist?
You are right. I'm not there yet. I'm still working on my faith and I'm still learning lots about the Word of God. But someday, if I can stand being in this situation, I will get there...
Christianism is about New Testament and NOT Old Testament:
So what is written in the Old Testament has nothing to do with us.

For the third ignored time now..... I fail to see how something written by YOUR God has nothing to do with you.

I also wonder why you would consider an athiest as 'worse than a murderer'. You stated: If he kills souls........ Who's souls are you referring to? You know the real undeniable truth so why would you be scared souls would be killed. He therefore wouldn't be killing the souls of religious folk who know the truth- he would only be killing the souls of other athiests who are blind to the truth and do exactly the same as he does. So.... how can an athiest be 'worse than a murderer'? It is becoming all the more apparent you are 'confused'. You think you can answer your confusion by putting everything you have into one singular belief. The problems arise when you can't answer questions relating to that. I can sense that deep inside the subconcious is aware that you don't really believe that which your concious mind is hanging onto for dear life. It is that inner thought/outer thought conflict that is causing your confusions in life. Think i'm wrong? Prove it.