What is time??

You have to give time physics just like everything else.

The dipping bird machine is quite similar to time. The bird takes in water, lifts back from the flow, loses weight, and leans forwards again. If the water was electrons, it is creating quite a precise electron flow without the knowledge of mathematics.

Our Universe is in a dynamic-equilibrium . Thats why things are moving or dynamic. Time is just passive , in this dynamics .
Our Universe is in a dynamic-equilibrium . Thats why things are moving or dynamic. Time is just passive , in this dynamics .

All you have to do really is think about the clocks slowing down, and put in the physics that would do that. But you have to make sure that those physics and not just bodged in, they have to be part of the physics that were already there.
All you have to do really is think about the clocks slowing down, and put in the physics that would do that. But you have to make sure that those physics and not just bodged in, they have to be part of the physics that were already there.
The effect of ' relative speed between two layers of space ' ; also can slow down a clock . We can not deny this very fact/reality .
True True Right. These propagating layers will have relative speed ; which will cause dragging effect . This dragging effect may slow down the clock .

Dragging is a high level physical example. Dragging is made from many lower level physics. Really you have to break dragging down to its simplest starting point. One of them is pressure, and pressure slows down the clocks. You can break pressure down as well, but then it turns into my theory.
Dragging is a high level physical example. Dragging is made from many lower level physics. Really you have to break dragging down to its simplest starting point. One of them is pressure, and pressure slows down the clocks.
But pressure is not time . Or is it ?
Some interaction between mass and space is happenning .

Lots of interaction happen between mass, and space. But when you fold the interaction over they are hidden. Like a tank track, or a wheel. The bottom part of the wheel, or the tank track interact, but the interaction is formulated as a stationary base area relative to the Earth. So the axle, and the bottom of the wheel add up to 0, or the top of the track, and the bottom add up to zero. All things on the moon fall at the same speed. So what you have is a fold that equals zero, but one side has an effect, and the other side has a negative effect. Polarized.
Lots of interaction happen between mass, and space. But when you fold the interaction over they are hidden. Like a tank track, or a wheel. The bottom part of the wheel, or the tank track interact, but the interaction is formulated as a stationary base area relative to the Earth. So the axle, and the bottom of the wheel add up to 0, or the top of the track, and the bottom add up to zero. All things on the moon fall at the same speed. So what you have is a fold that equals zero, but one side has an effect, and the other side has a negative effect. Polarized.
Lot of interactions between mass and space is still some interactions between mass and space ; however way they may interact . How does this interaction , change into time ?
Lot of interactions between mass and space is still some interactions between mass and space ; however way they may interact . How does this interaction , change into time ?

I think you are assuming that time is Past, Present, and Future, which is an English language simplification. Time is Cause and Effect, with positive, and negative effects starting way back at Cause(1). So I travel from A to B in 5 minutes is really a bunch of causes leading to a bunch of effects. And 5 minutes is the final effect number which might be Effect(1 billion)
I think you are assuming that time is Past, Present, and Future, which is an English language simplification. Time is Cause and Effect, with positive, and negative effects starting way back at Cause(1). So I travel from A to B in 5 minutes is really a bunch of causes leading to a bunch of effects. And 5 minutes is the final effect number which might be Effect(1 billion)
At every moment some events are happening . These events are bound by the Laws of 'cause and effect' . How time itself is an event ?
At every moment some events are happening . These events are bound by the Laws of 'cause and effect' . How time itself is an event ?

Not all physical laws have a cause that we have calculated. The cause that we never calculate is scale of fundamental particles. Why are they a certain size? What causes a fundamental particle to choose a scale? I mean, they are made from nothing but themselves, so they could be any size without cause. The scale of fundamental particles is most likely a restriction of pressure, that they have nowhere to scale to anymore. If fundamental particles have reached a restriction that's all we need as the first cause of time.