What is the ultimate goal of religion?


Does that mean to give them foolish stories and false hopes of what is after death by making them think they are buying heaven by continuing to put $$$ in that little envelope?


Yes. Exactly.

Putting the $$$ in that little envelope (or plate) is the church's idea. But Man is aware of death, and afraid of it. All religion deals with the aftermath of death, and tries to calm man's fears with hope.

Since EVERYTHING which lives dies, death could be looked at as the cumulation of life. I can't see why that would be feared, but that's just my pov.
First of all, to define "religion" -- it is the organized cultivation of a collective orientation toward transcendence ("transcendence" as understood more or less in agreement by the people coming together in this organization).

Secondly, in light of the above definition, we have the historical process -- chiefly achieved by the modern West -- of secularization, by which over time religion has been disentangled, to a great degree (but not with the absolutist utopian perfection certain atheists and Communists might yearn for) from sociopolitics.

So, the ultimate goal of religion is to orient a community (or sub-community) of people toward transcendence as they see it, with the least disorder caused to the surrounding society according to the modern secular paradigm.

All religions today except Islam (along with a smattering of tiny cults barely worth notice) comport with this prescription.
No idea, thats how I know its a sham. But, its no reason not believe in God.

People do not look for reasons not to not believe in God.
They look for reasons to believe in him.
Those of intelligence who do not find anything concrete will not.
Faith without facts is for fools.

Yes. Exactly.

Putting the $$$ in that little envelope (or plate) is the church's idea. But Man is aware of death, and afraid of it. All religion deals with the aftermath of death, and tries to calm man's fears with hope.

Since EVERYTHING which lives dies, death could be looked at as the cumulation of life. I can't see why that would be feared, but that's just my pov.

Same page friend.

One good saying that came out of religion was something telling us to worry about things we can do something about and ignore things that we cannot.
To live in fear of an unknown is to my mind a silly way to go through life.
I do not look forward to my death but I certainly do not loose any sleep about it.

First of all, to define "religion" -- it is the organized cultivation of a collective orientation toward transcendence ("transcendence" as understood more or less in agreement by the people coming together in this organization).

Secondly, in light of the above definition, we have the historical process -- chiefly achieved by the modern West -- of secularization, by which over time religion has been disentangled, to a great degree (but not with the absolutist utopian perfection certain atheists and Communists might yearn for) from sociopolitics.

So, the ultimate goal of religion is to orient a community (or sub-community) of people toward transcendence as they see it, with the least disorder caused to the surrounding society according to the modern secular paradigm.

All religions today except Islam (along with a smattering of tiny cults barely worth notice) comport with this prescription.

There are exception. Have you noted how religions continue to fight secular law in terms of the equality of women and acceptance of Gays.
Especially on the later, they fight hard against civilization.

Yes. Exactly.

Putting the $$$ in that little envelope (or plate) is the church's idea. But Man is aware of death, and afraid of it. All religion deals with the aftermath of death, and tries to calm man's fears with hope.

Since EVERYTHING which lives dies, death could be looked at as the cumulation of life. I can't see why that would be feared, but that's just my pov.

Perhaps man wasn't so afraid of death until religion established the heaven vs hell paradigm. By creating this "problem" (or maybe just taking advantage of an existing one,) you can then sell the solution.

  • you will die and go to hell unless you come to me for salvation
  • you will get sick and die unless you come to me for vaccination
  • your childrens teeth will rot if you don't pay me to add flouride to your water
  • your economy will die if you don't pay the banks $trillions

It's a great racket if you can get into it!
There are exception. Have you noted how religions continue to fight secular law in terms of the equality of women and acceptance of Gays.
Especially on the later, they fight hard against civilization.


In the West, only a small minority of Christians are anti-gay. Most churches (look up the National Council of Churches which represents hundreds of churches and dozens of different denominations -- they are very liberal on a variety of social issues, and support ordination of female ministers and rabbis, as well as gay clergy; etc.) in the West are PC MC (politically correct multi-culturalists).
In the West, only a small minority of Christians are anti-gay. Most churches (look up the National Council of Churches which represents hundreds of churches and dozens of different denominations -- they are very liberal on a variety of social issues, and support ordination of female ministers and rabbis, as well as gay clergy; etc.) in the West are PC MC (politically correct multi-culturalists).

Are you aware of the California vote not too long ago?

Is Gay marriage legal in the U S, a Christian nation?

Don't ask, don't tell.

  • you will die and go to hell unless you come to me for salvation
  • you will get sick and die unless you come to me for vaccination
  • your childrens teeth will rot if you don't pay me to add flouride to your water
  • your economy will die if you don't pay the banks $trillions
none of those things are the churches call.

It's a great racket if you can get into it!

i don't know..i think this is a 'grass is always greener' attitude..i think reality makes it hard.
What is the ultimate goal of religion?

Is it behavior control?
If yes, in what sense?
If no, why not?

Is it behavour control Yes

If Yes Why
Well what time in history do you want to start with and we will leave the bible out of this as it is just a collection of point affirming stories collected by the church and published by the church to control the masses so it could make money and become stronger then the ruler of the time. This goes for every religion, all a religion is a socially acceptible gang, cult, gathering of like minded people to further there own goals and give comfort to each other. Oh and BTW get more money for the church so they can continue to "Help" people to be come like minded like they are.

I think that about sums it up there could be more to add but I think this is a good start.
You asked: "What is the ultimate goal of religion?" Why is this question so hard to answer?

Because Religion = theology + much more
Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia).
A am also the author of a FREE ONLINE book entitled “Diary of a Former Communist: Thoughts, Feelings, Reality.”


It is a testimony based on a diary kept between 1946 and 2004 (in the USSR, Poland, France and the USA). Share this link (to this little-known book) with others. Thank you in advance.