What is the ultimate goal of religion?

MekiGal, why do you put a space after your punctuation?

That was how I first leaned it . Me wife said I should take it out , but Me dyslexia told Me to leave it , No I leave it out and think maybe she was right or you could think of it as a first middle and last name all in one .

Or are you talking about the way I write. I don't know . It makes it Easier for Me to read I think . Words get jumbled together in my mind so more separation is always better , Besides that I have a lazy left eye so that might contribute.

I guess in the end it is a quirk . I am Quirky
You're talking like a child. Not just that example but i have to tell you i see a level of immaturity in your posts that is kind of child-like.

Realy? Good.

Jesus did like children and their thinking better than you so called adults.

Is the following quote truth or something else?

I think it a good example of thinking in terms of evolving perfection.
Can you refute it?
If so, have at me and teach this child something.


"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”


I believe the world is going along quite nicely thanks and would let things progress as is
Slavery is practically gone .but what would you do with all the wars that we continuously have since old times

You see the Godhead I believe in did not screw up creation the way you think your God did even as scripture tells you that he creates all things perfect. You believe that that perfect became imperfect while I see evolving perfection all around.

Yhe scripture say many thins that God probably did not say , many things man say in the name of God , example Hitler ( Gott mit uns )
I think that a religion is started for many different reasons that are essentially altruistic. However, once the religion matures it appears that the main goal begins to parallel the goal of life, which is to survive. I think that is why all religions change over time, so they remain relevant, even though they all preach that their laws are immutable.
What is the ultimate goal of religion?

Is it behavior control?
If yes, in what sense?
If no, why not?

I think it is happiness. Promises of which lead people to do whatever is necessary...
Varies from religion to religion but generally to help mankind lead a better life by providing a guidebook or a set of rules which generally were indoctrinated in ancient times when the indoctrinators themselves didn't have sufficient knowledge or awareness to what might work best. Over the years, they have been simply modified or maybe altered to empower their particular religion over others than mankind itself.

this is a good answer..i was gonna say something like it..but now that you have..i don't need to..;)
But it is what it has become and that's what he asked, the ultimate goal.

That's not the goal of the religion, religion is just a tool. That's the goal of the fundamentalists who control it and exercise power through it.

I think, by looking at his question, or by reading his question, he originally meant to ask, why was religion established, what was the point of it?
Not what's it goal today.

I couldn't exactly watch the video because my IE is throwing up crap as I open up YouTube but my point is , without a set of guiding principles or civilizing, humans would be savage. What religion does is basically provide a common framework of rules. Now suppose there was no such framework, all the parents in the world would be disoriented over what to teach to their children and what not to. It would be chaotic. There would be hundreds of contrasting opinions over what is right and what is not because each individual would feel that he or she was right this way. So it would be chaotic. Religion enables us to make mankind more manageable in this way.
Man really needs a common set of guiding principles to to govern himself better. I am not saying that all of the principles are righteous but they pretty much do the job. Because mostly they emphasize on kindness, and respect and tolerance, which is exactly what is needed.
The ultimate goal is to give the clergy a living and status, behavior control is a means to that end.

But the reason religion is still big today is because monarchs that claimed they are appointed by god supported its spread.
What is the ultimate goal of religion?

Is it behavior control?
If yes, in what sense?
If no, why not?

...who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?

Wasn't it Voltaire who said, if God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him?
Yhe scripture say many thins that God probably did not say , many things man say in the name of God , example Hitler ( Gott mit uns )

You are correct. Hitler and I would add the Church.
Since God has no head or mouth he cannot say anything.
All that is written has been done so by man. Not some imaginary God.

I think that a religion is started for many different reasons that are essentially altruistic. However, once the religion matures it appears that the main goal begins to parallel the goal of life, which is to survive. I think that is why all religions change over time, so they remain relevant, even though they all preach that their laws are immutable.

Relevant to those who want to live in a world of fantasy, miracles and magic and use religion as an outlet for the hate in their hearts.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

I couldn't exactly watch the video because my IE is throwing up crap as I open up YouTube but my point is , without a set of guiding principles or civilizing, humans would be savage. What religion does is basically provide a common framework of rules. Now suppose there was no such framework, all the parents in the world would be disoriented over what to teach to their children and what not to. It would be chaotic. There would be hundreds of contrasting opinions over what is right and what is not because each individual would feel that he or she was right this way. So it would be chaotic. Religion enables us to make mankind more manageable in this way.
Man really needs a common set of guiding principles to to govern himself better. I am not saying that all of the principles are righteous but they pretty much do the job. Because mostly they emphasize on kindness, and respect and tolerance, which is exactly what is needed.

Yep. no contrasting opinions in the myriad of different Christian sects at each others throats.

Yep, good and loving rules.


Truth is, God's laws have been ignored for many years now and replaced by better secular laws. Thank God for that.

One religion makes you tell its priests what you want thier god to know to help move that prayer along, now there's a twister of reason for you.:mad:
Etymologically religion MIGHT mean re-ligare, to bind together again. In other languages it means simply LAW (wikipedia).

Anyway. I 'believe' the ultimate goal of ALL religion is to reconnect Man with Reality; we (poor, unenlighted beings - unlike the great founders of religions (peace be upon them)) live in an awfully subjective prison of conditioning and habits which have very little to do with what is actually going on 'out there'.

Things, included religions, will deviate from it's course in our world if not it is consciously kept in place (according to LAW) and Holy Writs cannot hold anything other than what is in our own heads already - right?
But if someone KNOWS (who has learned from someone who KNOWS, back to the Founders and to the Objective Reality (GOD?)) it is possible to acquire the keys to unlock the mysteries of the books.

So let's say there are 2 streams of religion: the corrupted, comforting public version and the elusive tradition which is transferred by word of mouth - but offers very uncomfortable truths.

All this is of course not my own thoughts, but this information and more was brought to the 'west' the last century.

Was that clear?
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Etymologically religion MIGHT mean re-ligare, to bind together again. In other languages it means simply LAW (wikipedia).

Anyway. I 'believe' the ultimate goal of ALL religion is to reconnect Man with Reality; ?

Strange then that the Abrahamic religions, Christianity and Islam, offer a bible that begins with a talking snake and ends with a seven headed monster.
Yep. That book has connected many a delusional man with reality. Oh wait, it created delusionary men. WTF.

You only get out of these writs what you put into them.
Personaly I don't read myths and religious text litterally since Reality cannot be 'downloaded' into text format, other than through allegory, myth and other 'fingers pointing to the moon' (i.e studying the finger doesn't say much about the moon).

Do you think Moses saw burning bushes, and that Jesus raised people from the dead? :p

What are these fingers pointing at?
What is the ultimate goal of religion?

Is it behavior control?
If yes, in what sense?
If no, why not?

As a Christian it is not behaviour control.

As far as i am concerned, It is establishing and maintenance of a positive relationship between a human being and God.

A positive behaviour change will result out of a positive relationship with God but never 100% control. There will be an improvement but always relapses and areas where improvement is not as good as others.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You are correct. Hitler and I would add the Church.
Since God has no head or mouth he cannot say anything.
All that is written has been done so by man. Not some imaginary God.



Who are you to say imaginary, what might be imaginary for you might be different to others . Are you the final authority ?
There are things which affected me in my life, Am I supposed to say it is imaginary, I believe I am just as good as you to find an explanation.