What is the ultimate goal of religion?

I'm a little concerned with all those saying the goal / purpose of religion is to control others and set up a system of hierarchies that benefit the established authority at the expense of the 'brainwashed' masses. That is a very reductive, overly simplified, and conspiratorial line of thinking. I have a hard time believing that any religion was set up with the express purpose of power and control (with perhaps the exception of Scientology, which many would argue is not a religion). I'm curious how many of you feel comfortable using a corruption of the system as evidence of its true purpose. The current political system in America may be deeply flawed (according to the opinion of some), but that does not mean it is what the original writers of the constitution had in mind. That may be a poor analogy, but I think the point is clear.

With that said, I think the "goal" of religion (I hesitate to use that word because of the connotations it may conjure) is to connect human beings, both on an individual and collective basis, with something beyond their own experience in order to improve the lives of those individuals/societies while preventing them from engaging in damaging behavior (again, both individually and collectively). This may manifest itself in an emphasis on connecting to a divine consciousness, the earth, deep compassion for others' suffering, or any number of other messages at the core of the world's religions. When left uncorrupted, this system of belief can be a very effective and beautiful impulse, containing a lot of wisdom. However, as history has shown us, we humans have a tendency to allow even those things that religion is meant to warn us against and keep us away from to seep into those structures. But this is not the fault of religion. Take, for one oft-cited example, the horror perpetrated by the Christian church throughout the middle ages and its vast power structures and hierarchies. This was a result of Christianity being adopted into the existing imperial Roman power structures, which themselves were quite corrupt and propagandistic. And yet few people criticize the Roman Empire today for the same actions. In fact, it is viewed in an almost admirable, or at least interesting, light.

I'm curious what others think.
What is the ultimate goal of religion?

Is it behavior control?
If yes, in what sense?
If no, why not?

The ultimate goal of religion is to guide the human being way of meeting his creator i.e. by performing his duties on Earth which is to serve the suffering souls and help the needy ones etc. And all the while his stay on Earth follow the right way of living i.e living a noble life.

It is somewhat behavioral improvement to behave in a supreme manner to achieve his final goal of finding almighty all the while performing his earthly duties as well.

Who are you to say imaginary, what might be imaginary for you might be different to others . Are you the final authority ?
There are things which affected me in my life, Am I supposed to say it is imaginary, I believe I am just as good as you to find an explanation.

If you seek God then yes. If you have settled for a wish list God then no.


If you were as good as I, then you too would have had an apotheosis.

The ultimate goal of religion is to make people feel good. It's a simple pleasure seeking/ pain avoidance paradigm.
another person that just doesn't get that christians are ppl too and as such each one holds their own opinion.

One thing that puts numerous Christians into one group is that they (ie. the people who call themselves "Christians")
don't get that non-Christians are people, not robots. :rolleyes:

You cannot talk about things like eternal damnation and Absolute Truth and consider them mere opinions.
One thing that puts numerous Christians into one group is that they (ie. the people who call themselves "Christians")
don't get that non-Christians are people, not robots. :rolleyes:
argument applies to both sides..

You cannot talk about things like eternal damnation and Absolute Truth and consider them mere opinions.
why not? atheist do..
and then when a christian does talk about eternal damnation and Absolute truth as a definitive answer,you would argue with them about it being definitive..

its like you (an atheist) wants to define what a christian is in a way that you can argue and dismiss.
argument applies to both sides..

It does not. It is the Christians who directly or indirectly claim superiority.
The playing field is not even, nor are the stakes.

why not? atheist do..

What are you talking about?
Atheists don't threaten people with eternal damnation if they don't do as atheists tell them.
Christians, however, do threaten people with eternal damnation if they don't do as the Christians tell them.

and then when a christian does talk about eternal damnation and Absolute truth as a definitive answer,you would argue with them about it being definitive..

its like you (an atheist) wants to define what a christian is in a way that you can argue and dismiss.

You are again playing the victim.
You, the one who considers himself superior, is again playing the victim.
Poor you.

If you, or anyone, claim to know the Absolute Truth, expect to be subjected to scrutiny.

But you seem to think that because of you being a Christian, you are somehow to be exempt from this scrutiny.

You want your religion to be respected, and to be respected on your terms. And you want the right not to respect others.

And you think this will just work out?

Think again.
It does not. It is the Christians who directly or indirectly claim superiority.
The playing field is not even, nor are the stakes.
both sides claim superiority,both sides claim they alone hold the answer..

don't get that non-Christians are people, not robots

christians are also not robots..(not arguing about how they are,just how they are supposed to be..IE indoctrination vs personal experiences)

You cannot talk about things like eternal damnation and Absolute Truth and consider them mere opinions.
why not? atheist do.
What are you talking about?
atheist consider those thing personal opinion, and not absolute.

Atheists don't threaten people with eternal damnation if they don't do as atheists tell them.
no atheists threaten 'delusion' 'fantasy world', and get quite upset with ppl who suggest that there is a God..

Christians, however, do threaten people with eternal damnation if they don't do as the Christians tell them.

human nature..this is not just a christian thing..'believe as i do', every human has this desire, not just Christians..

You are again playing the victim.
You, the one who considers himself superior, is again playing the victim.
Poor you.
nope..i am claiming atheist and theist are just as susceptible to their own humanity as the other..there is no 'better' group when the argument comes down to who is better..

If you, or anyone, claim to know the Absolute Truth, expect to be subjected to scrutiny.
test all things, hold on to what is good..
most Christians will miss this verse..Most (not all) are to eager to accept someone telling them what do do when it comes to matters of God..ppl (even atheist) are looking for a human authority when it comes to God, what both groups don't realize is how often the bible speaks of us being our own authority..

But you seem to think that because of you being a Christian, you are somehow to be exempt from this scrutiny.
nope..just 'red flagging' your own responsibility to scrutinize your own comments..

You want your religion to be respected, and to be respected on your terms. And you want the right not to respect others.
case in point..the use of the word 'you'..are you talking about me personally? or are you arguing against you own ideals of what a Christian is?
or are you just trying to make yourself feel better to lump all the bad qualities of life into a specific group of ppl?

i personally have argued for a separation of 'Religion' from 'God'
religion is mans ideals of God, i seriously doubt Religion is Gods ideal for Men.

And you think this will just work out?
Think again.
i think you need to think about where your knowledge about God comes from, and scrutinize your own ideals about who/what God is.
ain't no one else but you gonna convince you as to whether he exists or not.
The ultimate goal of religion is whatever the person with the religion wants it to be. From tyrannical world domination to hippie like goals.

Love and peace :yay:
Judging from experience with people who claim to be theists,
the ultimate goal of religion is
to destroy anyone who doesn't think, feel, talk and do like the theist.
The ultimate goal of religion varies immensely from religion to religion. The ultimate goal of Christianity is to be saved from sin, for example. The ultimate goal of Islam is to submit to the will of God. The ultimate goal of Hinduism is to break out of the chain of reincarnation.
The ultimate goal of religion is to make people feel good. It's a simple pleasure seeking/ pain avoidance paradigm.

That is quite wrong.

For many people, religion is not a comfort. It actually introduces worry into their lives that might otherwise not have been there. This is particularly the case with tribal religions that often have mischievous or melevolent spirits who must be appeased by mere mortals.

For another example, look at the gods of ancient Greece. Do you really think that knowing that Zeus and Poseidon and the rest were out in the world acting out their godlike whims was a comfort to people? No. People went to a lot of time and effort to try to make sure that they did not upset the capricious gods. I wouldn't say their religion made them feel good.
The ultimate goal of religion is to make people feel good. It's a simple pleasure seeking/ pain avoidance paradigm.

Yes but their pleasure seeking creates victim's.
Even within their own church. Note the child abuse.


African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.
I think the ultimate goal of religion (not necessarily churches) is to reconcile people with the awarness of their impending death.
I think the ultimate goal of religion (not necessarily churches) is to reconcile people with the awarness of their impending death.


Does that mean to give them foolish stories and false hopes of what is after death by making them think they are buying heaven by continuing to put $$$ in that little envelope?
