What is the strongest atheist argument?


Atheists like Norsefire are obssessed with straw men and theists's "weakest arguments" because, let's be realistic, the only chance atheists have to win a religious debate is by identifying the weakest known arguments.

So my question is, what is the strongest atheist argument for the nonexistence of God?

The argument that something can miraculously and magically come from nothing in blatant violation of every known law of science would seem to be the strongest atheist argument. I would like to hear your thoughts.
The argument that something can miraculously and magically come from nothing in blatant violation of every known law of science would seem to be the strongest atheist argument. I would like to hear your thoughts.
So atheists deny the big bang as well? :rolleyes:

Atheists, bound to the whim of science, know that they offer no logical explanation for the First Cause; that is, the motive or occurrence which paved the way for the universe we dwell in today. They have no answer, and they never will. It kills them on the inside.


Atheists, bound to the whim of science, know that they offer no logical explanation for the First Cause; that is, the motive or occurrence which paved the way for the universe we dwell in today. They have no answer, and they never will. It kills them on the inside.

I agree 100%.
Atheists, bound to the whim of science, know that they offer no logical explanation for the First Cause; that is, the motive or occurrence which paved the way for the universe we dwell in today. They have no answer, and they never will. It kills them on the inside.

Silly, in the extreme.

But, here's a list of other bad predictions - Kadark will most likely join them. :D

So my question is, what is the strongest atheist argument for the nonexistence of God?

I think arguing about the existence or non-existence of God is a futile endeavor. A negative cannot be proven; and all the other atheist arguments for the non-existence of God require that one more or less directly asserts omniscience. (And no decent person is going to assert that one is omniscient.)

However, questions like
"What is the strongest atheist argument for the uselessness of belief in God?"
"What is the strongest atheist argument for the immorality of belief in God?"
seem far more pertinent.
If there needs to be a first cause, that still doesn't even indicate there could be a God, since the Big Bang shows no order or plan. You would still have to explain how a planner could appear from nothing, a much more unlikely event. Things do come from nothing and disappear back to nothing on a quantum level.

According to present-day understanding of what is called the vacuum state or the quantum vacuum, it is "by no means a simple empty space"[1], and again: "it is a mistake to think of any physical vacuum as some absolutely empty void."[2] According to quantum mechanics, the vacuum state is not truly empty but instead contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of existence. [wikipedia]​

The Big Bang doesn't violate any physical laws, since the energy is roughly balanced by gravitational potential energy, meaning things look just like you would expect if they came from nothing.
I think the strongest atheist argument is the Theory of Evolution. It explains how complexity can come about without a creator.
Atheists like Norsefire are obssessed with straw men and theists's "weakest arguments" because, let's be realistic, the only chance atheists have to win a religious debate is by identifying the weakest known arguments.

Norsefire isn't an Atheist. He's a theist pretending to be agnostic. Also, the concept of a 'religious debate' is kind of silly no?

So my question is, what is the strongest atheist argument for the nonexistence of God?

Anthropomoprhism. It shows that all human claims of 'God' are imaginary.

The argument that something can miraculously and magically come from nothing in blatant violation of every known law of science would seem to be the strongest atheist argument. I would like to hear your thoughts.

Please point out an objective instance of 'nothing'. I bet you can't. Wan't to know why? 'Nothing' (i.e. the absence of everything / anything) isn't real.
Atheists like Norsefire are obssessed with straw men and theists's "weakest arguments" because, let's be realistic, the only chance atheists have to win a religious debate is by identifying the weakest known arguments.

As CC already mentioned, Norsefire is not an atheist or agnostic or anything else other than a theist. He isn't fooling anyone.

So my question is, what is the strongest atheist argument for the nonexistence of God?

The argument never gets further after this question is posed to theists, "Where is your evidence to support your claims?"
As CC already mentioned, Norsefire is not an atheist or agnostic or anything else other than a theist. He isn't fooling anyone.

The argument never gets further after this question is posed to theists, "Where is your evidence to support your claims?"
M*W: Sounds like Norse is afraid of something.
M*W: I think S.A.M. should be removed as moderator. She is so totally biased and does not serve SciForums with the integrity befitting of a mod. Sure, she may have + or - 50,000 posts, but she doesn't say anything worth reading. She's a troll. I don't know how she's made it this far on the forum. She thinks she is untouchable, but she's not. It's a known fact that Muslims lie. They admit it. So now we have a mod that lies. What does that say about SciForums? It's time S.A.M. was ousted from her high horse. When will the PTB wake up and smell the coffee? She can dish it out, but she can't take it. She posts but she doesn't say anything. What a waste!