What is the probability that God exists?

What is your estimate of the probability that God exists?

  • Zero (0%)

    Votes: 18 26.9%
  • 1-10%

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • 11-20%

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • 21-30%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 31-40%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 41-50%

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • 51-60%

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • 61-70%

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • 71-80%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 81-90%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 91-99%

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Certain (100%)

    Votes: 24 35.8%

  • Total voters
Without further ado..

If I look outside myself, I can see but a fraction, infintesimal in dimension, to the myriad of dimensions that exist in this plane of existence.

All the Universe came before me. I am a moment in time, a being, aware of this moment and small moments gone by.

The Universe, its many dimensions, its causes and effects, its energy and its entropy, are the cause of my being.

I am but the effect of many eons of cause and effect.

This Universe, its causes and effects, the entropy of random nature or a design of its intent, created me.

I look deep into the atom, so ordered, so beautifully perfect, repeated perhaps infinitely in the same design, and I cannot forget my own smallness. Of things from chaos born, this atom so well defined betrays all chaos, and it betrays entropy by its multitude and domain, in its perfection.

The laws that define this Universe are the cause of its design. In those laws are the laws of entropy, allowed by laws of order. All we see is born of these laws, by the entropy they encompass, so very near chaos. But, entropy is not chaos.

The source of these laws is God, because I define this to be my God, my Creator, the beginning and the end of all the Universe. And there is nothing we will find to deny this is God, because if this should all cease to exist, so will we. So be it.

The source of all laws of the Universe is God, and all we will percieve of the Universe is the work of those laws, the work of God.

I am 100 percent certain.

<i>Once again, you're ignoring the fact that I consider this to be a meaningless question for the purpose of exploring my beliefs.</i>

Then why respond?

Funny as it may seem, CA, I'm actually not that interested in exploring YOUR personal beliefs in isolation. This thread is intended to get a broad overview of the beliefs of posters on this forum. And, judging by the number of responses so far, few people have had any difficulty answering the question as posed.

<i>Are you calling me a liar, or simply stupid?</i>

Neither. Whatever gave you that idea?



Well, you seem to know what your God is. I assume you also believe he exists.

Shall I put you down for 100%?
look at that wonderful distribution of votes. split like a banana.
everyone seems so sure of themselves. i wonder how everyone found such certain answers that enables them to vote 0% or 100%

either way there's going to be egg on someone's face...:p
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
look at that wonderful distribution of votes. split like a banana.
everyone seems so sure of themselves. i wonder how everyone found such certain answers that enables them to vote 0% or 100%

either way there's going to be egg on someone's face...:p

Nahh...God doesn't throw eggs, not even at atheists <b>;)</b>
I'm curious, what was your vote James R? Sorry if I missed it somewhere in this long thread.

Does it matter what my vote was?

I am interested in the overall statistics - the patterns. Individual data points aren't important except in that they contribute to give an overall picture - which is what this thread is about.
Originally posted by James R

Does it matter what my vote was?

I am interested in the overall statistics - the patterns. Individual data points aren't important except in that they contribute to give an overall picture - which is what this thread is about.

If GOD ..the creator is sound harmonics from the big-bang ..does this not make all other GODS..NULL AND VOID..
I figured that would be your response. James, no it doesn't really matter in the point of the thread, like I said I was just curious. I had just guessed it wasn't 100% or 0%. Trying to see if I had guessed right or not. Sorry if I have deviated from the almighty thread.
hehe almighty get it
God is Spirit in all things and the entirity, without God there would be no creation and without God then neither of us here would have come to be. For even in science the Primary source of all things cannot be pin pointed, but the divertion of Spirit to matter brings the duality which creates all things. Nothing is beyond God as God is the beyond. The present tense, reality is God, but then even these words have gone from God; they are now past. For God is silence and beyond words. Hisd Word is the concept of God's being. Remember God is within and out. For within we know God and those of us that dont know God, dont know that God is brought within us, by faith and love.

The Nazarenes called God in Aramaic, that name was Allah.
I too notice that the vote is a clean split for the most part. It is a very polarized issue. It just goes to show you how polarized our society as a whole is becomming. Note too that the overall effect of the vote is that the voters are split 50/50 in terms of who said God exists and who doesn't.
Cris (correct me if I got this wrong)

What I basically picked up from your post is that their is one chance of there being a god, but an infinite number of other possibilities.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't two of those possibilites:

A. There is a god.
B. There is no god.

So therefore, there is the exact same probability for there being a god, and there being no god.

Or do those both have seperate theories?
I wish there was a less than 1% option, but given the choices I picked 1-10% because I thought it was more important to denote the possibility...

In particular, if you're in the 1-10% category, do you consider yourself an atheist, an agnostic, or what?
Atheist. I lack belief in god.
Re: Cris (correct me if I got this wrong)

Originally posted by YoungWriter
What I basically picked up from your post is that their is one chance of there being a god, but an infinite number of other possibilities.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't two of those possibilites:

A. There is a god.
B. There is no god.

So therefore, there is the exact same probability for there being a god, and there being no god.

Or do those both have seperate theories?

None of this discussion makes any sense if we do not establish..Who or what god is?

What I basically picked up from your post is that their is one chance of there being a god, but an infinite number of other possibilities.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't two of those possibilites:

A. There is a god.
B. There is no god.

So therefore, there is the exact same probability for there being a god, and there being no god.

Or do those both have seperate theories?

Firstly we were not discussing possibilities but probabilities. The criterion for establishing a possibility is quite a different debate.

See my original post, but it's like this - Given an infinite number of ideas with only a comparatively miniscule finite subset mapping to real entities then the probability of randomly selecting an idea from the entire set that matches a real entity is mathematically zero, i.e. 1/infinity.

The idea that there is no God can never map to an entity, since the complete finite set of real entities does not include anything that is absent. I.e. the concept of selecting nothing from a set is a null and redundant choice.

To consider the absence of something rather than the existence then simply take the inverse of 1/infinity and the result will be a 100% probability that god does not exist.

I just hope no real mathematicians show up any time soon.
100% Certain

The idea that there is no God can never map to an entity, since the complete finite set of real entities does not include anything that is absent. I.e. the concept of selecting nothing from a set is a null and redundant choice.
But, if God is everything, your pointless point is null and void, and the set of reality you have defined, is zero.
Re: Re: Cris (correct me if I got this wrong)

Originally posted by IXL777
None of this discussion makes any sense if we do not establish..Who or what god is?
That's what I was thinking. Some people are probably thinking of God as the Christians believe, but wouldn't any higher power count as a god?

Things God could be:
  • God from the Christian religion
  • the colective powers of all spirits in the universe
  • destiny
  • aliens that created humans by cloning something
  • Zeus, Hades, Hera, and other Greek gods
  • Jupiter, Neptune, Mars, and other Roman gods

The possiblities are endless. Someone somewhere might look at a floating log and say "Look it's God!"

I am sure that someone's God exists.

None of this discussion makes any sense if we do not establish..Who or what god is?
It doesn't matter for the math to work since the concept of any god with any definition will include an alleged supernatural component and that has no factual basis but is just an imaginative concept, i.e. just one imaginative idea from an infinite set of such ideas.

But James's original post specifically did not restrict the definition of what god meant. The question covers any definition that people might decide to believe.