What is the PC way for an atheist to express sympathy?

Theoryofrelativity said:
NOTE in most religions (Christianity at least) suicide is a sin, so actually religion can prevent this kind of thing. Suicide bombers are akin to any fanatical nutter and God really has ZERO to do with it. Anyone who truely in their heart believes in God believes killing and suicide are wrong and so would NOT partake in either. The alleged religious who do these things (the warring ones) have an agenda that is nothing to do with God, either that or they are very stupid and brainwashed.

Christianity doesn't really have that many examples of suicide in the name of their god, but certainly killing others in the name of their god, as has been shown throughout history, is something Christians have had no problem with committing.

Your example as C said was stupid, what you quoted as a religios person telling their kid about life and death is NOT what would be told in any circumstance.

I agree, the quote from James was stupid, but that is exactly the stupidity theists exhibit.

Usually the beelif told to kids about after life and heaven is very comforting, ask any kid who lost their hamster where it is...'heaven with the angels' and they are happy in that belief. When theya re older they can decide for themselves if this is the case but as adults they can deal with the truth better.

They may be happy with that belief, but as a parent, are you happy telling them lies?

I have told my 3yr old things die and cease to exist. I have not mentioned any after life or heaven or anything like that. She hasn't asked the question pertaining to herself or me yet but if she does she will told something that brings comfort without being too far into the realms of the unbelievable.

So, will you lie to them or tell them the truth?

I have been scolded for mentioning death to my kids, but I do so in a very untaboo way for the simple reason, death is scary becuase we are taught it is scary by the avoidance of the word when young. My kids will have no such 'taboo' when talking of death and hopefully as a result no fear of it.

Why would you be scolded for talking to your kids about death? If 3 years old, then I can understand they simply might not understand the concept, but is there some other reason?
James R said:
In my experience, many atheists are actually more knowledgable about religion than the people who say they are religious.
This makes perfect sense, in light of the fact that perhaps only 20% of the Bible is ever discussed in Church.

Its in the best interests of the faith to ignore the rest, considering its appalling horrors, how it condones slavery, mass murder, polygamy, animal sacrifice, baby killing, absurdities of all kinds and an uncompromising intolerance of any other views but its own.

Here you go again with your incredibly POOR examples

Again? I thought this was my first one...

NOTE in most religions (Christianity at least) suicide is a sin, so actually religion can prevent this kind of thing. Suicide bombers are akin to any fanatical nutter and God really has ZERO to do with it. Anyone who truely in their heart believes in God believes killing and suicide are wrong and so would NOT partake in either. The alleged religious who do these things (the warring ones) have an agenda that is nothing to do with God, either that or they are very stupid and brainwashed.

Well, I won't argue they are brainwashed, but their brainwashing has a lot to do with religion. To take one example, Muslim suicide bombers are convinced that Allah has paradise ready and waiting for them if they will sacrifice themselves in a Holy War (Jihad) against those who seek to oppress Muslims. To say this has nothing to do with religion is disingenuous.

These people may have religious beliefs which differ from those that others have, but their beliefs are undoubtedly religious.

Your example as C said was stupid, what you quoted as a religios person telling their kid about life and death is NOT what would be told in any circumstance.

I don't think it's far off. You hear people talk all the time about how Bernie went to a "better place" when he died. That belief is comforting to people. However, it can possibly lead them not to value their time on Earth as highly as they might. It might be better to live your life assuming there will be no reward for your death. Don't you think? Or does that take away your hope? Do you need to cling to that belief as a lifeline?

Usually the beelif told to kids about after life and heaven is very comforting, ask any kid who lost their hamster where it is...'heaven with the angels' and they are happy in that belief. When theya re older they can decide for themselves if this is the case but as adults they can deal with the truth better.

It could be argued that you're hiding them from the truth by feeding them a fantasy.
Sarkus said:
The worst is when you receive religious cards expressing sympathy when you yourself are an atheist!
Oh, I know. It's fucking annoying. My grandparent's on my dad's side are Catholic, so...
...except, it wasn't a sympathy card. It was more of a greeting card.

$outh$tar said:
JamesR is a theist?
He certainly acts like it, with his self-blinding moralism.
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I am an atheist who would not feel offended, upset, or annoyed if I received a sympathy (or other type) card with a religious motif. What is the big deal?

I live in a modern technological culture. I do not have to worry about being burnt at the stake or thrown to lions in an arena. I now and then worry about some religious maniac deciding to waste me, but I really expect those types to be gunning for abortionists or others with a higher profile than mine.

I get annoyed with religious types who aggressively try to convert me. I sympathize with theists whose views are aggressively attacked by atheists. Why get upset over a little advertsing of theist views on a sympathy card?

Why is it so difficult to express sympathy without parading atheist views in the process? Many religious types are deeply offended by atheism. Why go out of your way to offend them?