What is the PC way for an atheist to express sympathy?

James R said:
How is her response any better than:

"Don't worry honey, there's an old man who lives in the sky, and after you die you'll go on living with him. So, don't worry about what you do in this life; your real, important life is yet to come. Your life here on Earth is worthless anyway, so don't worry about it."

The woman's response is stupid. Science will not make a man live 200 years. Telling a child she will get tired of living does not give her any hope.

The answer you offered is also stupid, but it's not religious. God is not an old man in the sky, except for people who do not understand the concept. Hope of an afterlife does not mean this life is worthless.

Any fool understands atheism, but it takes years of study to understand one religion. I find it appaling when people criticize religion out of their ignorance of it.
Confutatis said:
The woman's response is stupid. Science will not make a man live 200 years. Telling a child she will get tired of living does not give her any hope.

The answer you offered is also stupid, but it's not religious. God is not an old man in the sky, except for people who do not understand the concept. Hope of an afterlife does not mean this life is worthless.


You took the words right out of my mouth
Confutatis said:
The woman's response is stupid. Science will not make a man live 200 years.

"The view that the sun stands motionless at the center of the universe is foolish, philosophically false, utterly heretical, because contrary to Holy Scripture. The view that the earth is not the center of the universe and even has a daily rotation is philosophically false, and at least an erroneous belief."

-- Holy Office, Roman Catholic Church, ridiculing the scientific analysis that the Earth orbited the Sun in edict of March 5, 1616
Confutatis said:
Any fool understands atheism, but it takes years of study to understand one religion. I find it appaling when people criticize religion out of their ignorance of it.

So, because you claim to know your religion better than others precludes the possibility for them to criticize it?

And what of this ridiculous notion that years of study of one particular religion somehow makes the rest of us ignorant?

As far as atheists are concerned, religion is complete fantasy - hence it is fallacious for anyone to be ignorant of others fantasies.

Of course, anyone who spends years trying to understand those fantasies is a lazy, useless, unproductive blight to society, who should be kicked off their sorry asses.

You've already mentioned that you consider education and productive work some sort of bondage. It's becoming obvious that you would much rather spend time doing nothing with your nose in a bible.

Pathetic, really.
(Q) said:
"The view that the sun stands motionless at the center of the universe is foolish, philosophically false, utterly heretical, because contrary to Holy Scripture. The view that the earth is not the center of the universe and even has a daily rotation is philosophically false, and at least an erroneous belief."

-- Holy Office, Roman Catholic Church, ridiculing the scientific analysis that the Earth orbited the Sun in edict of March 5, 1616

Is your intelligence so limited that you believe science wanted the earth to go around the sun and the Church wanted otherwise? What does your argument have to do with science making it possible for a man to live 200 years, in the lifespan of a child born today?

Your mindless comments only work against your cause. The best thing you could possibly to do promote atheism is to shut up. Fortunately for religion, you won't :D
Confutatis said:
Is your intelligence so limited that you believe science wanted the earth to go around the sun and the Church wanted otherwise? What does your argument have to do with science making it possible for a man to live 200 years, in the lifespan of a child born today?

Sorry, I thought you might have picked up on that quote in that people are shown to be wrong over time, as you will be.

But I suspect that's merely just another notion you've got in your head in which you believe to be the absolute truth.
(Q) said:
Sorry, I thought you might have picked up on that quote in that people are shown to be wrong over time, as you will be.

But I suspect that's merely just another notion you've got in your head in which you believe to be the absolute truth.


Congratulations! You have just become the first member of my ignore list.

Sorry man, life is too short to waste time with your posts. They do not have any content, are often offensive, and seldom consist of anything longer than two sentences.

Bye. It's been a pleasure.
Oops! Nevermind. I just found out Q is a moderator of the forum!

A board moderated by a troll... oh well, life is full of surprises.
Confutatis said:
Oops! Nevermind. I just found out Q is a moderator of the forum!

A board moderated by a troll... oh well, life is full of surprises.

Yep alas I found this out too, it's still easy to ignore him though! I am doing so hence forth. Despite his trolly attempts to draw me out!
Confutatis said:

Congratulations! You have just become the first member of my ignore list.

Sorry man, life is too short to waste time with your posts. They do not have any content, are often offensive, and seldom consist of anything longer than two sentences.

Bye. It's been a pleasure.

Curious, your first post here was on a thread I started, while in your second post, you called me ignorant?

It's also interesting that the majority of the dollop of posts you have here were written in hot pursuit of engaging little ole' me?

So, it begs the question, why did you bother to respond if you found no content? It would appear that someone as snobbish and intellectual as you profess to be would simpy ignore my posts from the get go.

I suspect what really offends you is the fact that you're a deeply religious person and calls to rid the world of religion don't exactly conform to any ideals you might hold, deeply, religiously.

Putting me on your ignore list only serves to support that.

Intolerance and hypocrisy are part and parcel of religion.
Confutatis said:
Oops! Nevermind. I just found out Q is a moderator of the forum!

A board moderated by a troll... oh well, life is full of surprises.

Not to worry, I don't moderate this forum - we are but two peas in a pod here. :D
I think the foloowing is a terrible repsonse to the question raised in this thread.
Nope. You did something that made you feel hypocritical and deceptive. We both know that right and wrong are purely subjective and for you, the wrong action was taken.
How can it be unethical or evil in any way to try to comfort somebody who is grieving?

I am an atheist who does not advertise my view unless it seems pertinent to the current conversation or forum discussion. If somebody just lost a cherished parent, child, spouse, sibling, whatever and was hurting asked me "Do you think the lost person wil go to heaven?' I would lie with a straight face and the most sincere tone of voice I could manage and say "A person as good as that will surely go to heaven."
Gee, I did it again!

Sorry I did not proof read my original for typo's & spelling. I intended to add the following.[
  • I would consider my reply a a bold faced lie, but would not consider it unethical, hypocritical, or otherwise illegal, immoral or fattening. In almost any other circumstance, I would avoid lying or denying my atheistic views.
While I normally believe that ends do not justify means, I cannot believe it is wrong to tell a lie when it I am sure it will comfort a fellow human being and not cause any obvious harm.

Suppose you were a doctor at an accident scene and were certain that a seriously injured person was going to die in the next five minutes. If that person asked about his chances of surviing, would you tell the truth?
Dinosaur said:
Suppose you were a doctor at an accident scene and were certain that a seriously injured person was going to die in the next five minutes. If that person asked about his chances of surviing, would you tell the truth?

The woman's response is stupid. Science will not make a man live 200 years.

How do you know?

Telling a child she will get tired of living does not give her any hope.

How do you know?

The answer you offered is also stupid, but it's not religious. God is not an old man in the sky, except for people who do not understand the concept. Hope of an afterlife does not mean this life is worthless.

Do you really think that all the suicide bombers currently killing themselves and others would do so if they did not believe that they would do on existing in a utopian afterlife?

Any fool understands atheism, but it takes years of study to understand one religion. I find it appaling when people criticize religion out of their ignorance of it.

I think you will find that many atheists were raised religious. In my experience, many atheists are actually more knowledgable about religion than the people who say they are religious. These atheists have spent a lot of time considering the issue from all angles. They have not concentrated on one religious belief to the exclusion of all others, but have evaluated many possible beliefs and discovered commonalities which lead them to doubt that any religion has a monopoly on Truth.
James R said:
Do you really think that all the suicide bombers currently killing themselves and others would do so if they did not believe that they would do on existing in a utopian afterlife?


Here you go again with your incredibly POOR examples

There are just thousands of suicide bobmers around there James, people queing up!

NOTE in most religions (Christianity at least) suicide is a sin, so actually religion can prevent this kind of thing. Suicide bombers are akin to any fanatical nutter and God really has ZERO to do with it. Anyone who truely in their heart believes in God believes killing and suicide are wrong and so would NOT partake in either. The alleged religious who do these things (the warring ones) have an agenda that is nothing to do with God, either that or they are very stupid and brainwashed.

Your example as C said was stupid, what you quoted as a religios person telling their kid about life and death is NOT what would be told in any circumstance.

Usually the beelif told to kids about after life and heaven is very comforting, ask any kid who lost their hamster where it is...'heaven with the angels' and they are happy in that belief. When theya re older they can decide for themselves if this is the case but as adults they can deal with the truth better.

I have told my 3yr old things die and cease to exist. I have not mentioned any after life or heaven or anything like that. She hasn't asked the question pertaining to herself or me yet but if she does she will told something that brings comfort without being too far into the realms of the unbelievable.
I have been scolded for mentioning death to my kids, buyt I do so in a very untaboo way for the simple reason, death is scary becuase we are taught it is scary buy the avoidance of the word when young. My kids will have no such 'taboo' when talking of death and hopefully as a result no fear of it.
James R said:
Do you really think that all the suicide bombers currently killing themselves and others would do so if they did not believe that they would do on existing in a utopian afterlife?


NOTE in most religions (Christianity at least) suicide is a sin, so actually religion can prevent this kind of thing. Suicide bombers are akin to any fanatical nutter and God really has ZERO to do with it. Anyone who truely in their heart believes in God believes killing and suicide are wrong and so would NOT partake in either. The alleged religious who do these things (the warring ones) have an agenda that is nothing to do with God, either that or they are very stupid and brainwashed.

Your example as C said was stupid, what you quoted as a religios person telling their kid about life and death is NOT what would be told in any circumstance.

Usually the beelif told to kids about after life and heaven is very comforting, ask any kid who lost their hamster where it is...'heaven with the angels' and they are happy in that belief. When theya re older they can decide for themselves if this is the case but as adults they can deal with the truth better.

I have told my 3yr old things die and cease to exist. I have not mentioned any after life or heaven or anything like that. She hasn't asked the question pertaining to herself or me yet but if she does she will told something that brings comfort without being too far into the realms of the unbelievable.
I have been scolded for mentioning death to my kids, but I do so in a very untaboo way for the simple reason, death is scary becuase we are taught it is scary by the avoidance of the word when young. My kids will have no such 'taboo' when talking of death and hopefully as a result no fear of it.