What is the 6th Dimension?

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Dr. Lisa Randall's definition of the fifth dimension, in her "Warped Passages", is now the accepted scientific definition of the fifth dimension.

Dr. Hugh Everett never did define "sideways in time", to alternative probability time lines, to be the sixth dimension, but, it has been unofficially defined the sixth dimension by Yahoo's Alchemy61.

LSD wakes up the brain by blocking the inhibitory neurons. Muscarine, and physical muscarinic stimulation (Grof Transpersonal at holotropic dot comm) also wakes up the brain as much as LSD, by overriding the inhibitory neurons.

The brain wakes up to the actual higher dimensions that are there. It is real. Travel, in the fifth dimensional direction, to more globally bent time spaces, enables the mind to more easily go to other probability time lines, by the inductive resonance of strong thought. For all intents and purposes, it is magickal power.
Dr. Lisa Randall's definition of the fifth dimension, in her "Warped Passages", is now the accepted scientific definition of the fifth dimension.
No it's not.

Dr. Hugh Everett never did define "sideways in time", to alternative probability time lines, to be the sixth dimension, but, it has been unofficially defined the sixth dimension by Yahoo's Alchemy61.
Why should the uninformed opinion of a crank count for anything?

The brain wakes up to the actual higher dimensions that are there. It is real. Travel, in the fifth dimensional direction, to more globally bent time spaces, enables the mind to more easily go to other probability time lines, by the inductive resonance of strong thought. For all intents and purposes, it is magickal power.
Sheer nonsense.
Dr. Lisa Randall's definition of the fifth dimension, in her "Warped Passages", is now the accepted scientific definition of the fifth dimension.
As someone who works in the same field of physics as Randall I have repeatedly told you you're wrong. Not only are you wrong about her defining it you're showing you don't even have a good grasp of what dimensions and multi-dimensional concepts. You are wrong. You're telling me the nature of my research and you're wrong.
Just seen this on YouTube :


Carl explains it excellently, demonstrating what an extra dimension in space means and how to think about it. It is simply another direction from, up/down, left/right, forward/backwards. We have no name for it because it doesn't come up in everyday experience and words only come down to us from history from things people have experience or conceptual knowledge of. Fortunately the history of multidimensional geometry is old enough to have a name for a 4 dimensional cube, the tesserate.
How about Lubos Motl's apparent support of Randall? :p

If few words are best, a quote is better.

"That's not right! That's not even wrong!"

Randalls book has pretty disparaging reviews. I have never read it, myself.

It probably is not too difficult for the armchair layman to misinterpret the book.
Dr. Hugh Everett never did define "sideways in time", to alternative probability time lines, to be the sixth dimension, but, it has been unofficially defined the sixth dimension by Yahoo's Alchemy61.
Well, that definition has been refutted by Sciforums AlphaNumeric.


What are you gonna do? :shrug:

On a side note... I'm not sure I'd trust a username "Alchemy..." Color me crazy.

LSD wakes up the brain by blocking the inhibitory neurons. Muscarine, and physical muscarinic stimulation (Grof Transpersonal at holotropic dot comm) also wakes up the brain as much as LSD, by overriding the inhibitory neurons.

The brain wakes up to the actual higher dimensions that are there. It is real. Travel, in the fifth dimensional direction, to more globally bent time spaces, enables the mind to more easily go to other probability time lines, by the inductive resonance of strong thought. For all intents and purposes, it is magickal power.

It's a bit more complex than that but your leap to a conclusion is amusing, all the same.

So getting stoned makes a person psychic. Brilliant. Gee, I never heard THIS claim, before, man... It's like, so groovy, ya know?
How about Lubos Motl's apparent support of Randall? :p

If few words are best, a quote is better.

"That's not right! That's not even wrong!"

Randalls book has pretty disparaging reviews. I have never read it, myself.

It probably is not too difficult for the armchair layman to misinterpret the book.
Its nothing to do with her research, she's done a lot of very good and widely cited work. The fact is she didn't 'define' the 5th dimension, in a pop science book or otherwise, no matter how much alpert555 says otherwise.

And to think someone on Yahoo could 'define' the 6th dimension is just stupid. Irrespective of whether alpert555 understands multidimensional mathematics or physics he's making incredibly stupid claims. If he did just 20 seconds of searching on google he'd find out extra dimensions in physics are more than 90 years old. Also the notion of additional directions in mathematics is centuries old. Vector calculus results work regardless of the number of dimensions (finite number). And this is not even considering the fact extra dimensions don't need to be named or interpreted, they are just additional directions of motion. The definitions he talks of are wrong anywya.
Of course, higher dimensions have been definded in the past. For example; in the Nineteenth Century Spritualists defined the fourth dimension to be where "spirits worked on us from".
There was even a little fold up black board, that when closed up was flat. You'd lock a piece of chalk in it by closing up its flaps, leave it a while, and when you opened it up again, "spirits" would have written a message on a black board surface within it with the chalk, from the fourth spatial dimension. A bit of prestidigitation?
It Has Always Been a Matter of Definition

Of course, higher dimensions have been definded in the past. For example; in the Nineteenth Century Spritualists defined the fourth dimension to be where "spirits worked on us from".
There was even a little fold up black board, that when closed up was flat. You'd lock a piece of chalk in it by closing up its flaps, leave it a while, and when you opened it up again, "spirits" would have written a message on a black board surface within it with the chalk, from the fourth spatial dimension. A bit of prestidigitation?
Personal Hyperdimensional Experience

Sorry for the repeated message, but, the this system here said that it was too busy, therefore, I presumed that it wouldn't post my message. I am consciously mobile on ten dimensions. Experiencing is knowing it's a fact. I have the experience, then, I try to find an explanation for it. I admit that I have shamans' disease. Shamans' disease is caused by scar tissue in the muscarinic (parasympathetic) nervous system, the stimulation of which spreads to the muscarinic nerves in the brain. "There but for the grace of God go I". All it takes is the right kind of accident, and, you've got it.
Of course, higher dimensions have been definded in the past. For example; in the Nineteenth Century Spritualists defined the fourth dimension to be where "spirits worked on us from".
Yes, but those who "defined" it as such were frauds and/ or deluded.

I am consciously mobile on ten dimensions.
No you aren't.
Maybe you're another fraud/ deluded person.
"What would the eternal satisfaction of all desires be without consciousness" is a "negative feedback mechanism" that helps to keep you alive. But, the eternal satisfaction of all desires IS the eternal loss of consciousness.

At the heart of every pleasure you have, there is a moment of nonexistence that makes it pleasure. It takes meditation upon the "Lost Word", the true mantra given in TM, to experience this nothingness first hand.

Onomatopoeic words, for example, like for nothingness, a well a ring, and an eye, in Hebrew, Aleph Yod Nun, ain, pronounced "eyennn", reveal true properties by analogue, a cylinder, licorice, etc. can give you a moment of pure nonexistence.

Your ignorance is nothing to criticize. Such ignorance is healthy. I have been artificially messed with and preserved unnaturally until I developed this pathology, and it is contageous, but your creduality has made you immune. I am a disease carrier, disease (nosos), carrier (feros), nosferatu, and, coincidently, I don't die easily.
"What would the eternal satisfaction of all desires be without consciousness" is a "negative feedback mechanism" that helps to keep you alive.

But, the eternal satisfaction of all desires IS the eternal loss of consciousness.
More speculation.

At the heart of every pleasure you have, there is a moment of nonexistence that makes it pleasure.

Onomatopoeic words, for example, like for nothingness
The word "nothingness" is not onomatapoeiac

a well a ring, and an eye, in Hebrew, Aleph Yod Nun, ain, pronounced "eyennn", reveal true properties by analogue, a cylinder, licorice, etc. can give you a moment of pure nonexistence.

Your ignorance is nothing to criticize.
Unfortunately for you I'm not so ignorant as to accept your delusions.

I have been artificially messed with and preserved unnaturally until I developed this pathology
Have you sought psychiatric help?

I am a disease carrier
Nope, you're crackpot.
Of course, higher dimensions have been definded in the past. For example; in the Nineteenth Century Spritualists defined the fourth dimension to be where "spirits worked on us from".
Firstly the views and work of 'spiritualists' has nothing to do with physics. They are pseudoscientific swindling hacks. Secondly the desperate need to give some name to extra dimensions is completely an issue of laypeople. Extra spacial directions are nothing more than more directions to move. No "Its where spirits live" or "Its energy", its just another 'up and down, left and right, backwards and forwards. Although we have words for motion in 3 different directions we don't call a specific direction 'up' in the sense that 'up' to someone on the North Pole is opposite to the 'up' of someone at the South Pole. Each person is aware of 3 spacial directions but how they label them is entirely a matter of preference. And its like that with more spacial dimensions, they are just other directions to move and what you call them is immaterial.

A vector for 2 dimensional space has components $$\left( \begin{array}{c} v_{1} \\ v_{2} \end{array} \right)$$. A vector for 3 dimensional space has components $$\left( \begin{array}{c} v_{1} \\ v_{2} \\ v_{3}\end{array} \right)$$. A vector for 4 dimensional space has components $$\left( \begin{array}{c} v_{1} \\ v_{2} \\ v_{3} \\ v_{4} \end{array} \right)$$. And it goes on like that. Treated entirely in the same way. No need to 'define it', not need to give it a name and certainly no one in the physics community has 'defined', is 'defining' or will ever 'define' a 4th spacial direction in the manner you claim Lisa Randell did. And how do I know this? Because I fucking work in a physics department and it is literally my job to examine extra dimensional models!!

There was even a little fold up black board, that when closed up was flat. You'd lock a piece of chalk in it by closing up its flaps, leave it a while, and when you opened it up again, "spirits" would have written a message on a black board surface within it with the chalk, from the fourth spatial dimension. A bit of prestidigitation?
You're an idiot if you believe that.
(1) The Hebrew word for nothingness, and a well, is onomatopoeic.
(2) It is my personal experience that a moment of nothingness is at the heart of every pleasure. There again we get the word heart to mean center, like in the Bible. The 61st Kang Xi radical is heart; and, (Aleph=1, Yod=10, and Nun=50)=61.
(3) There goes that sixth dimension again. I have made timeline changers. I travel from timeline to timeline. Dr. Lisa Randall was like that in the last timelines is was in. The radionic machine can be used as a timeline changer. That's how it works.
(4) This is the "psudoscience section". But, if it works, it's real. If you call it incorrect, you don't belong here.
There are parallel "universes" (worlds in the greatest universe) of varying density, due to warp, in the fifth dimensional direction, defined by Harvard University professor of quantum physics, Dr. Lisa Randall.

There are parallel "universes" in the sixth dimensional direction, across timelines, defined by quantum physicist, Dr. Hugh Everett, a parallel "universe" for each and every possibility.

These parallel "universes" are not that far out. Every time my polarity cancellation rate speeds up I go a little into the fifth dimension to a more tenuous world.

Methods for speeding up your polarity cancellation rate are mystical lodge secrets. These are exposed in Yahoo's Alchemy61 in the posts of "lahunken".

It is easy to travel across timelines to a parallel universe with different situations. "If you have the faith of a mustard seed and say to this mountain move it shall be moved". You go to the timeline where the mountain is elsewhere.

Also, radionic machines work by the same principle. Radionic machines can be used to deliberately travel in the sixth dimension. How to make your own radionic machine is also in Alchemy61.

Traveling in the fifth dimension toward more globally bent timespaces, where the mind is more powerful to manifest its imaginings into reality, is actually making it easier to travel to the appropriate timeline where the imaginings are real.

There is a timeline where you win the lottery. Everyone can win the same lottery on their respective timelines.
All by travel in the sixth dimension to other timelines, by the strong inductive resonsnce of the imagination, empowered by depth into the fifth dimension, called below here, "height in spirit".
Dr. Joseph Kerwin said, "I have plummeted depths your little mind couldn't comprehend. I have summoned demons from the stars. I have harnessed the shadows that strive from world to world sowing death and insanity. The moon and stars pass at my bidding. The fate of the living and the dead are mine Mr. March. But, it's messy".
He was simply going from timeline to timeline where his ideation was reality. On each timeline, any mention of a previous timeline was considered insanity by the denizens of that timeline. It wasn't reality there. But, it was reality elsewhere.
But, you can see where I'm coming from.

Re: The Power of Prayer by Science

Group: alt.support.schizophrenia Date: Fri, Apr 16, 2010, 9:24am (EDT-3) From: mtodorov3_69@yahoo.com (Marvin*Barley)
On Apr 16, 1:27*pm, alpert...@webtv.net (Michael Alpert) wrote:
* * * Of course, we are only saved by grace. We need to believe. We need to have faith. And, knowledge is the faith without doubt.
With the difference that faith in logic doesn't save. For if salvation is logical for some people, it is no longer grace.
He who wants to please God must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.
Then in that case, logic is a sin, and a mortal sin for Catholics. My Pentecostal church doesn't say logic is a sin. Not even the Roman Catholic Church says that logic is a sin.

Poor Mr. Spock would be damned to Hell. But then, his pointed ears and theatrically devilish look do represent the devil. Star Trek was deliberately but esoterically symbolic.

The gesture of Spock, along with which, "Live long and prosper" is usually said, is actually the sign of the cloven hoof, representing the goat of the sabbat, the devil.

The devil on the devil card of the grand arcana of the Waite tarot deck gives this gesture of the cloven hoof. That deck was designed in the Nineteenth Century, before Star Trek, in fact, before the Wizard of Oz.

By the way, oz means goat in Hebrew. The Wizard of Oz was full of Satanic symbolism in a much more subtle way.

But now, "the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit". The Greek here is "blasphemos", which means "profanation", untimely exposure.

If you know that in "spirit", like after death, your mind is more powerful to manifest your imaginings as your reality, you can reach a height in "spirit" where every thought manifests as your reality.

You can see that it was good advice to "Capture every thought unto the service of Christ". Then having done your best you will expect Heaven, and thereby you will get heaven.

But, Ooooops! You know now. You know too much. You know that every thought will manifest now. Try not thinking of a purple cow. You'll think of it all day, and more. What not to think? And, that's how you get Hell for "blasphemos", profaning spiritual knowledge.

But look; it's contagious. I just gave it to you. What? Disease (noso), carrier (feros), nosferatu. Perhaps if enough of us know SUCH things we can figure out a solution.

SUCH; in Arabic, (S=60, U=6, and Ch=600)=666.
Group: alt.support.schizophrenia
Yes, when I want to know more about highly complicated mathematics researchers struggle with the first place I go is a support group for people who have a dubious grip on reality.* I think if you're going to make claims about what extra dimensions are in physics you might want to read what physicists actually say.

* I am in no way making light of the enormous problems such people face each and everyday or the great work done by such a support group.
We live in a multidimensional universe within a multidimensional body. Limited brain use only gives us access to the publicly known four dimensions of length, width, depth, and time.

But, things can happen to wake up more of the brain thereby giving us access to the "higher" dimensions.

This process itself is a movement in the fifth dimension toward greater, what is called "entropy production rate (EPR)", imagination, therefore, mind power.

The power of the mind is will times imagination, just as sure as mechanical power is force times velocity, electrical power is voltage times current, and thermodynamic power is temperature times EPR.

This mind power gives us easier passage to the time lines where our imaginings are reality, by the sixth dimension, across the probability time lines.

This ability can be genetic by the gene DISC1 causing extra axons and dendrites between the neurons of the brain.

It can happen by an accident causing scar tissue in the muscarinic nervous system spreading its stimulation to the brain, and thereby overriding the inhibitory neurons that would keep most of the brain sedated.

And, of course, knowing where these muscarinic neurons are, these neurons can be deliberately massaged to wake up the brain to perceive, and use, its multidimensional universe.

The major plexuses of the muscarinic nervous system have been called the "chakras". Their stimulation has been called "kundalini". But, the lowest chakra, being XXX, has enabled "hypocracy" to suppress all the real knowledge.

Why is it suppressed? The rich elite need slaves and unsatisfied suckers who would buy things they don't need. THEY want people to strive for things "out there", when all along "the Kingdom of Heaven is within".

With "space cadets" and Hubble telescopes, THEY want people to build "Towers of Babel" to reach the stars. Coincidence, the Hebrew word
hubble" means "vanity".

So what has happened? THEY used to burn witches. Now THEY call us "schizophrenics". Why? We know too much. We might inform the public that "The Kingdom of Heaven is within", and show them how to get there.
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