What is the 6th Dimension?

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If you abstract "dimension" and "direction' to the same thing, one of them can only be "a line".
Two we label "an area" which is "a line of lines".
Three is "a volume" = "an area of lines".

Then four is "a volume of lines", five is "a volume of areas", six "a volume of volumes" = a "squared volume".
Seven is "a squared volume of lines", etc.
If you abstract "dimension" and "direction' to the same thing, one of them can only be "a line".
Except that you can't abstract "dimension" as "direction".
0D is a point: no direction.
1D is a line: one line, two directions.
2D is an area: lots of directions (provided you remain on the plane).
3D is a volume... etc.
Two points is the ends of a line. Is a line a "squared point"? If you connect two points (each in zero dimensional space) are you projecting zero dimensions or one?

If a plane has two directions does it have two dimensions? Or are we only allowed "an area" instead?
(I don't think so)

Direction: a way to move or project something.
Dimension: spatial extent, projection (of an object) in a space, which has three possible directions in "normal" space.
In what sense is one dimension two directions; and in what sense is two dimensions n directions? (in the sense of a single point, which has none). Therefore projecting a point from zero dimensions/directions, one dimension or direction at a time "works", as outlined.

In the plane a single point can radiate in an infinite number of directions, how many directions does the projection of a line (two connected points) have in the plane?
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Two points is the ends of a line. Is a line a "squared point"?
No more than an area is a squared line.

If you connect two points (each in zero dimensional space) are you projecting zero dimensions or one?

If a plane has two directions does it have two dimensions? Or are we only allowed "an area" instead?
(I don't think so)
Er, didn't I just say that dimension != direction?

Dimension: spatial extent, projection (of an object) in a spce, which has three possible directions in "normal" space.
Again: no.
There are infinitely MORE than three possible directions with 3 dimensions.
Even if you were limited to orthogonal movement you still have twice as many directions as you do dimensions.
With 1 diemension you have two directions: Forward/ back.
With an area you can move in any direction except out of the plane: along the X axis (forward or back), at 1 degree off the X axis (forward or back), at half a degree off the X axis (forward or back)...

In the plane a single point can radiate in an infinite number of directions, how many directions does the projection of a line (two connected points) have in the plane?
Exactly: an infinite number of lines from any given point, and forward or back along those lines.
If you have a line, n zero-dimensional points in length, and then you "copy" it and project the copy from any point on the first line at any angle, what are you doing? How come there's an "area" between the lines?

If you have an area and copy it, project the copy from any line in the first area, what are you doing?
I think this is getting confusing; let's start again.

What's a point? It's an exactly zero-dimensional space; it has exactly zero directions or projections. A point is where dimensions, directions and projections are exactly equivalent.
What is a line? It "has" two directions because there are two points which are labeled "endpoints". It has one projection. A (end)point has the directions, not the line.

If you project a point in the plane, there are an infinite number of directions to do it. If you project a line (two points, connected by "n points") there are exactly one ways to do it in the plane [so you get an area], assuming there's no rotation of the line (why would you assume this?).

If you project an area in a volume, same deal, no rotations because that isn't a projection (why would you not project one end of a line the same distance as the other, or the same side of an area the same "area distance" as the other?)

A circle is a rotation, two points are connected by rotating a line (one end is kept in "zero dimensions"); the two points become the same point on a circumference.

So then an area is two dimensional = zero + one dimensions (one end of a line stays a point, the other is another line) rotated, or one + one dimensions translated. A line is zero + zero dimensions translated or zero + one dimensions rotated. So the abstraction says 0 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2; 0 + 0 = 0 + 1 = 1. Since we mean "projections" we also mean dimensions/directions (exactly equal in zero dimensional space)
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What is a line? It "has" two directions because there are two points which are labeled "endpoints". It has one projection. A (end)point has the directions, not the line.[/quote
Wrong again.
A line is an infinite number of points, it's the line that gives direction.

If you project a point in the plane, there are an infinite number of directions to do it. If you project a line (two points, connected by "n points") there are exactly one ways to do it in the plane [so you get an area], assuming there's no rotation of the line (why would you assume this?).[/quote
No, you're misinterpreting what I said..

So then an area is two dimensional = zero + one dimensions
Zero plus 1 = 1.

Since we mean "projections" we also mean dimensions/directions (exactly equal in zero dimensional space)
Projection != dimension != direction.
Wow, this is some pretty intense stuff, not gonna lie. From what I can gather, there seem to be 2 types of dimensions that mathematicians and physicists refer to, and physicists employ the Cartesian coordinate system to make sense of the higher dimensions. It's also incorrect to say that there are 13 or more dimensions; this hasn't been proved because there are several diverging string theories, of which M-theory tries to sum up, and it can only PROVE 11 of them. If that's the case, then the so-called D-branes that were hypothesized during string theory's baby stages include up to 25 dimensions in world space, including negative dimensions that superimpose on themselves. In space-time, everyone knows the 3-dimensional length, width, and height, and then the 4th dimension includes relativistic time. What's interesting is the idea of higher dimensions revolves around the theory of compactification, which states that, if an infinite higher dimension is super-imposed on finite existing dimensions, it becomes finite with the possibility of some form of periodicity due to the compact theory of mathematics, which states that, given a certain amount of steps into infinite space with other known finite dimensions, one is forced to come closer to a point on one of these dimensions. I never realized it, but I used this in my basic physics class with two-dimensional mechanics, and it can even be used with integration when making volumes from known areas, which creates a 3rd dimension from only 2. The 4th dimension of relativistic time can be represented by 4 coordinates on a plane, but the 5th dimension is a little bit tougher; this is developed from super-imposing gravity and electromagnetism over the Minkowski space by compactification. Another interesting find is that space and time are combined into one representative system, and gravity and electomagnetism are combined with the previous system. I'm not entirely sure what this entails, but it seems that each higher dimension is a compactification of one or a few elements based on previous elements. I do know that I've heard the remaining 6, and possibly 7, dimensions are highly compacted, that they are locally centered around the subatomic range because of interactions between symmetric and supersymmetric particles. It's pretty crazy stuff if you ask me; 11-d seems to be supergravity, and they say that gravity can leak into the 5-d. I guess that still doesn't even come close to answering the thread's question, though. The sixth dimension could just be a compactification above and beyond the gravity-electromagnetism theory. So, that leaves us with this sort of a picture:
0d - A single point
1d - A line
2d - A plane
3d - A polygon
4d - Polygons in a space-time reference frame
5d- Polygons in a space-time reference frame under the influence of leaked gravity and electromagnetism
6d to 10d - The previous references under the influence of compacted references
11d - The previous references under the influence of supergravity

Wow. My head is very close to exploding by now.

Let the dead bury the dead.
This will answer anyone who seeks the 6th dimension and came from the soul and not the mind.
If consciousness is eternal then what is death.

The portal you are speaking of is easy to manipulate be attentive.

All of you people seeking for 6th dimension answers trust yourself and trust your trees. If everything you were taught was lies what would be truth.
You can get these answers by asking a spider for "A deer means more than one thing by stomping its hoof"
But I guess I'm arrogant for these are not related at all, but the irrelevant is the most relevant.

Your ego cannot comprehend my soul it can comprehend my mind.

If you want to see the 5th-13854 dimesnions, look at a grain of sand and love it.
Love is the greatest intelligence, it cannot be taken. It can only be given an received.
So start loving the things around you for what they are and things will make alot of sense, but they won't in your mind.
The manifestation of thoughts into action without the hesitation from a worry of a reaction.
I will not recommend any Artists or Scientists, for you are a being of sound and love. And so you know the answers to your questions without being conscious of it. Fucking crazy labryinth.
My expression is incomplete but quenched.
So much to learn with so much time.
If consciousness is eternal then what is death.
Let the dead bury the dead.
This will answer anyone who seeks the 6th dimension and came from the soul and not the mind.
If consciousness is eternal then what is death.

release of the soul into the three dimsional Universe

The portal you are speaking of is easy to manipulate be attentive.

All of you people seeking for 6th dimension answers trust yourself and trust your trees. If everything you were taught was lies what would be truth.

illusion otherwise

which is not true

therefore yourself and trees are the truth

You can get these answers by asking a spider for "A deer means more than one thing by stomping its hoof"
But I guess I'm arrogant for these are not related at all, but the irrelevant is the most relevant.

Your ego cannot comprehend my soul it can comprehend my mind.

If you want to see the 5th-13854 dimesnions, look at a grain of sand and love it.
Love is the greatest intelligence, it cannot be taken. It can only be given an received.
So start loving the things around you for what they are and things will make alot of sense, but they won't in your mind.
The manifestation of thoughts into action without the hesitation from a worry of a reaction.
I will not recommend any Artists or Scientists, for you are a being of sound and love. And so you know the answers to your questions without being conscious of it. Fucking crazy labryinth.
My expression is incomplete but quenched.
So much to learn with so much time.
If consciousness is eternal then what is death.

of the body

Jozen-Bo, lets meet in the astral plane. not joking, when you get this try to contact me if you can
Dimensional Definitiond

Dr. Albert Einstein defined the fourth dimension to be time. Dr. Hugh Everett found the probability timelines, sideways in time, from Schrodinger's equation. But, this sideways in time wasn't called a dimension then.
Dr. Lisa Randall, Harvard professor of quantum physics, defined, officially for science, the vector to and from more bent timespaces to be the fifth dimension.
Now, sideways in time, to other probability timelines, is being called the sixth dimension.
Dr. Albert Einstein defined the fourth dimension to be time.
No, time was always the fourth dimension,. Einstein combined it with space in such a way to make a single coherent structure, as compared to the Newtonian viewpoint where they can be easily distinguished.

Dr. Lisa Randall, Harvard professor of quantum physics, defined, officially for science, the vector to and from more bent timespaces to be the fifth dimension.
Now, sideways in time, to other probability timelines, is being called the sixth dimension.
This is just wrong. Firstly, work on multidimensional spaces predates Dr Randall by centuries. The abstract mathematical examination of spaces with unknown (and even infinite) dimensions dates back at least to Riemann and Hilbert (ie Riemannian geometry and Hilbert spaces). Kaluza and Klein both examined space-time with 4 spacial dimensions in the 1910s and 1920s and the methods used by people like Randall are called 'Kaluza-Klein reductions' for precisely that reason. Randall has made some seriously big contributions to theoretical physics, such as the Randall-Sundrum model of string/brane configurations, but she has not 'officially defined' anything about what a 5th dimension is.

The interpretation of the 5th, 6th and any other extra dimensions you might see in string theory, M theory or any abstract model is dependent entirely on the signature of the associated metric. If, when the metric is diagonalised in normal coordinates, it has N entries of -1 and M entries of +1 then the space has N time-like directions and M space-like dimensions. Whether they are curved or such is irrelevant (via Sywlester's Law of Inertia). Furthermore, due to the arbitrary coordinate nature of manifolds you can change the 'order' of the directions. For instance someone might consider 'left-right' as the first spacial direction and 'up-down' as the second. Someone else could just as easily say 'left-right' is the second spacial direction and 'up-down' the first. All you've done is a change of basis.

Non-mathematicians and non-physicists put so much stuck in "What is this extra dimension?" and expect some vacuous answer like "energy" or "gravity". No, those are things which are in the space or due to the space but gravity is not more a dimension than a crowd is one person. Gravity is an attribute of multiple dimensions and energy is a quantity assigned to objects and space but it is not a dimension like 'up-down' is. You don't 'move through energy values' as you move through coordinate values.

Extra spacial dimensions are just that, extra spacial dimensions. They are more 'up-down's but just in directions we don't have names for. The vast majority of work done in vector calculus. is actually done in a way which works for any number of dimensions. The Einstein Field Equations are $$G_{ab} = 8\pi T_{ab}$$. How many dimensions is that in? Well it depends on what values a and b can take. If they can be 0,1,2,3 then its our 4 dimensional universe. If its 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 then you can use them in string theory. Setting the number of dimensions you're working in is a last resort because any analysis you do would want to be as general as possible.
No, time was always the fourth dimension,. Einstein combined it with space in such a way to make a single coherent structure, as compared to the Newtonian viewpoint where they can be easily distinguished.

This is just wrong. Firstly, work on multidimensional spaces predates Dr Randall by centuries. The abstract mathematical examination of spaces with unknown (and even infinite) dimensions dates back at least to Riemann and Hilbert (ie Riemannian geometry and Hilbert spaces). Kaluza and Klein both examined space-time with 4 spacial dimensions in the 1910s and 1920s and the methods used by people like Randall are called 'Kaluza-Klein reductions' for precisely that reason. Randall has made some seriously big contributions to theoretical physics, such as the Randall-Sundrum model of string/brane configurations, but she has not 'officially defined' anything about what a 5th dimension is.

The interpretation of the 5th, 6th and any other extra dimensions you might see in string theory, M theory or any abstract model is dependent entirely on the signature of the associated metric. If, when the metric is diagonalised in normal coordinates, it has N entries of -1 and M entries of +1 then the space has N time-like directions and M space-like dimensions. Whether they are curved or such is irrelevant (via Sywlester's Law of Inertia). Furthermore, due to the arbitrary coordinate nature of manifolds you can change the 'order' of the directions. For instance someone might consider 'left-right' as the first spacial direction and 'up-down' as the second. Someone else could just as easily say 'left-right' is the second spacial direction and 'up-down' the first. All you've done is a change of basis.

Non-mathematicians and non-physicists put so much stuck in "What is this extra dimension?" and expect some vacuous answer like "energy" or "gravity". No, those are things which are in the space or due to the space but gravity is not more a dimension than a crowd is one person. Gravity is an attribute of multiple dimensions and energy is a quantity assigned to objects and space but it is not a dimension like 'up-down' is. You don't 'move through energy values' as you move through coordinate values.

Extra spacial dimensions are just that, extra spacial dimensions. They are more 'up-down's but just in directions we don't have names for. The vast majority of work done in vector calculus. is actually done in a way which works for any number of dimensions. The Einstein Field Equations are $$G_{ab} = 8\pi T_{ab}$$. How many dimensions is that in? Well it depends on what values a and b can take. If they can be 0,1,2,3 then its our 4 dimensional universe. If its 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 then you can use them in string theory. Setting the number of dimensions you're working in is a last resort because any analysis you do would want to be as general as possible.

I am sure you are aware, the extra dimensions are not verifiable in the lab.
The Fifth and the Seventh Dimension

The fifth dimension, having been defined for science by the Harvard University professor of quantum physics, Dr. Lisa Randall, and, the sixth dimension, having recently been defined as that direction across probability time lines, sideways in time, the Cartesian coordinate system showing the fifth dimension as that direction to and from the origin necessitated that the direction from the X axis to the Y axis, entropy, now be called the seventh dimension.

************The "astral light" is the universe seen as a sea of opposite polarities
striving to cancel out back into that from which they came.

As has already been
shown, opposite polarities are those circulations of the one substance in the
one substance which readily undifferentate with each other.

The spectrum of the astral light can be graphed on a Cartesian coordinate

The X axis represents opposite polarities separated. Like the rising tone heard from two bottles touching each other, as opposite polarities merge
there is a rising frequency, represented on our graph as colors rayed from the
origin going from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, to the Y axis which
represents the cancellation of opposite polarities.

In thermodynamics, the X axis
represents 0% entropy and 100% ectropy.
The Y axis represents 100% entropy and
0% ectropy. Approaching the origin represents accelerating polarity cancellation, entropy production, rates. We experience this graph.

Putting the origin on the bottom with the X axis on the upper right and the Y axis on the upper left, there is a circulation of polarity
ratios around this spectrum, shooting up like a flame from the red near the
origin, around and raining down on the left, as the polarity ratio balances.

But then, in near the origin in the violet the conductivity allows unbalanced cancellation of the polarity ratio so that, like, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2, 2;1 the potential difference increases, indicating stronger polarity again and we end up
back in the red to start over again.

In the extreme limits of this circle, the red is a white point on black, it starts to ray out in orange until it looks like a growling white lion in yellow.

Then at the top there is pure white. In the green the black spot appears which rays out in the blue, and in purple you have the black whirlpool.

Then at the very bottom you have pure black.
This resembles the zodiac, especially with Leo as the white lion, the "great black sea", Pisces, at the bottom, and, virgin (Virgo) white at the top. Also the "pillar of fire" is on the right, and the "pillar of cloud" is on the left.

We also have the sphinx here; the four "cherubic" quarters of the zodiac. But, as a living polarity ratio, in these colors you experience the complementary color, for, with your system maintained, i.e., in life, all tends
to the center of this circle.

This is how we get homeopathic reactions. Thus, you will notice that the "kabalistic sephiroth" fit on this graph. That's where
they came from.

That which is called "bound astral light" is up and out away from the origin. That which is called "quickened astral light" is down and in toward the origin.

Quickened astral light is globally bent timespace, for, entropy production
rate is the thermodynamic analogue of velocity in mechanics.

This bending of timespace is measured by the value of pi in these various spheres. Spheres are only separated by Planck's distance in this fifth dimensional direction.

All has burst into flames at a pi value of 2.718..., and at the pi value of 2 is the
light speed equivalency.
In the extreme limits of this circle, the red is a white point on black, it starts to ray out in orange until it looks like a growling white lion in yellow.
Then at the top there is pure white. In the green the black spot appears which rays out in the blue, and in purple you have the black whirlpool.
Then at the very bottom you have pure black.
I recognise this, it's from
How to play pool on LSD
I am sure you are aware, the extra dimensions are not verifiable in the lab.
The signatures large extra dimensions would produce in the LHC have been computed and are something which is checked by the phenomenologists. True you can't prove directly the existence of extra dimensions of the order the string scale but should larger ones exist we know what to look for. And work continues on what you'd see as indirect evidence of extra dimensions, such as modular scalar fields. I can, if anyone hates themselves enough, go into obscene amounts of details if required.

The fifth dimension, having been defined for science by the Harvard University professor of quantum physics, Dr. Lisa Randall, and, the sixth dimension, having recently been defined as that direction across probability time lines, sideways in time, the Cartesian coordinate system showing the fifth dimension as that direction to and from the origin necessitated that the direction from the X axis to the Y axis, entropy, now be called the seventh dimension.
Aside from alpert making it obvious in his previous post he's made as a box of squirrels in a tumble drier I feel I should once again point out that his claim that Dr Randall has somehow 'defined' a fifth dimension 'for science' is utterly wrong. Anyone whose got any knowledge of mathematics or physics will know that vector spaces of arbitrary integer dimension or manifolds of arbitrary integer dimension have been examined for centuries. Extra dimensions have come to the forefront due to string theory and Dr Randall has played a significant role in that work but she didn't 'define officially for science' anything like what alpert is claiming. How do I know? Cos I do work in precisely the same area! Alpert, aside from being wacko, is ignorant.
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