What is the 6th Dimension?

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The signatures large extra dimensions would produce in the LHC have been computed and are something which is checked by the phenomenologists. True you can't prove directly the existence of extra dimensions of the order the string scale but should larger ones exist we know what to look for. And work continues on what you'd see as indirect evidence of extra dimensions, such as modular scalar fields. I can, if anyone hates themselves enough, go into obscene amounts of details if required.

Thanks for the info AN.
Why fear physiological truth here in the West?

The primary purpose of yoga, chakras, pranayama, ki gung, etc. seems much more open in the East.

In the East, the secrets are the superficial things, words, symbols, and designs. But, in the West the most suppressed secrets are the effectual physical techniques.

There are things called yoga and chakras supposedly from the East in the West. But, for example, the chakras are not wheels of spiritual light along the spine.

Chakras are plexuses of the muscarinic nervous system. Why called muscarinic? When mechanically stimulated they act just like the hallucinative drug muscarine, by waking up the brain.

LSD wakes up the brain by blocking the inhibitory neurons. Muscarine, and physical muscarinic nervous system stimulation, wake up the brain by overriding those inhibitory neurons.

Gossip doesn't need raw materials and tools to reproduce. This Western problem can be remedied by simply passing on this gossip.
The True Will

The universe can be seen to have three things, entities, properties, and relationships. The ambient pressure of repelling relationships pushes into confluency. This is attraction.

Starting from the singularity of a Black Hole, that singularity is "rastered" (like Dr. Richard Feinman's electron) by time into timespace.

That timespace, being One, exerts its oneness in one direction called the "prime vector", which stirs closed circuitry in one direction, which all going the same way, vO^XvO^, repel. This is a Big Bang at the beginning of a world.

Now the circuits push one another into confluency, again by the mechanism of closed circuitry, and that tendency to go from repulsion into confluency is perceived as attraction.

Now you get all your particles and other configurations of closed circuitry (dark matter), and all is striving toward confluency and undifferentiation.

Like the bubbles in a shaken bottle of water striving to undifferentiate, everything is trying to run down. Things do get in each other's way, causing turbulence, but, undifferentiation is the goal.

There are two things in the universe, energy and "information". A cloth sheet can represent energy. Wrinkles in that sheet represent "information". Pull that sheet out straight, and, the wrinkles vanish.
LSD wakes up the brain by blocking the inhibitory neurons.
Why do you feel the need to simply make up nonsense? Are you aware you're completely wrong and just lie or are you simply not doing any research before saying something?

After being corrected on something you incorrectly stated (on two seperate occasions) in regard to physics and extra dimensions you're now moving onto neurochemistry and mind altering drugs. While I'm not doctor I'm pretty sure LSD doesn't work by blocking 'the inhibitory neurons'. It works by altering the neurotransmitter signalling sites at the end of neurons where they meet one another at a synaptic gap. Cocaine makes you uninhibited but it doesn't alter the neurons, it alters the signals. It's either a dopamine reuptake inhibitor or it causes more to be released, I forget.

(it'd be ironic if I turn out to be wrong about that now :p)
The Physiology of a "Cloudbuster"

This is how Dr. Wilhelm Reich's "Cloudbuster" works.

The Cloudbuster is a bundle of metal cylinders, touching each other, with a wire, running from one of the cylinders, to be placed in a flowing stream.

The wire is a product of exoteric "Orgone" theory, that, Orgone is like a substance that can flow like electricity. That is an illusion and a cover up.

In actuality, esoteric "Orgone" theory, orgone, like ki, or "quickened astral light", is a quantum probability state of a fast polarity cancellation rate. This probability can be exchanged by applying attention (like measurement).

But, what actually happens with the Cloudbuster is that the cylinders, having the circulation of the one substance, E=Mc², one way or the other, attract all confluent circulations, opposite polarities.

The Cloudbuster thereby attracts all of one direction of circulation, that is polarity, leaving the other to repel, and thereby repel the cloud apart.

No wire is needed. The a cylinder draws Orgone from the end, and emits Orgone from the side. A cylinder has one side, all around.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich got himself in all kinds of trouble with his revelations, was framed up by the FDA, and killed in prison by taxine poisoning.

Taxine poison, which is in the hemlock yew bush, appears to cause a natural heart attack, and it apparently breaks down so that it is undetectable.

It was only by leaks from prison employees that the true cause of Dr. Wilhelm Reich's death was spread. Like the CIA MK Ultra's chips accidentally discovered in Boston's Falkner Hospital.
In actuality, esoteric "Orgone" theory, orgone, like ki, or "quickened astral light", is a quantum probability state of a fast polarity cancellation rate. This probability can be exchanged by applying attention (like measurement).
One day you may learn what those words actually mean, and then you'll be able to use them correctly, in a coherent sentence rather than just strung together in a disjointed meaningless babble.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich got himself in all kinds of trouble with his revelations, was framed up by the FDA, and killed in prison by taxine poisoning.
Pure nonsense.

It was only by leaks from prison employees that the true cause of Dr. Wilhelm Reich's death was spread. Like the CIA MK Ultra's chips accidentally discovered in Boston's Falkner Hospital.
You don't have much contact with the real world, do you?
The Future Effecting the Past

Yes, I saw that article, and I have been posting around about it. A while ago, long before this article, I found a mathematical formula to prove that the future effects the past.
And, I have been searching through my collection of 2834 little known scientific facts to find it. I haven't found it yet.

But, if you take statistics that cover any period of time, that is your set; and the statistics of the latter part influence the conclusive result of the whole period of time, therefore, you have the future effecting the past.

If the conclusive result is represented by the color purple, the last part of the period also determined that the whole period be colored purple, therefore, the early part of the period is also purple. The future effects the past in such situations.

In theology, the future effecting the past has been the subject of "teleology" for millenia. I do have a table of contents in my notebooks with the titles of the articles. Perhaps I put that formula under "Teleology". I have been collecting rare facts like this since 1973.

Also, quantum physicist, Dr. Hugh Everett, revealed that there are the set of other timelines where everything possible happens.

Each timeline has its own root. But, we can travel to any other timeline by the attractive force of the inductive resonance of our thoughts.

In fact, "If you have the faith of a mustard seed and say to this mountain move it shall be moved"; you go to the timeline where the mountain is elsewhere. This has been recently called the sixth dimension.

Harvard professor of quantum physics, Dr. Lisa Randall, got there first to officially define the fifth dimension for science. It is the path between variously bent timespaces.

The more globally bent timespace you access the more powerful your mind becomes to change timelines to the subject of thought.

Entropy production rate, EPR, being an analogue of velocity in mechanics, is the easiest to use. Its use was called real "witchcraft".

Using a Cartesian coordinate system to graph EPR, with the X axis representing opposite polarities separated, the Y axis representing opposite polarities united and undifferentiated, and that direction toward the origin representing increasing EPR, it became necessary to define the direction from the X axis to the Y axis the seventh dimension.

Real opposite polarities, being counterclockwise and clockwise, polarity strength is differentiation. Towards to Y axis, extents of undifferentiation increase until total undifferentiation is attained at the Y axis.

Various extents of differentiation and their properties define the eighth, ninth, and tenth dimensions. With total undifferentiation the eighth, therefore, also the ninth and tenth dimensions vanish for the entity.

This total undifferentiation has been called Nirvana, and one who has attained it has been called a Buddha. The EPR analogue has made it very personal to humanity.

Of course, the high EPR's near the origin are "fire". Everything is in "flames" by the time you reach a globally bent timespace pi value of e=2.718..., the surface of the Lake of Fire.

Buddhists and Hindus have called this Lake of Fire Dharmaloka, where everyone's body is a flame, "dharmakaya". Undifferentiation is more probable in there than in flat timespace, but, salvationist religions say "the soul is immortal", and you stay in the fire for eternity.

You'd think that such a future would leave it's mark on the past. There is a 99.999% chance that the "soul" is not immortal. But, there is that small fraction of a per cent that leaves doubt.
A while ago, long before this article, I found a mathematical formula to prove that the future effects the past.
Sure you did.

If the conclusive result is represented by the color purple, the last part of the period also determined that the whole period be colored purple, therefore, the early part of the period is also purple. The future effects the past in such situations.
. You have got to be a troll. No one is that stupid.

Harvard professor of quantum physics, Dr. Lisa Randall, got there first to officially define the fifth dimension for science. It is the path between variously bent timespaces.
Are you simply going to keep repeating the same lie about someone whose work you don't understand? Extra dimensions were considered as far back as the 1920s. Lisa Randall isn't that old. You are wrong.

AVarious extents of differentiation and their properties define the eighth, ninth, and tenth dimensions. With total undifferentiation the eighth, therefore, also the ninth and tenth dimensions vanish for the entity.

This total undifferentiation has been called Nirvana, and one who has attained it has been called a Buddha. The EPR analogue has made it very personal to humanity..
Either you're a troll or you're nuts.
Since AN has replied to some of this I'll not go through the whole thing.
Also, quantum physicist, Dr. Hugh Everett, revealed that there are the set of other timelines where everything possible happens.
No he didn't.
He postulated it. Far different from "revealing" it. One is a supposition, the other is showing it to be true.

Each timeline has its own root. But, we can travel to any other timeline by the attractive force of the inductive resonance of our thoughts.
Also wrong. And "inductive resonance of our thoughts" is word salad.

you go to the timeline where the mountain is elsewhere.
So you don't move the mountain, you move yourself...

This has been recently called the sixth dimension.
Where, and by whom?

The more globally bent timespace you access the more powerful your mind becomes to change timelines to the subject of thought.
Pure bullshit.

Entropy production rate, EPR, being an analogue of velocity in mechanics, is the easiest to use. Its use was called real "witchcraft".
There's no such thing as "real witchcraft".

Using a Cartesian coordinate system to graph EPR, with the X axis representing opposite polarities separated, the Y axis representing opposite polarities united and undifferentiated, and that direction toward the origin representing increasing EPR, it became necessary to define the direction from the X axis to the Y axis the seventh dimension.
Real opposite polarities, being counterclockwise and clockwise, polarity strength is differentiation. Towards to Y axis, extents of undifferentiation increase until total undifferentiation is attained at the Y axis.
Various extents of differentiation and their properties define the eighth, ninth, and tenth dimensions. With total undifferentiation the eighth, therefore, also the ninth and tenth dimensions vanish for the entity.
And now you've departed completely for La La Land.
I do hope you have a return ticket.

There is a 99.999% chance that the "soul" is not immortal. But, there is that small fraction of a per cent that leaves doubt.
There's a 99.999% percent chance that you'll be committed soon, too.
What "soul"?
What? If it's True it's Science; and, If it's False it's Religion?

From Michael Talbot's "Holographic Universe" I went to Dr. David Bohm's "Wholeness and the Implicate Order", and, Dr. Stanislav Grof's "The Adventure of Self Discovery".

Dr. Grof's "The Adventure of Self Discovery" didn't go into physiological details, but, effectual techniques are given on pages 170 and 171.

The organizations who have valued, and suppressed this information, to keep it for themselves, are listed on page 111. The name of the one oppressive lodge in the West wasn't capitalized to avoid lawsuit.

Dr. Grof replaced LSD with holotropic breathing, real pranayama and ki gung, which physically stimulates the muscarinic nervous system, and this stimulation spreads to override the inhibitory neurons in the brain, thereby waking up the brain for more complete views of our multidimensional universe, etc.

The "chakras" aren't spiritual wheels of light along the spine, the way "New Agers" are lead to believe. The "chakras" are plexuses of the muscarinic nervous system, called "muscarinic" due to their ability to act like the hallucinative drug muscarine, overriding the inhibitory neurons in the brain.

LSD works by blocking the same inhibitory neurons. But, there seems to be more control by mechanically exciting the muscarinic nervous system. LSD can be "to Hell in a hand basket", the real Hell.

Of course, anyone can go to Hell by physical muscarinic nervous system stimulation, like crucifixion for example, which causes extreme physical stimulation of the "chakras". That explains something.

In fact, this exposed realm has been called the "Underworld". Virgil said in his "Aenied", "You cannot enter the Underworld without the Golden Bough. The vagus nerve was seen to look like a yellowish vine by Roman vivasecters.

Dr. Grof names three depths into the Underworld: perinatal matrix one, which is euphoric; perinatal matrix two: which is very informative, and the mind grows very powerful to manifest its thoughts as reality there.

And then in perinatal matrix three, the mind power has grown uncontrollable, and soon one wishes one was someone else, and "zap" one body switches into that someone else.

And, the body switching continues, going backwards and forward in time, suffering the sufferings of others. This can go on for a hundred years duration, the "aioniu amartaematos". LSD was used to inflict the "Clockwork Orange" treatment to this level.

And, today LSD is so outlawed that the physical "Gitmo Baptism" is used to inflict the "Clockwork Orange" treatment on anyone caught for being suspected of terrorism.

If I am accused of "profaning the sacred mysteries", certainly the Gitmo Baptism is much more of a profanation. This knowledge should all be out to the public in a democracy with a First Amendment.

When I tried to protect my right to know these facts, under the right to freedom of religion, I was told, "That's not a religion. It''s true! It's science". I said, "What? If it true it's science; and if it's false it's religion?"
Shrooms, Like LSD

The active ingredient in the amanita muscaria mushroom is muscarine. Our "muscarinic" nervous system is named after it, for, just by just physical stimulation of the muscarinic nervous system you get the same effect as with muscarine.

The stimulation of the muscarinic nervous system overrides inhibitory neurons in the brain. LSD arrives at the same result by blocking those same inhibitory neurons in the brain.

This stimulation has been called "kundalini", and plexuses of the muscarinic nervous system have been called "chakras". The parasympathetic nervous system is composed of muscarinic neurons.

The chakras aren't spiritual wheels of light on the spine. Such cover ups against the public have been used in an attempt to keep this knowledge secret, for, it is the supreme secret of every mystical secret society and priestcraft.

Crucifixion causes such extreme muscarinic nervous system stimulation that the victim is sent to the most extreme state of organic psychosis, called perinatal matrix three in holotropic dot comm.

Being a matter of superstition, this knowledge was actually out in the open, public, behind the old Iron Curtain, where, at least, organized superstition did not rule.

The disease of having scar tissue, like from injury, in the parasympathetic nervous system causing an "organic psychosis", was called "shamans' disease" behind the old Iron Curtain.

But, in the superstitious West people unfortunate enough to have scar tissue in their parasympathetic nervous system from accidental injury were locked up in the mental hospital gulags for "schizophrenia".

Which ever way the "unauthorized" (real witches) got their muscarinic nervous systems activated, the establishment of superstition locked them up, and used electric shock treatments in an attempt to erase their memories of the secret.

This inquisition is live and well today as suspects are apprehended, confessions tortured out of them, and they are stoned to death for "blowing on knots", under Islamic governments.

Simply, today in America, the superstitious fascist system just black balls real witches, and throws them out into the streets to die miserable deaths of homelessness.

It is obvious that when everybody knows, there will then be no secret. It is advisable to spread this knowledge for now You know too much. Let everybody know too much, THEY can't get everybody.
Looks like I left off at page 17 and have a little catching up to do. This thread already illustrates a funny observation I've noted...
Illegal Knowledge? Tuff!

In India, advanced yogins can put themselves into suspended animation.

They do what is called the "khechari mudra" (fig gesture). They have had the ligature under the tongue cut so that they can stick it up back the nose.

This causes a vagal syncope, a faint, from extreme vagal stimulation. But, the blood stays oxygenated until when ever they decide to pull the tongue back out.

These advanced yogins have remained buried under the sands of the Ganges River for two weeks and resurrected. Houdini used this secret.

Crucifixion causes tremendous vagal stimulation. From the victim attempting to breathe, crucifixion causes "holotropic" breathing, see holotropic dot comm.

Dr. Stanislav Grof replaced LSD with holotropic breathing. The vagus nerve is the largest mucarinic nerve in the body.

The muscarinic nervous system stimulation spreads to the brain, waking up the brain like LSD, but LSD works by blocking the inhibitory neurons that muscarine and vagal stimulation override.

There are three levels of brain excitation, perinatal matrices one, two, and three. In perinatal matrix three the victim body switches bodies, backward and forward in time, suffering the sufferings of each body the victim body switches into. That's how Jesus is in us.

High doses of LSD were used to make victims experience real as life the experiences of everyone seen, one at a time, by going backward and forward in time.

"Clockwork Orange" depicted a prisoner who had been given a high dose of LSD, and he was forced to watch films of Auschwitz. Today, LSD is so illegal that the Gitmo Baptism is used the same way but by vagal stimulation.

Dr. Stanislav Grof said, in his "The Adventure of Self Discovery", that the original Baptism, like that by John the Baptist, was like the Gitmo Baptism, to cause psychedelic consciousness, "initiation into the Sacred Mysteries.

It was top secret classified at the making of the movie "Clockwork Orange" that the prisoner was given a high dose of LSD, and that he body switched into every victim in Auschwitz he saw, one at a time, backwards and forward in time.

The advanced Yogin has to deal with the tremendous power of the mind that causes loss of control of this tremendous power, or, he just might wish he were someone else, and "zap", he's off body switching.

Unauthorized knowers and users of this knowledge, real "witches", try to go no further that perinatal matrix two, and use their powers there to get what they want.

There is a "holy inquisition" live and well today in Islamic countries, where, witches are stoned to death for "blowing on knots".

In other countries rumors have got around that vagal stimulation brings euphoria in perinatal matrix one.

Before the turn of the Twenty-First Century anyone caught "blowing on knots" was committed to a mental hospital gulag, and attempts were made to erase the memory of this secret by applying electric shock treatments.

This is the supreme secret of dominant mystical secret societies and priestcrafts, and Jesus said, "What you have whispered in the inner chambers shall be preached from the house tops". He referred to the cross long before his crucifixion.

It is very well possible that Jesus resurrected just like those advanced yogins resurrect from the sands of the Ganges. Also, of course He was the incarnation of God, and could resurrect without any excuse.
The Unified Field Theory is Here

It seems that you "have no energy", but, the fact is, if you exist, you have energy. It's just that you can't release your energy.

There is low conductivity and high capacitance blocking the release of your energy. It is called, "having a bound astral light".

You are not energy. The energy released, E=Mc², is the energy it takes to maintain your existence. It is the energy that conforms itself into "information". You and I are only "information", the conformation of energy.

If we were energy we would never sleep. The First Law of Thermodynamics is, "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed".

Energy is eternal. And, in eternity, its conformations caused it consciousness just as the conformations in our medullas cause us consciousness. And, it always was, eternally.

In general systems engineering, velocity in mechanics, current in electricity, entropy production rate in thermodynamics, and, imagination is psychology. are called flow. This flow is esoterically called Ki in the Orient, quickened astral light, and "orgone".

Though flow is most probable, p; resistance, R, and capacitance, C, inhibiting flow are improbabilities, q, whose probability builds up over time.

Dr. Murphy's real law is, "If anything can happen it will". The ancient Greek Gnostics called this "phronaesis" (the "ae" represents the letter "eta"), comprehension. It comprehends all probability.

There are improbability fields. Improbabilities have been seen to go together. For example, the old Vancover story.

There were technicians playing with dice during a coffee break. It was noticed that when a long improbable flow was broken there was a simultaneous surge in all the rheometers,

Improbability being used up allowed faster flow through all those flow meters. Now we see that all the years holding back the ocean depleted Holland of enough improbability to allow legalized prostitution.

All the gambling in Nevada allowed prostitution to be legalized in Nevada. In all these kinds of cases you will see that the improbability fields were used up.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics reveals that "entropy" is most probable, p, in the universe.

On a universal scale, entropy has been defined as the proportion of photons to nucleons. For every entity of matter that cancels out with its exact opposite polarity (entity) there are two photons released.

That means that "entropy" is an extent of polarity cancellation. Its opposition is called "ectropy". Ectropy is improbable, q, in the universe.

Every pleasure is an experience of nonexistence, undifferentiation; but, the ectropy in our medullas brings us back. The undifferentiation wasn't complete. But, mathematics shows that it can be.

Our closed circuits, which are counterclockwise (male) on one side, and clockwise (female) on the other side, if lined up confluently down to the exact Planck's distance, will totally undifferentiate forever.

In males the counterclockwise faces outward from the cytochromes of the cells; and, in females the clockwise faces outward from the cytochromes of the cells

It seems very improbable, but, the ambient pressure of repelling circuits push to confluency, and this is called attraction.

This happens with all the so called forces, the "strong" force, the "weak" force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force.

It's all the pushing of closed circuits confluently together, by turbulent repelling circuits, into peaceful undifferentiation. This is the "unified field theory".

Consciousness is an irritation, and, nonexistence it the satisfaction of all desires, momentarily experienced in pleasures, but, theoretically, permanently attainable. I am 99.999% sure. But, it's that little lack of proof that irritates me.
Consciousness is an irritation, and, nonexistence it the satisfaction of all desires, momentarily experienced in pleasures, but, theoretically, permanently attainable. I am 99.999% sure. But, it's that little lack of proof that irritates me.

What would eternal satisfaction of all desires be without consciousness of it?

Also I liked that improbability field theory. I'm not quite sure I understand it though. If I start gambling in my house more will prostitutes come? (seriously)

The real polarities are counterclockwise and clockwise. The rest is "leaven" to hide the secrets, to keep the people weak.

In the one substance, E=Mc², motion can only be in closed circuitry, that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind.

A new world begins from a singularity, which ancient rabbis called, "ain". It is rastered by time into timespace, called "ain suph".

This oneness exerts its oneness in one direction called the "prime vector", which stirs closed circuitry, which all going the same way, vO^XvO^, repels. This Big Bang was called "ain suph aur".

Circuits are thereby forced into confluencies so that you get all the particles, atoms, and molecules, etc. This is known by modern cosmology from here on. And, it all starts over, in a Black Hole, in other dimensions.

An electron is a truncated tetrahedron of four large counterclockwise circuits held in place by four small clockwise circuits.

The ambient pressure of repelling like polarities pushes opposite polarities into confluency, and this is called attraction.

This mathematically and mechanically explains all the "forces" in the universe, and their phenomena. This is the Unified Field Theory.
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