What is the 6th Dimension?

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“ to us it maybe , but to the Universe its self , it means nothing , nothing at all ”

The universe told you did it?
Also wrong.

again , give an example where time influences objects

to the point that we can see that time is an actual influential dimension upon any object in the Uinverse or here on Earth
If there was no time for things to "move" in then everything would happen at the same moment.
You're reading this AFTER I type it.
You wake up AFTER you go to sleep.
You get older.
The cup falls off the table THEN breaks.
what does it matter , just prove it
Spoken like a true idiot.
So I have to teach you basic physics and lead up to the proof?
No wonder you have such dumb "ideas" about things.
How does one prove a criminal is guilty?
By showing ALL of the steps that lead up to the final proof: chains of evidence and logic.
If you don't know physics then we're not going to get anywhere are we? :rolleyes:
If there was no time for things to "move" in then everything would happen at the same moment.

we've been there done that

therefore you already now my answer

You're reading this AFTER I type it.
You wake up AFTER you go to sleep.
You get older.
The cup falls off the table THEN breaks.

and also a business decision is made , an aircraft is made , someone is on beach , someone is fishing , a tree is fallen , ice melts etc

your point ?
Spoken like a true idiot.
So I have to teach you basic physics and lead up to the proof?
No wonder you have such dumb "ideas" about things.
How does one prove a criminal is guilty?
By showing ALL of the steps that lead up to the final proof: chains of evidence and logic.
If you don't know physics then we're not going to get anywhere are we? :rolleyes:

suck it up and prove it:D
we've been there done that
therefore you already now my answer
And your "answer" wasn't even close to being an answer.

and also a business decision is made , an aircraft is made , someone is on beach , someone is fishing , a tree is fallen , ice melts etc
your point ?
That they're are all indications that time is passing: B follows A in time.

suck it up and prove it:D
In other words you're ignorant on physics altogether but won't admit it because then you'll be shown up as someone spouting nonsense on a subject you know nothing whatsoever about but still, somehow, feel "qualified" to make flat statements on...
Very smart.
And your "answer" wasn't even close to being an answer.

That they're are all indications that time is passing: B follows A in time.

In other words you're ignorant on physics altogether but won't admit it because then you'll be shown up as someone spouting nonsense on a subject you know nothing whatsoever about but still, somehow, feel "qualified" to make flat statements on...
Very smart.

what you say here means nothing , it proves nothing
you give everything from insults and I'm being wrong
but give no proof to your assertions
Because I personally am NOT here to teach you physics.
If you're ignorant on a particular subject it's hardly my fault.
And if you choose to spout nonsense on a subject in which you're ignorant why should I be "nice" to you?
For that matter you've offered nothing to support your facile assertions.

what you say here means nothing , it proves nothing
It "proves nothing" because you don't actually think, you just go with "what feels right" and ignore reality.
“ Originally Posted by thinking
you give everything from insults and I'm being wrong
but give no proof to your assertions ”

Because I personally am NOT here to teach you physics.
If you're ignorant on a particular subject it's hardly my fault.
And if you choose to spout nonsense on a subject in which you're ignorant why should I be "nice" to you?

what a cop out

just give the evidence
what a cop out
just give the evidence
You have SEVERE comprehension problems don't you?
I've already explained why I need to know how much physics you know.
Do you even have a basic grounding?
Start here and work up.
So why should time have a substance?

because your asking time to be an influence upon things , it can't

the difference between length and time

is that without length an object can't manifest , ( I hope this obvious )

but time isn't about the ability , fundamentally , of the objects ability to manifest , time isn't a quality , in the sence that if time were absent doesn't mean that the object wouldn't manifest

but the absence of , length , hight , depth and breadth does

take away any of these qualities and the object can't manifest

see my point ?
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