what is religious experience?

It's all a bunch of "yada, yada, yada"!

Yeah, you're damn right. Yesterday a jewish person told me the same you did- but to ask their god, Hashem. The day before it was a different religion, and so on..... You all think you are right and every other belief is complete bollocks. It's sickening frankly.

But just out of curiosity i did as you said... I even ended up crying to hear god. I fell down on my knees, trembling, wishing above all other things that God would come to me....

Know what happened? Fuck all.

It will happen im sure.... when i have a near death occurence and my mind loses its stability for rational thought. It's like Stockholm? syndrome or whatever where abductees fall in love with their abductors.... It's the minds way of self comfort. I see exactly the same thing here.

If it pleases you, and its what you believe then continue as you are, however dont get so self righteous and naive to talk of courage and 'willing to be wrong'- unless you include yourself in that. Are you willing to accept you might be wrong about god? If not why ever have the audacity to assume others must? Your belief is a belief and nothing more. All you have are thoughts in your head. I love peoples freedom to believe what they want, what i hate is the self righteous attitude that comes with belief and an unwillingness to accept anything else as remote possibility over yours.

The jews: wrong, hindus: wrong, buddhists: wrong, etc etc christians: completely totally 100% no arguments correct. What a fucking load of shit.
Snakelord. God exists parallel to us, not perpenicular. You won't find "spots of presence". We don't have to go up to heaven to find Him, and He doesn't have to come down so you can see Him. You can't manipulate Him to give you a personal interview and you have shown Him nothing but contempt anyway.

All religions should be looking for God, not "finding Him". You can't own God or put Him in a box and say you have found THE truth. The question is whether God can find you. Disobedience an selfishness separates us from Him - that's why immediate gratification, immorality and hedonism are so strongly condemned. But the answer doesn't lie in "transcending earthly pleasures" that so many people attempt to do - it's in knowing that God made it possible for us to know Him and enter His presence, but on His terms: that you accept Him as you creator and judge.

You can't know God if you don't act like you know Him. The choice lies with you - God already made His choice when He made Jesus the example of how to know Him. You can look, but you won't find any other example.
Remember to add 'I believe' at the beginning of your comment next time ;)

Also i'd like to ask why you felt compelled to tell me that? You should be aware by now i dont subscribe to your 'faith' of what is the truth so there's no need to explain it as if it's undeniable fact.

Not to mention it doesn't really bear relevance to pretty much anything i have said, aside from agreeing with my comments. For instance on my last post i stated how there's nothing wrong with belief, it's the self righteous, i know the real truth attitude which is nothing but ignorance. Your whole comment stinks of that attitude i spoke of.

The post before that was trying to point out that these things are not fact, just beliefs. All you've done here is show me more of that self righteous "I'm 100% right but have no proof" attitude once more. You haven't denied you are working on simple 'faith' nor have you accepted it. A simple answer to that would be something- telling me god is not perpendicular is worthless.

Let's say for example you decide you are now the rule of America. You let some jewish shepherds write a book about it. Could you honestly expect every single person in America to just accept you are the ruler without proof of such? It is not down to me to search- frankly i couldnt give a shit. If 'he' wants me to believe in him he can come talk to me personally about it. If he doesn't and would rather just see me burn in hell for amusement then i'd rather just not bother with him anyway.

You are entrusting your very life to the words of shepherds. You are entrusting your very life to badly translated texts from original versions that in most places disagree with what you believe. I wont do that.
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I believe

I usually refer to about ten translations when I read up on something, most of them aren't 'badly translated'. If they disgree with what I believe, I try to find out why.

The Laws, Prophets and Gospels are historical accounts about something I believe in, yes - but the reason I believe is no more a leap of faith than believing in a car accident while you are involved in one. My faith rests on the event of Jesus' resurrection - with the history preceding and proceeding from it. That's why I said it was 'parallel' - it's not something that comes down on you like a ton of bricks (at least not usually). Muslims deny the resurrection on the basis that God would never forsake His prophets and that the Jews were simply "confused" about it. But I believe it really took place. God gave life in the first place, and God gives life in the second place. Everything we see and hear and do on earth is surrounded by God. You have to look very hard to miss Him.

My comment doesn't stink of self-righteousness, it stinks of conviction - I believe they smell the same. But rather judge my comment on its substance than its smell :)

I would rather trust my life to honest shepherds than to power-hungry rulers.
Re: I believe

Originally posted by Jenyar

I would rather trust my life to honest shepherds than to power-hungry rulers.

I think you are trusting your life to power-hungry shepherds,

Originally posted by Jenyar

I would rather trust my life to honest shepherds

shepherds are people who herd sheep. do you realize you are calling yourself a sheep. you must also know that sheep follow what the shepherd says. even if he misleads his herd.
The description of my shepherd was written by a shepherd - David in the Psalms. That is the shepherd I am following. And it is not in a shepherd's interest to lead his sheep of a cliff. A bad shepherd does not care for his flock. I will not follow any other than the one who said:

"I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.
The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep.

The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. "
Originally posted by Jenyar
The description of my shepherd was written by a shepherd - David in the Psalms. That is the shepherd I am following. And it is not in a shepherd's interest to lead his sheep of a cliff. A bad shepherd does not care for his flock. I will not follow any other than the one who said:

"I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.
The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep.

The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. "

this is exactly what im talking about. you are a sheep. you are quoting from a book created by the shepherd to defend why you aren't being led off a cliff by the shepherd. the shepherd would not tell you he is leading you off the cliff, he would make you believe that he is the way and then decieve you.
"The shepherd will be recognized by his flock". He came in though the gate: He was a human man, born of a normal woman. So there was nothing suspicious or unbelievable about Him, but He did not flee from danger and death even though He was innocent - like David faced the lion and Goliath. When He left, He left his Spirit with us, and that is how I know him and trust him.

We are all on the edge of that cliff you speak of, but only those with a trustworthy shepherd will know where to walk safely without falling off. Why would he deceive me?
Originally posted by Jenyar
"The shepherd will be recognized by his flock". He came in though the gate: He was a human man, born of a normal woman. So there was nothing suspicious or unbelievable about Him, but He did not flee from danger and death even though He was innocent - like David faced the lion and Goliath. When He left, He left his Spirit with us, and that is how I know him and trust him.

We are all on the edge of that cliff you speak of, but only those with a trustworthy shepherd will know where to walk safely without falling off. Why would he deceive me?

i have no idea what the hell you think i was saying. i am saying that GOD is the shepherd and you are one of his sheep. i dont believe god to exist, so i am saying that you are being decieved becouse he does not exist. this is my opinion. you just keep quoting the bible to prove your points, but i think the bible is a lie. you have nothing else than the bible to prove gods existence. again I do not believe the bible to be true, so your arguements mean nothing to me. and if you think GOD speaks to you, then guess what, those are the voices in your head that many people get locked up in hospitals for.
Man of Jade,

Cris, are you going to own up or evade my response some more just because I was right?
So a quick summary –

I have stated many times throughout this forum that the underlying root basis of every significant religion is the desire to cheat death.

You believe this statement is false because you follow a religion for other reasons.

I have pointed out that the fundamental defining concept of religion is the acceptance of the supernatural and spirituality. The belief that one has a spiritual component that can exist outside of the physical necessarily means that one expects that physical death will not be the end of their existence, i.e. they expect to cheat death when their body dies.

If you do not accept this axiom then you cannot be considered religious and my assertion does not apply to you.
Sigh... Here, I was talking about another post... The last one I made on page 10, on the 24th at 8:58am. Can you please answer those questions, or will you continue to be evasive?
GMT -7 time zone
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To Chris

"People should be free to do anything they wish except where such actions would interfere with the freedom of others."

Thats called Hedonism..........and it's the doctrine of a very early, base, vile form of Satanism.

You have no idea of the implications of such a statement.

.............Also sounds like the Mantra of the A.C.L.U.

There's two things that go together......go figure:cool:
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To MarkM

It's all a bunch of "yada, yada, yada"! Theories and opinions that never get anyone anywhere! People, muster up the courage to ask GOD if He is God

God is "an object of worship", ........that could be anything.
A stick, a stone, a false god, or false doctrine.

Satan desired to have all the world worship him "AS" God.
Isaiah 14

The God of the Bible however is Jesus Christ, and He is the Word of God made flesh and dwelt among us.
John 1:1-14

He said "my doctrine is the Fathers who sent me"

Knowing God is knowing the truth of His word, which is what Jesus used to combat Satan when He was here.

Satan is deceiveing all the world who names are not on the Lamb' book....

And he's using the Word mixed with lies, just as he did in the begining, and against Jesus.

The feel-good Pentecostal method you descibe may get you to God, as a spiritual babe, but once there you must "grow up" into the "full stature of a perfect man" (II Pet.), and have your spiritual senses exercised in the discernment of "Good and Evil"

The two spirits are so close in this day, jusy saying "I felt it"
falls way short of the mark, I'm sorry.....

We are way past "feeling time" now.
If you don't know who God is, and who you are...
You will be deceived.
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Sigh... Here, I was talking about another post... The last one I made on page 10, on the 24th at 8:58am. Can you please answer those questions, or will you continue to be evasive?
My summary answers your questions.

If you think you follow a religion for reasons other than that that defines religion then you are not religious. You are simply following a philosophy that might also form part of an established religion.
Reply to Snakelord

But just out of curiosity i did as you said... I even ended up crying to hear god. I fell down on my knees, trembling, wishing above all other things that God would come to me....
Know what happened?

Your words "just out of curiosity" may be a clue.

The exhortation was to be absolutely SINCERE - and then with Humility (Willingness to be Wrong, Willingness to Change, and Willingness to drop the opinions and be Teachable) to courageously "BE STILL" (patiently wait and allow God the respect to speak HOW and WHEN He wants).

If you do this - you will get your answer.

"People should be free to do anything they wish except where such actions would interfere with the freedom of others."

Thats called Hedonism..........
You mean the wish to be happy. That seems to be pretty universal. Christianity, for example, takes it to an extreme and expects ultimate happiness in a paradise called heaven.

and it's the doctrine of a very early, base, vile form of Satanism.
I think you’ll find that Satanism doesn’t insist on the lack of interference for the freedom of others, which makes quite a difference. But then Christianity is much like Satanism in that respect since Christianity actively tries to indoctrinate people against their will.

Remember also that a gun can be used for murder as it can for self-defense.

You have no idea of the implications of such a statement.
You mean the maximization of freedom and happiness for everyone?

The exhortation was to be absolutely SINCERE - and then with Humility (Willingness to be Wrong, Willingness to Change, and Willingness to drop the opinions and be Teachable) to courageously "BE STILL" (patiently wait and allow God the respect to speak HOW and WHEN He wants).

If you do this - you will get your answer.

I guess then i'll just have to wait until i have a near death experience like the rest of you in order to find 'him'. The time when my brain is working at it's best...