What is "Rape Culture"?

I take it you will not be getting your ex-boyfriend to stand outside a kid's school and say the same friendly comments to little girls as they walk past?

tali89: Are you comparing adult women to children? Yeah, right, nothing sexist or condescending to women there. The rest of your post hinges on a sexist and demeaning premise, so I'm not going to address it.

Bells: No. I was pointing out that if this was simply just someone saying hello, there should be nothing wrong with it.

But we weren't discussing adults loitering outside of primary schools to say hello to little children. We were discussing one adult saying hello to another adult while they pass each other in the street. The situations aren't even close to being symmetrical, and your comparison of women to little children is both irrelevant and demeaning to women.

I also suggested he stand on a street corner and say the same thing to random men walking past.

This might surprise you, but men who are complete strangers do say hello to each other in the street. Part of living in a healthy society is being able to walk down the street and get a polite smile, nod, or 'Hello, how are you going?' as you go about your day. Not everyone marches around with a stony expression and their eyes glued to the ground.

What? Do you think there is something wrong with your ex-boyfriend standing on a street corner telling random men walking past to smile because it makes them look pretty?

That's a bait and switch. We were discussing whether it was appropriate to say 'Hello, how are you?' to strangers on the street, and now you're talking about something completely different. Please stay on topic.
The female is singled out and its motivated by opportunism (obviously they are trying to flirt). Otherwise, they would be greeting anyone that passes by.

As I've pointed out in the relevant thread, the video is only two minutes long. So there is no way you could know if the people in that video didn't greet anyone that passes by. You're assuming something you cannot possibly know due to your own prejudices.

There 'hellos' are obviously not motivated by general good manners.

How is this obvious to you? The greetings I pointed out in this post (http://www.sciforums.com/threads/what-is-rape-culture.153010/page-11#post-3341664) made no reference to sex or the woman's physical appearance. They were, quite literally, men just saying 'How are you doing?" or "Have a nice evening". You're assigning ill intent to these men based on nothing more than your prejudices against them.
As I've pointed out in the relevant thread, the video is only two minutes long. So there is no way you could know if the people in that video didn't greet anyone that passes by. You're assuming something you cannot possibly know due to your own prejudices.

How is this obvious to you? The greetings I pointed out in this post (http://www.sciforums.com/threads/what-is-rape-culture.153010/page-11#post-3341664) made no reference to sex or the woman's physical appearance. They were, quite literally, men just saying 'How are you doing?" or "Have a nice evening". You're assigning ill intent to these men based on nothing more than your prejudices against them.

OK, I see, you are just dense but smart as a computer or calculator.

So why don't you put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself if you would say hello to a random stranger who is not even looking your way, even glanced your way, even acknowledged you, not pausing, lingering even for a second but is so obviously headed in a direct straight-line trajectory with her body posture and head facing forward walking down a busy sidewalk? And I'm not even talking about the ones who were following her either (that's just blatantly obvious).

Let's get this straight, if you were to, then you are either a social moron or trying to gain her attention intentionally. Trying to gain another's attention in this situation is not motivated by good manners. If you can't see that, you can't be helped. Also, I don't need to see more to 'know' they weren't saying hello to everyone passing by. Its quite obvious they weren't but I know that seems impossible for you to understand that one could figure that out just by reading the various elements of that short two minute video. If you really believe those men were calling out to other men in even close to equal number of 'greetings' (lol), that's quite daft of you or to give the benefit of the doubt, intentionally obtuse.
But we weren't discussing adults loitering outside of primary schools to say hello to little children. We were discussing one adult saying hello to another adult while they pass each other in the street. The situations aren't even close to being symmetrical, and your comparison of women to little children is both irrelevant and demeaning to women.
Then get your boyfriend to stand on the street and say "hello" and tell men walking past to smile and be sure to comment on how nice their backsides look in their pants. Shouldn't be a problem, should it? After all, your contention is that this is normal and acceptable behaviour. Why are you pushing back against it?

This might surprise you, but men who are complete strangers do say hello to each other in the street. Part of living in a healthy society is being able to walk down the street and get a polite smile, nod, or 'Hello, how are you going?' as you go about your day. Not everyone marches around with a stony expression and their eyes glued to the ground.
Then get him to do it. Tell him to make sure he says the same thing as the men in the video you keep lauding is not street harassment. You know, like "smile, you have such a pretty face", and make comments on their appearance, how their arse looks in their pants. Because this is what men do with each other as well on the street, yes? If this is normal behaviour, he should have no issue doing it. Let us know how long he lasts.

That's a bait and switch. We were discussing whether it was appropriate to say 'Hello, how are you?' to strangers on the street, and now you're talking about something completely different. Please stay on topic.
And I have shown you examples that street harassment is not as innocent as you are trying to make it. It's not just "hello, how are you?". Women who fail to respond are often abused, sworn at, physically attacked or killed for failing to respond.

You are still refusing to even acknowledge that there is a sense of threat and fear for us women whether we respond to it or not. But then again, pretty much all women understand this and yet you do not.

But hey, if you had to acknowledge that, you'd be lost without your #whataboutmen routine you have going on here which is ironic, because men are often victims of street harassers if they dare ask them to stop or step in to protect their female relatives or partners. Heaven forbid street harassers don't get to harass women. It's never just "hello". There are ulterior motives behind those hellos.

So why don't you put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself if you would say hello to a random stranger who is not even looking your way, even glanced your way, even acknowledged you, not pausing, lingering even for a second but is so obviously headed in a direct straight-line trajectory with her body posture and head facing forward walking down a busy sidewalk? And I'm not even talking about the ones who were following her either (that's just blatantly obvious).

Let's get this straight, if you were to, then you are either a social moron or trying to gain her attention intentionally. Trying to gain another's attention in this situation is not motivated by good manners. If you can't see that, you can't be helped. Also, I don't need to see more to 'know' they weren't saying hello to everyone passing by. Its quite obvious they weren't but I know that seems impossible for you to understand that one could figure that out just by reading the various elements of that short two minute video. If you really believe those men were calling out to other men in even close to equal number of 'greetings' (lol), that's quite daft of you or to give the benefit of the doubt, intentionally obtuse.
We might also consider that this is normal behaviour for tali89. That what all women and most men view as being offensive behaviour, is simply how tali89 lives her/his/whatever existence on a daily basis. It's probably why tali89 refuses to even acknowledge the violence that often occurs against women and men, not to mention children, for offending street harassers and this violence occurs on a daily basis.
This might surprise you, but men who are complete strangers do say hello to each other in the street. Part of living in a healthy society is being able to walk down the street and get a polite smile, nod, or 'Hello, how are you going?' as you go about your day. Not everyone marches around with a stony expression and their eyes glued to the ground.

Yes, they do. Everyone does occasionally but in this context its just so obvious its..not..out..of..politeness. Lmao. Its so obvious I almost think you must be pulling everyone's leg on this issue that you don't get it. Its almost comical. How many times have I said 'obvious'? Lol.

I mean is that what you would do? See someone pass by and say hello to random strangers who aren't even looking at you? You can see there are numerous people going by so to greet everyone would be simply a nutcase, unless you are a hawker of wares. lol. Here is a clue: in this context, ask yourself who and why they choose certain people to be 'friendly' toward. lol
I'm having some trouble accepting the notion that simply saying hello to a stranger can be construed as sexual harassment. Why, a woman did just that to me in the store yesterday, and she smiled. I was just walking past, not even looking her direction.
I'm having some trouble accepting the notion that simply saying hello to a stranger can be construed as sexual harassment. Why, a woman did just that to me in the store yesterday, and she smiled. I was just walking past, not even looking her direction.

Stay on topic. Context, context pal. lol. What you experienced and the context of that video are entirely different. Puleeze..lol.

I said hello to a random stranger too yesterday in the grocery store. It is the holidays after all. lol. But I sure wouldn't be calling out greetings in busy downtown walkway or nyc and think its polite or even appropriate..that's just stupid and even weird. Of course, unless one has no manners and just like to irk, harass people. Attention whores. lol.
I'm having some trouble accepting the notion that simply saying hello to a stranger can be construed as sexual harassment. Why, a woman did just that to me in the store yesterday, and she smiled. I was just walking past, not even looking her direction.
Context.. Now stand on a street and keep saying hello to women as they walk past. Just women only mind you and only if they are by themselves, and then follow them a bit and keep asking them why they aren't saying hello back. Then tell her she should smile more, because you think she would look pretty if she smiled at you. Then comment on her clothes, her shoes, ask her where she is going, ask her she wants company.

Unless you are tali89, most women would find that disconcerting and yes, harassing behaviour. Why? Because the woman will not know if you are some psycho or not, will not know if you have ulterior motives or not. She is a complete stranger and does not know you.

It's not about saying hello. It is targeting specific people and harassing them when it is clear they don't want to talk to you.
Then get your boyfriend to stand on the street and say "hello" and tell men walking past to smile and be sure to comment on how nice their backsides look in their pants.

Another bait and switch. First you equate saying "Hello" to an adult you pass by in the street to loitering outside a primary school and saying 'Hello' to children. Now you're talking about 'backsides'. Your attempt to obfuscate the issue is noted. By the way, you haven't provided a cogent explanation as to why you equated adult women with children.

Then get him to do it. Tell him to make sure he says the same thing as the men in the video you keep lauding is not street harassment. You know, like "smile, you have such a pretty face", and make comments on their appearance, how their arse looks in their pants.

Can you please show where I 'kept lauding' that the above examples were not street harassment? For your convenience, here is the post where I singled out what I didn't think constituted harassment in the video:

Every one of the examples I gave were simple greetings, devoid of any possible sexual connotations. If you can find me saying otherwise, then please provide a quotation and source.

And I have shown you examples that street harassment is not as innocent as you are trying to make it. It's not just "hello, how are you?".

But examples of 'Hello, how are you?" are included in the 'Sexual Harassment' video. I'm arguing that simply saying 'Hello' to someone, or asking someone 'How are you going?' is devoid of sexual connotation, and in no way constitutes sexual harassment. Your continued attempts to muddy the waters with ridiculous analogies of little children and comments about backsides and pretty faces is further evidence of your propensity to misrepresent posters you disagree with.
Context.. Now stand on a street and keep saying hello to women as they walk past. Just women only mind you and only if they are by themselves, and then follow them a bit and keep asking them why they aren't saying hello back. Then tell her she should smile more, because you think she would look pretty if she smiled at you. Then comment on her clothes, her shoes, ask her where she is going, ask her she wants company.

Unless you are tali89, most women would find that disconcerting and yes, harassing behaviour.

Please show where I claimed I wouldn't find the behavior you described disconcerting. Please make sure you provide a direct quotation instead of your own summary of what you think I said, since you've previously admitted that you don't pay attention to what you read.

More to the point, do you think a man asking a woman on the street "How are you doing today?" is street harassment? This is a simple Yes or No answer.
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Oh lawd.. God almighty. lol.

Let me spell it out. I suppose it must be done. Lol

If in this same experiment, you are a male, the number of greetings would be almost zilch. Guaranteed. I would even bank on it.

If you are a granny, the same.

If you are considered ugly, the same.

Getting warmer?

Its obvious they viewed her as physically attractive which was the motivation for trying to gain her attention. Yes, her attention. Not motivated by politeness, courtesy, kumbaya etc.

Another bait and switch. First you equate saying "Hello" to an adult you pass by in the street to loitering outside a primary school and saying 'Hello' to children. Now you're talking about 'backsides'. Your attempt to obfuscate the issue is noted. By the way, you haven't provided a cogent explanation as to why you equated adult women with children.
I don't equate women with children. My point was that if it's okay to do to women, it's okay to do to men and children as well. Correct? After all, he's just standing there saying "hello, how are you?". So what would be the harm in your ex-boyfriend standing on a street corner and picking men or children and saying this to them as they walked past? Why are you dodging this? You said it's just saying "hello, how are you?". So what's the harm? You even said yourself before, that men apparently say hello to men they do not know walking down the street all the time. So why can't your ex-boyfriend stand on a street corner or on a street and just say hello to men as they walk past in the same way the men in that video say hello to only women as they walk past? Why doesn't he do it to children?

Can you please show where I 'kept lauding' that the above examples were not street harassment? For your convenience, here is the post where I singled out what I didn't think constituted harassment in the video:

Every one of the examples I gave were simple greetings, devoid of any possible sexual connotations. If you can find me saying otherwise, then please provide a quotation and source.
And I am saying that you should get your ex-boyfriend to stand on a street or street corner and say the exact same things that you deemed was not sexual harassment to men or children as they walk past. See how long he lasts.

Do you understand now?

You don't think it is sexual harassment but you are pushing back at the very thought of having your ex-boyfriend do this to other men or children? So it's only acceptable to do this to women? Where is the harm in that? It's just saying "hello", and "how are you?".

Tell your ex-boyfriend to say those comments in the same way as the men in that video said to that girl.

But examples of 'Hello, how are you?" are included in the 'Sexual Harassment' video. I'm arguing that simply saying 'Hello' to someone, or asking someone 'How are you going?' is devoid of sexual connotation, and in no way constitutes sexual harassment. Your continued attempts to muddy the waters with ridiculous analogies of little children and comments about backsides and pretty faces is further evidence of your propensity to misrepresent posters you disagree with.
And once more, context. Those men are only saying it to women. They don't do it to men. And they only do it to women who are not accompanied by another man. Context. They aren't saying hello and how are you going? to be friendly. They are doing it to be sleazy. Hence why if your ex-boyfriend acted in that exact same way towards a man or a child, he'd either be beaten up or have the police called, because it is sleazy and creepy behaviour to stand on a street and accost people in this way. Which is probably why you are dodging the very notion of your ex-boyfriend doing it.

Please show where I claimed I wouldn't find the behavior you described disconcerting. Please make sure you provide a direct quotation instead of your own summary of what you think I said, since you've previously admitted that you don't pay attention to what you read.
You have consistently defended the behaviour of the men in that video. Consistently. I don't need to link anything. You are still doing it. People just need to read your posts to see that. So stop dodging and stop trolling about it.

You don't think there is an issue with how those men behaved. They weren't just saying hello or how are you going. They were eyeing her up and trying to gauge a response from her and their motivation was blatant. They were sleazy and creepy and yes, they were harassing her. As I said, if you don't think standing on a street and saying hello to only women who walk past in a sleazy manner is harassment, then obviously this is normal behaviour for you. Is it?

Do you understand the very simple fact that women do not know these men and we do not know if we refuse to respond or if we do not respond how these men want us to respond, that it will not escalate? I have provided you with numerous examples of just how men who do this often escalate it to abuse, physical violence or even murder if the woman responds or does not respond as he expects her to. It's not that you don't find the behaviour disconcerting. It's that you have spent pages and other threads defending the behaviour to begin with. Or are you denying that? You scoffed at the video being an example of street harassment. Everyone else can see the sexual motivation behind these comments, why can't you? As I said, perhaps this is how you expect men to behave towards you.

But if you want an example of how it isn't acceptable behaviour, get your ex-boyfriend to stand on the street in the same way these men who were just saying "hello" and "how are you going?" and have him say it to either men or children as they walk past. I can assure you, he won't last long.

More to the point, do you think a man asking a woman on the street "How are you doing today?" is street harassment? This is a simple Yes or No answer.
Why would a man I do not know, have never seen before, who is standing on the street, suddenly decide to ask me how I am doing today as I walk past, going about my business? Why is he targeting just me or other women with this? If he is doing it to everyone who walks past, then he's obviously a tad strange because non-buskers or street sales people do not stand there asking everyone who walks past how they are doing today. If he is only targeting women and acting in a sleazy manner, then yes, it is clearly street harassment.
They were eyeing her up and trying to gauge a response from her and their motivation was blatant. They were sleazy and creepy and yes, they were harassing her.

Evidently, some people don't detect or read tone, facial expression, body language, vibes etc. Hope for their sake they live in an ivory tower, otherwise they would be quite the sucker.

I walk to a local convenience store sometimes where there exists quite a few loiterers. If I have my hoody on and bundled up pretty much like a disguise, no one notices. If I don't and they can clearly tell the gender, every time one of them will follow me into the store making up some lame excuse to speak to me or 'greet' me, with a stupid feigned innocent expression on their face. I know what's up and act as well. Who follows someone to be polite? Are they the designated community greeter? If they are such nice, innocent friendly people why didn't they 'greet' me when I appear obscure or androgynous? lol.
It's not about saying hello. It is targeting specific people and harassing them when it is clear they don't want to talk to you.
In that context, being followed, I would agree. But having someone say hello while crossing their path is not harassment. I think on that point we can also agree...right?
I said hello to a random stranger too yesterday in the grocery store. It is the holidays after all. lol. But I sure wouldn't be calling out greetings in busy downtown walkway or nyc and think its polite or even appropriate..that's just stupid and even weird. Of course, unless one has no manners and just like to irk, harass people. Attention whores. lol.

Hmm, so saying hello to strangers is weird? What if you just simply like people in general?

Jesus, Christ almighty.

The first thing that should have been noticed is normal people don't hang out on the streets or sidewalk. Normal people use sidewalks for walking to and fro a destination. There is a term for those who 'hang out' and they are aka 'HUSTLERS'.

They look for easy marks or cheap form of entertainment, even at someone's expense.

Yeah, on a slow day or if they are bored they may give you a nod or hello to a guy or whoever without any interest but that female in the video was definitely a mark in their view and they were trying, some harder than others.
Bowser said:
But having someone say hello while crossing their path is not harassment. I think on that point we can also agree...right?

You know, Bowser, generally speaking, if there's anyone who shouldn't be telling women what is and isn't harassment, it's a man.

And speaking in particular, you refuse to acknowledge the humanity and human rights of women. You have exactly no business telling any woman anywhere any damn thing about harassment.
You know, Bowser, generally speaking, if there's anyone who shouldn't be telling women what is and isn't harassment, it's a man.
I've yet to define harassment for anyone. Their perception is their own. If I look at the examples given, I must give an honest response. Simply saying hello to a woman is neither harassment nor sexual abuse, in my opinion. Following someone down the sidewalk and pestering them? Yeah, I would define that as harassment.
There is a response video to the one being discussed. I thought it worth posting, if for no other reason than adding a little humor to this discussion...
