What is "Rape Culture"?

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If you look at the Muslim culture, women are not allowed to use their sexual assets in public to gain leverage over men.
Can you please provide actual proof of this? Because the teachings of the Quran encourage modesty, for men and women. It says absolutely nothing about their "sexual assets".

Why are you projecting your own perversions onto the beliefs of others?

They have to cover up all sex appeal, from head to toe.
Muslim culture says nothing about covering up "all sex appeal". Religious teachings encourage modesty. Which is completely different.

Forcing women to cover up from head to toe, is not a part of "Muslim culture", it is a part of a political climate, pushed and perpetrated in a bid to control women. It has nothing to do with sex appeal.

Again, stop projecting your sick and twisted perversions onto the religious beliefs of others.

When Muslim men immigrated to Europe, many as refugees, the amount of rape and sexual assault rose in these Western countries.
This is a commonly spouted lie by conservatives in America to support their anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rantings. They commonly cite Sweden as seeing a giant increase in rape and blame it squarely on Muslim males. The reality shows just how dumb and racist the Right happens to be in the US..

From the
Swedish Government:

Claim: "There has been a major increase in the number of rapes in Sweden."
Facts: The number of reported rapes in Sweden has risen. But the definition of rape has broadened over time, which makes it difficult to compare the figures. It is also misleading to compare the figures with other countries, as many acts that are considered rape under Swedish law are not considered rape in many other countries.

For example: If a woman in Sweden reports that she has been raped by her husband every night for a year, that is counted as 365 separate offences; in most other countries this would be registered as a single offence, or would not be registered as an offence at all.

Willingness to report such offences also differs dramatically between countries. A culture in which these crimes are talked about openly, and victims are not blamed, will also have more cases reported. Sweden has made a conscious effort to encourage women to report any offence.

Among Muslim men, the rate of rape went beyond what was occurring in the Muslim countries from which they came.
Prove it.

Because you are basing the original premise on a lie to begin with, a lie perpetrated by Trump with no proof whatsoever.

I will ask again, why do you insist on pushing your own personal perversions about women onto others?

What was the difference? This may give us a clue as to a cause of the rape culture. One obvious difference is western women dress for sex appeal and use that to work the men. One may argue that women are responsible for the rape culture. They place their hand in the fire, and blame the fire for the burn. It has nothing to do with their choice to place their hand in the fire.


Rapes in Islamic countries is just as high, if not higher than in Western countries. The reason people such as yourself believe that it is low or non-existent and then put it to how women are forced to dress under threat of death or beatings (I also like how you deliberately leave out the "dress to hide sex appeal" comment), is because rape numbers are never published in those countries as they try to portray an ideal that rape does not exist in their country. Not to mention that they do not classify marital rape as a crime and the fact that rape victims who do come forward, are often punished instead of the rapists being punished..

Normal men do not view women in that way and do not assume that because a woman is wearing a swim suit or a short skirt, that that woman is asking you to rape her. Just because you see women who dress however it is as they decide to dress on any given day as an invitation for sex, that is just you because you are a twisted misogynistic pervert. And how do I know you are a twisted and misogynistic pervert?

The analogy is having one female dog go in heat. This will attract male dogs from near and far. In the cross fire of the male frenzy, female dogs who are not in heat, will get caught up in the frenzy due to the same uniform.

Seriously, seek help.

Because I can tell you now, as a former prosecutor of rapists and sexual violence offenders, as a woman and a rape victim, you, sir, pose a severe risk and danger to women and children around you. Seek help as quickly as you possibly can. Because anyone who can literally compare women to "female dogs in heat", any person who justifies rape and gang rape as you just did, any person who can attempt to justify raping women and excusing it as you just did, poses a serious and severe risk to women in general, not just those around you, but in your community itself. Seek help.

And just so you are aware, justifying, excusing and even the type of misogynistic tripe you just spouted to explain rape and justify sexual violence and blame it on victims as you did, the bigotry of comparing women to "female dogs in heat", the sheer sick nature of your posts, is rabidly against this site's rules. I am going to moderate you, and send you on a temporary ban while the staff will be discussing whether you should be allowed to post here ever again.
The analogy is having one female dog go in heat. This will attract male dogs from near and far. In the cross fire of the male frenzy, female dogs who are not in heat, will get caught up in the frenzy due to the same uniform.

You are comparing a woman being raped to a female dog in heat mating...

1) No
2) You obviously failed biology in every manner
3) Fucking no
4) This "analogy" is deplorable and despicable. - what it truly is is an insult against women everywhere
5) Don't come back, you are no longer welcome here.
#rapeculture | #justanotherday

It would be one thing to say we cannot find a more obvious example of rape culture, except, truth told, we probably can, and, besides, such notions unsettle many people largely because this sounds pretty much like just another day in these United States of America:

As a society, we are a long way from dealing with rape humanely. In part, this is because many of us still don't understand what consent is and that it's not just about a person's right to say no but also about their right to say yes. Our legal system is woefully inadequate when it comes to addressing sexual assault and victim shaming combined with laws that favor the accused are powerful reasons that many choose not to come forward.

In Alabama, college student Megan Rondini did everything victims are told to do when she reported her assault by a prominent local businessman. Her experience with the criminal justice system was so horrific that she committed suicide.

The entire entry from Daily Kos staff writer Kelly Macias↱:

Megan met T.J. Bunn, Jr. in a local bar. She did not remember how she ended up in his car on the way to his house but she did clearly recall that she was sober enough to tell him that she did not want to have sex with him. After telling him that she had to go multiple times and him not allowing her to leave, she “felt like just letting him have sex with me was the only way he would let me go.” This is absolutely not the same thing as consent. After he passed out, she tried to get out of his bedroom but the door was locked. She took his handgun for protection and $3 from his wallet, just in case she needed it. She then climbed out of a window in his house and broke into his car looking for her keys. She could not find them but managed to text a friend who picked her up and took her to the hospital where she met with law enforcement to report her assault. That is when she learned that the law and the community would do it all could to protect Bunn, the son of an influential family, instead of her.

Megan was treated like a criminal by the police and the local district attorney. She was even threatened with felony charges for stealing Bunn's gun, the money and breaking into his car. That is when her family decided that it was best for her to leave school and head home to Texas where she was from and that's ultimately where she fell into a deep depression and ended up taking her own life. Everything and everyone in this case conspired against this young woman. She couldn't find a therapist in town because everyone was friends with the Bunn family. The police were going to charge her, not Bunn because she stole money and a weapon to protect herself after her assault. She did the right thing and filed a report with the university, only to have them close her case as “unfounded.” What exactly does it take for a rape victim to believed?

Megan Rondini was 21 years old when she died. She was an animal rights activist and worked with underprivileged children. She was known for her sense of right and wrong and had an entire life ahead of her. This should have never happened. This is an incredible failure of the justice system and well as our educational institutions and is yet another way society fails women and rape victims. Why wasn't anyone there for Megan? She did everything they say you are supposed to do and she was treated like the perpetrator. This sort of shameful behavior enables a culture where powerful men can do whatever they want to women, without consequence.

And, well, at least we have yet another answer to the question of what is rape culture. Macias runs her article under the straightforward headline, "A town comes together to protect man accused of sexual assault and his accuser commits suicide", and considers a BuzzFeed report from Katie J. M. Baker↱:

No one was there to help Megan when she found herself in that very situation one night in July 2015, except for a well-to-do businessman Megan knew only as “Sweet T.” The 34-year-old later told authorities he offered 20-year-old Megan a ride home because he and a friend saw her leaving downtown Tuscaloosa alone. Megan couldn't remember how she ended up in Sweet T's white Mercedes on the way to his ornate mansion, decorated with his choicest hunting conquests, from massive-tusked elephant and wide-mouthed hippo heads to taxidermied lions and leopards. But, Megan later told police, she was sober enough by the time he pointed her toward his bedroom to know she didn't want to have sex with him — and, she said, Sweet T should've known it, too.

There's no official guide to reporting rape. It's the most underreported crime, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which means many victims don't tell anyone at all. But women are generally expected to do two things if they believe they've been sexually assaulted: Go to the emergency room and call the police. “Was it consensual?” Megan's friend asked her when she picked her up that night, the friend told investigators. “Like, did you want to?” No, Megan told her. She didn't.

That's why they went to the hospital for a forensic exam, even though it was the middle of the night and Megan had just run away from Sweet T's mansion by climbing out of his second-story window. Afterward, instead of going to sleep, she met with law enforcement for an interview. Megan never imagined that she would soon be cast as a criminal, or that investigators would view Sweet T — really T.J. Bunn Jr., son of an influential Tuscaloosa family — as the true victim. But that's exactly what happened.

Bunn insisted he and Megan had consensual sex. In a statement provided by his lawyer, Bunn reiterated that he was never charged with a crime and said it would be “improper to say anything further about a young woman, who was clearly troubled, that could cause pain for a family dealing with grief.” Under Alabama's archaic rape law, victims must prove they “earnestly” resisted their attackers, and the investigator who interviewed Megan quickly decided she hadn't fought back against Bunn — she hadn't “kicked him or hit him," he explained. His investigation would conclude that no rape occurred. But he didn't stop there. Instead, he started building a case against Megan, questioning her for multiple crimes she wasn't even aware she had committed.

Later, when Megan tried to file a civil suit, she learned the only way to escape possible prosecution for those crimes was to drop her case. When she went to the University of Alabama for counseling, a staff therapist told Megan she knew the Bunn family and therefore couldn't help her. Ultimately, Megan and her family decided it was no longer safe for her to stay in Tuscaloosa.

If every once in a while it seems as if the laws and processes are set up to help men rape women, well, yeah, that's kind of how it goes in these United States. And as much as it bugs people to consider a societal cancer of such magnitude stalking a comfortable identity politic, our history burgeons—and almost proudly—with examples.

Here's a question I haven't found an answer to in the year and a half since I started asking it: Why should a woman require the protection of an attorney in order to report a rape↱ to police? What about reporting a rape makes her a suspect?

You'd almost think the authorities would rather women just shut the fuck up about being raped.


Anderson, Kendall. "I wish I’d never reported my rape". Salon. 24 January 2015. Salon.com. 23 June 2017. http://bit.ly/1Dbauhg

Baker, Katie J. M. "How Accusing A Powerful Man of Rape Drove A College Student To Suicide". BuzzFeed. 22 June 2017. BuzzFeed.com. 23 June 2017. http://bzfd.it/2s0dd2P

Macias, Kelly. "A town comes together to protect man accused of sexual assault and his accuser commits suicide". Daily Kos. 22 June 2017. DailyKos.com. 23 June 2017. http://bit.ly/2s03xjT
Deep Web pedophilia and what not.

Didn't Peter Scully get millions of dollars for videos of him raping and killing children?
Never heard the name until you mentioned it here. Certainly there are dark elements in society, but you can't paint the whole with a single brush.