What is God's mercy?

When are you going to post something of substance Me-Ki-Gal? I don't think I've actually ever seen you really say anything.
I will try to interpret my self. We make people our scape goats . Then mob mentality takes over and wham brand new classification, New group of demonetization. New law and now the law is reaching a tipping point where they are to heavy for the population to bare. That is where we are in the scheme of things. Civil unrest is reaching it's threshold. by the very burdens we can not sustain. It was prophesied long ago. It is the 7 years of tribulations . The end game of brutal human condemnation. Your hearts are good no worries , Some of you others might want to reevaluate where you stand. For justice will prevail . It is inevitable.
it's a sign of the times. it's inevitable, and indicative of what's to come.

nobody really cares so much about corruption as long as they're getting what they need. but when the what should have been obvious consequences catch up with all of us, everyone all of a sudden wants to protest. :shrug:

Synchronicity my dear. I knew you where a seer. You must have climbed the ladder of Jacob and dipped from the pool of the future
The Egyptians where duped by there corrupt government. I was following there social net work and the revelations blew there minds and that is why they are standing. They are standing for Pharaoh for Pharaoh thinks the same way as they do. They where afraid and didn't know . Now that should tell anybody listening something of value. More valuable than pure gold. They have families they care about and they also care about there little ones futures as I do and to tell you the truth that is all there is so you better go call someone you love . Phone home and eat your veggy's too
The voice of God . Beethoven could hear to even when he was deaf . You get a gold star my dear . The song remains the same and there is more to the picture than meets the eye . My My Hey Hey rock and roll is here to stay! Cool tune

well, just so corey taylor knows, i did tell the world, and the world collectively put it's hands over it's ears and said "please stop talking".
If I wanted to know what mercy is I would also consider the opposite. For example I was studying fighting last night and I decided that when a fighter is not fighting he/she is he-al-ing, which put simply means that he is everything (all). If he is all then this includes the mind; he is thinking of his opponent while he is healing. So then, if healing is when your opponent is on your mind, fighting is when he is not on your mind. Put simply when you are fighting you are not thinking.

I would have to consider for a while what the opposite of mercy is.
It was a while back. The search function doesn't render it now; threads before the latest upgrade cannot be searched.
So now it's just my word against yours ...

Without any quote it’s an unsubstantiated allegation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It's not like now, you think any differently. You still think that it is love that God sends the majority of His children to hell for all eternity, do you not?