What is death?

This reminds me of that one SNL Celebrity Jeopardy episode where Sean Connery is asked to pick a catagory, he see's "Therapists" on the board so he says "It looks like this is my lucky day, I'll take The Rapists for 200" so Trebeck says "That's Therapists..... not The Rapists.." :D

Sorry, I have nothing useful to add at this time :p
Yes. And I also know that many rapists do not feel remorse or heavy conscience for their acts.


Are you a rapist to know what one might feel or not...?

I've studied psychiatric profiles hugely.

The first thing I got largely into was psychiatry. When I realized psychiatry was too much of a math for me, I moved on to political theory. Than philosophy.

I used Bernardo before, and I will again. In his profile psychiatrists believe he feels no remorse for his actions.

Are you a rapist to know what one might feel or not...?

Well Nelson, you are the one who feels more sympathy for them than for thier victims.

Seriously dear, Tyler reads. He studies psychiatry. He has probably heard of 'anti-social personality disorder' and 'sociopathy'.

Seriously dear, Tyler reads. He studies psychiatry. He has probably heard of 'anti-social personality disorder' and 'sociopathy'.

And I studied Modern Psychology for years... ;)

"Sociopathy is chiefly characterized by something wrong with the person's conscience. They either don't have one, it's full of holes like Swiss cheese, or they are somehow able to completely neutralize or negate any sense of conscience or future time perspective. Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires - selfishness and egocentricity to the extreme. Everything and everybody else is mentally twisted around in their minds as objects to be used in fulfilling their own needs and desires. They often believe they are doing something good for society, or at least nothing that bad. The term "sociopath" is frequently used by psychologists and sociologists alike in referring to persons whose unsocialized character is due primarily to parental failures (usually fatherlessness) rather than inherent features of temperament"
- http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/401/401lect16.htm

Chronic Depression also fits the bill;
"The group of symptoms which doctors and therapists use to diagnose
depression ("depressive symptoms"), which includes the important
proviso that the symptoms have manifested for more than a few weeks
and that they are interfering with normal life, are the result of an
alteration in brain chemistry. This alteration is similar to
temporary, normal variations in brain chemistry which can be
triggered by illness, stress, frustration, or grief, but it differs
in that it is self-sustaining and does not resolve itself upon
removal of such triggering events (if any such trigger can be found
at all, which is not always the case.)

Instead, the alteration continues, producing depressive symptoms and
through those symptoms, enormous new stresses on the person:
unhappiness, sleep disorders, lack of concentration, difficulty in
doing one's job, inability to care for one's physical and emotional
needs, strain on existing relationships with friends and family.
These new stresses may be sufficient to act as triggers for
continuing brain chemistry alteration, or they may simply prevent the
resolution of the difficulties which may have triggered the initial
alteration, or both."

There's many more.

And technically, there's no such thing as over thinking as every human is thinking every second of every day. There is such a thing as over pondering on a certain topic though.

And technically, there's no such thing as over thinking as every human is thinking every second of every day. There is such a thing as over pondering on a certain topic though.

I see...
You never tried to shut up your head, did you?
Try it. Try to stay 5 seconds without thinking. Next time try 50 sconds. Then, 1 minute. Go, and build it up!

Once you stop thinking, your right brain will enter in contact with your left brain and you will understand what I'm telling you here... ;)

That's called meditation. And it was something we used daily in Kung-Fu. Did I mention I trained for 8 years? Yeah, so I have a pretty good idea what meditation is about.

And no, its not stoping thinking. It's about clearing your mind. It's a sleep-like trance. But it's not stoping thoughtl. Your mind still processes information.

And how many people in Canada meditate? Out of 30 million? Maybe a million? So then those other 29 million by your description are constantly thinking and therefore will go insane.
What the hell are you talking about?
Are you going to change the definition of thinking now?

"To have or formulate in the mind"
What the hell are you talking about?
Are you going to change the definition of thinking now?

Poor, poor masochistic* Tyler. I think he might.

P.S: The right and left brains are already connected, by the corpus callosum.

*Yeah, I'm using the word out of context. So hit me. :p

P.S: The right and left brains are already connected, by the corpus callosum.

I'm not talking physically... I'm talking neurologically.
For example, why women have enhanced intuition?
Because the informations are more exchanged from one side of the brain to the other. Their corpus callosum are more active.

That's what I'm talking here. For one to experience true meditation AND what I'm saying here, it's absolutly necessary that the two hemispheres of the brain are connected and easily interchanging information.

Already answerwed Tyler... ;)

I'm not talking physically... I'm talking neurologically.

Neurology is physical, dear.

Because the informations are more exchanged from one side of the brain to the other. Their corpus callosum are more active.

Actually, it is thicker and the neurons are more dense.

For one to experience true meditation AND what I'm saying here, it's absolutly necessary that the two hemispheres of the brain are connected and easily interchanging information.

Unless you are a split-brain patient, the two hemispheres are already connected.

Neurology is physical, dear.

I'm talking about the impulses...

Actually, it is thicker and the neurons are more dense.

Unless you are a split-brain patient, the two hemispheres are already connected.

Again, I'm talking about exchange of impulses between the two hemispheres. When you read this message, your right hemisphere get the words and rationalize, while your left brain is more "worried" about meanings and sensations...

I'm talking about the impulses...

With all due respect, you have no idea what you are talking about. The chemical and electrical signals (impulses) are physical.

Again, I'm talking about exchange of impulses between the two hemispheres. When you read this message, your right hemisphere get the words and rationalize, while your left brain is more "worried" about meanings and sensations...

Yes, and the two are connected, and the two hemispheres do share some functions.
I believe TS may be referring to the nature of thoughts and such as they occur in the different parts of the brain, rather than actual electrical impulses. Perhaps a problem of language.
Hey! you gone from "space monkey"

to "single space monkey"

and now you a "depressed space monkey"?
Now he's 'stupid space monkey'. Poor Adamski, love sucks.*

Adamski, you could be right. Nelson, is that it?

*Ha ha ha. You know what I meant.

to die, to expire, to pass on, to perish, to peg out, to push up dasies, to push up posies, to become extinct, curtins, desceased, demised, departed and defunct, dead as a doornail, dead as a herring, dead as mutton, dead as nits , the last breath, paying a dept to nature, The Big Sleep, God's way of saying:Slow down, to check out, To shuffle off this mortal coil, To head for the happy hunting ground, To blink for an exceptionally long period of time, To find oneself without breath, To be The Incredible Decaying Man, Worm Buffet, Kick the bucket, By the farm, Take the cab, Cash in your chips, and if we bury you ass-up we'll have a place to park my bike.
That was awesome - Hahahahahaha

P.S. - Too much 'Dead Parrot Sketch' by Monty Python eh?