What is an 'atheist'?

There are three types of perspective.

1. One who is convinced a god exists.
2. One who is not convinced a god exists.
3. One who considers the god concept incredible.

I am 2., because of 3.

I find the idea of a God incredible, so am not convinced, 2. and 3. overlap, and are not distinct viewpoints.
First, describe to me the attributes of your God.

Then I will tell you how likely I find each aspect.

Bishadi, we are talking about atheism Get a grip.

phil, you left the question unanswered and p/s... i opened the thread (a little FYI)

what dar be an atheist?

(would God tell me?)



goodmorning..... and thanks,

you made my yesterday..............

all it will take is a few more who have reached YOUR level of observing the importance (absolute truth; for the morrow)

and i can roll over!

thanks for the HOPE! (you are the single diamond, of this site, that has provided "the reasoning to the requisite of sharing" in quality refraction)

if we could have your 'intent' in the physics and math section, i could have finished one aspect of what i came here for, already

again, thanks for being fair and sorry if me appreciating your input made you a target for the deceptive.

You made the claim not I.


What claim did I make? I didn't. I expressed an opinion.

Now, if you want to debate fairly, list the attibutes of your God, and we can discuss them, and I'll tell you how likely I think they are.

It's no use me listing attributes of a God I don't believe in, when you might not think that your God holds them anyway.
phil, you left the question unanswered and p/s... i opened the thread (a little FYI)

Who is phil?

You went off topic. We were talking about 'what is an atheist', and you went onto a tangent about belief and being a theist.

Feel free to start a separate topic about that, if you so wish.

What claim did I make? I didn't. I expressed an opinion.

Makes no difference under the circumstances.

Now, if you want to debate fairly, list the attibutes of your God, and we can discuss them, and I'll tell you how likely I think they are.

I assume you are atheist. Right?
Discuss the attributes of God, as in "lack belief in.." regarding your world view.

It's no use me listing attributes of a God I don't believe in, when you might not think that your God holds them anyway.

You should know me by know phlogo, I don't profess to have a God, as opposed to anothers idea of God. I see God as the one supreme being
defined in every scripture.

I would like to point my opinion of being an Atheist or may be Agnostic.
In this world we are Following some Suffering. It may be whatever you face, like Homesick, some abuse, Accidents, Disasters whatever.
When this suffering comes to our way, We need some one to help and we think that there is some Superficial Power that will help us. But it isn't true. We as a human require someone to be with us, we cannot completely get in-social. When things like this happens we are fortunately thinking of god.
The most important thing we think of GOD EXIST'S BECAUSE:
We are fearful. We always find god, when we need him. But its actually our Mind that makes up that we can fight any disaster.
If we were perfect and Superhumans, We would never let any things betray us.
All I would like to say, Whatever a human thinks,
There is no superficial power that can ruin us. The only Power is WE.
Let science prove it, How Life Works.
Religion will be the Cause of End of this World.
Well, comment on my thinking.
Thank You!
I think a number of Theists tend to mistakenly believe that some people are Atheist, when they are more likely to be Anarchist.

A Theist believes in a Deity or Deities,
An Atheist doesn't believe in a Deity let alone Deities,
An Anarchist doesn't care about the argument/statment either way, they just disagree with someone trying to make out there is someone above them hierarchically.
An atheist does God's work. If there is a god then He has a special feeling for atheists. People who have truly demonstrated the use of free will by not succumbing to mind numbing faith. God if He exists is a total unknown as no evidence exists to prove His being, and atheists are the only ones who have taken His absence to mean He doesn't exist, a totally logical and correct conclusion. As I said earlier, an atheist is somebody God would be proud of.
that is what worship means. damn shame a lot of religious people think it means singing songs and clapping their hands. not that i don't like to sing and dance but...

anyway, i must contend that atheists do the same thing when they pick one single scripture from the bible and ignore all else that doesn't support their view. well then again, some religious people do that too, now don't they?

The Holy Babble is usually claimed by theists to be infallible.