What is an 'atheist'?

yes sir. i am a great addition to existence in purpose. :)

then what is 'the' question? (your ONE to enable that absolute verification)

then, you can help with them bridges, if you ask the questions many still seek.

You can be an addition and are an addition when you give up YOU, for others to live.
Not comprehend much? Skin said being an atheist says nothing about spirits or spiritual realms, that means positive and negative positions.

another interesting concept.

can you expand that a bit? (being an atheist says nothing about spirits or spiritual realms, that means positive and negative positions.)

i get the idea from that as meaning, no need to follow a belief to be a theist
another interesting concept.

can you expand that a bit? (being an atheist says nothing about spirits or spiritual realms, that means positive and negative positions.)

Why does it need explaining?

Being an atheist says nothing about belief in the spiritual, just like being an atheist says nothing about what kind of music you prefer, or your favourite colour, or whether you like ice cream.

Get it?
Why does it need explaining?

Being an atheist says nothing about belief in the spiritual, just like being an atheist says nothing about what kind of music you prefer, or your favourite colour, or whether you like ice cream.

Get it?

so then i was correct:

i get the idea from that as meaning, no need to follow a belief to be a theist

so what you believe as god (how you flavor it) has nothing to do with being a theist?


i guess i am a bonafide theist!

i follow the rules as that is HOMAGE in sacrafice of self; for the good of others!

So what?

You are sounding like this guy: ****•one who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion ...

Show me where I have been prejudiced, used an incorrect definition of God, or shown partiality to any particular religion, or religious group.
You are the one who have shown prejudice, the one who doggedly sticks to his opinion, calling everyone who actually believes in God, names.

so basically your gang is the •one who is obstinately or intolrantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion ...

No, that's you, although it would seem that your religion is not a group.

but there is no definition to a theist for God unless observing a religion; correct?


sure he is; he created your god and you believe him

smart (as all hell) and what a sense of humor!

By jove you're right. :D
Matter creates spirit, which is why you're a theist, right? :confused:

any can retain any opinion they want on the outside; but once truth smacks you in the face;

I take it you don't think you're up for a bit of a slap then?

then what is 'the' question? (your ONE to enable that absolute verification)

then, you can help with them bridges, if you ask the questions many still seek.

You can be an addition and are an addition when you give up YOU, for others to live.

i'm familiar with this concept. in a lot of ways i feel like i lost my self already to find my real self in god, which is for the greater good. you know all this spiritual weirdness began with a request/offer to help someone. i'm grateful, though i didn't do anything but oblige. whatever the truth is bishadi, i know it will be shown, and there will be no doubt, just like it's been so far with me.
Not necessarily SkinWalker. There are spiritual people that are atheists; yes, they are irrational, but nonetheless they are out there.

I agree. But then I didn't stipulate a necessity. One can be "spiritual" and be atheistic. Buddhists claim, for instance, to place great value on spirituality. Strict Buddhists, however, are atheists since they have no supernatural agent to appease.

interesting opinion
Not opinion, rather simple and straightforward fact based on etymology and semantics.

so if i say, Mother nature is God and supernaturally maintains life within HER evolutionary system; could i be considered a theist?
This would depend upon the degree to which you see personal agency in this "mother nature god." At the low end of that spectrum, you would be a deist. At the high end, a theist.

i have gone this way, because you pointed out the root of 'theist' and so your method practically requires someone to return to basis of the 'religious' point of view.
Theist implies a supernatural agent. Deist does as well, however, this agent is either now deceased or otherwised non-involved in the universe -an out-of-work god perhaps.

So it is of any quality to ALLOW theist to label anyone an atheist when it is their own opinion that is being used to measure.

There are many, now and in the past, deluded with a particular notion of a god who consider those that do not accept that notion of a god to be "atheists." Socrates, for instance, was put to death for being an out-atheist, but he wasn't. He just didn't accept the gods of Athens as being actual supernatural agents.

what word does this definition fill? •one who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion ...
i'm familiar with this concept. in a lot of ways i feel like i lost my self already to find my real self in god, which is for the greater good. you know all this spiritual weirdness began with a request/offer to help someone. i'm grateful, though i didn't do anything but oblige. whatever the truth is bishadi, i know it will be shown, and there will be no doubt, just like it's been so far with me.


on the first few post we exchanged in, i saw that and commented about the observed awareness

no need to talk about you and me any further

let's talk about 'them' (mankind)

let's think about what can assist 'others'

then we can do more for all (across the board; existence/god, others, mankind; and ourselves ultimately within the 'greater good')

does this make sense?

ie.. i always said; if that 3 hours of church time (getting dressed up, the kids, the services etc....) was spent by folks giving their time to existence (doing good) the world would be a much better place.

many a teacher will agree; they learn from their students just from observing their questions and fullfilling them

someone like you can learn from listening and digging into the truth, versus plugging in with unsubstantiated interpretations of HOW IT WORKS.

it does no one any good sitting in a cave enlightened without sharing what has been learned. (not just what you felt, but how to define what was experienced so others could one day experience too)

That is what you have available; both the experience and the ability to seek the definitions so others can know it too.

(tangent from thread............. oops)

what dar be an atheist?

(would God tell me?)
This would depend upon the degree to which you see personal agency in this "mother nature god."

my creator

beginning and ending

all that be is HE

all life is his

all that is, is all of him; mass energy time

every thought, idea, word, man, life, planet; universe be of HIM (the boss)

and HIS NAME is the last word.

At the low end of that spectrum, you would be a deist. At the high end, a theist.

so i am a 'tweener' (in between them (high/low...let/right)?

Theist implies a supernatural agent. Deist does as well, however, this agent is either now deceased or otherwised non-involved in the universe -an out-of-work god perhaps.
seems if observing all of nature as a part of the ONE whole of existence itself; could that be the "supernatural"?

Meaning, every phenomenon ever experienced is within 'nature' and we live within "that" which is the super to the nature (existence itself) the whole: ONE.

Good Job! You recognized the definition!

Kind of funny how the isolating ones are the ones who sling it around

such that the truly compassionate would always observe the total (ONE) over the selfish ideologies that isolate man from God (the ONE)

kind of weird how so much is backwards on this planet
There are three types of perspective.

1. One who is convinced a god exists.
2. One who is not convinced a god exists.
3. One who considers the god concept incredible.

The last two typify the various styles of non-belief.

(2) reveals a technical perspective that yes there is no evidience but we can't rule out the possibility that some might be discovered.

(3) reveals those who see gods as equally fantastic in the same way as we see fairies and leprachauns or other such childish nonsense. I.e. they don't exist.

What labels we use to describe those folks is largely irrelevant and just causes more confusion and debate because no one can agree on what the labels mean.
There are three types of perspective.

1. One who is convinced a god exists.
2. One who is not convinced a god exists.
3. One who considers the god concept incredible.

The last two typify the various styles of non-belief.

(2) reveals a technical perspective that yes there is no evidience but we can't rule out the possibility that some might be discovered.

(3) reveals those who see gods as equally fantastic in the same way as we see fairies and leprachauns or other such childish nonsense. I.e. they don't exist.

What labels we use to describe those folks is largely irrelevant and just causes more confusion and debate because no one can agree on what the labels mean.

cool post

at least some use their head to weigh and measure, then share what they come up with

Hey BWE1, where ya been?

And if God was proud of an atheist, would it be because of their integrity and non-willingness to fib just to be accepted or because of just denying to be a rebel?

remember there are a bunch who are just "NO" because of so much BS the "YES" people do

kind of a weird phenomenon and would make for an great paper
so then i was correct:

i get the idea from that as meaning, no need to follow a belief to be a theist

so what you believe as god (how you flavor it) has nothing to do with being a theist?


i guess i am a bonafide theist!

Bishadi, we are talking about atheism Get a grip.