What is a Muslim?

Half of me found that funny and the other half found that pernicious and disrespectful. I assume its a spoof.

Needn't be, thats probably how they'd eat in public, I guess. *shrugs*
Only place I knew niqab wearers was in KSA and they have separate family booths for women

Do niqab-wearers eat spaghetti, sam?

Sure why not?
Might I quote the last YouTube comment for that clip? It sums up my own view pretty well (except I spell better):
Youtube member tamarindophoto said:
Yeah, try to burn a flag in downtown Birmingham and see the other side of the coin. The whole controversy over the cartoons was spun like ALL of the Islamic world was furious. There needs to be a differentation between "extremests" and Muslims. We realily see differing views of Christianity, and understand that there are "Jesus freak" lunatics, but we see all of Islam as the same. It is just not valid. See the film "Jesus Camp" and put it a bit into perspective.
IAC: There is no concept like jihad in the teachings of Jesus Christ, now Muhammed, that's obviously another story.

M*W: Do you know what the word "jihad" means? It means "struggles." One can have their own "jihad," and that means "coping with one's own hardships." (My own definition). Any Muslims out there, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, I don't believe Jesus ever existed, but let's assume his storybook character exists (I'll at least give it that). Jesus did, in fact, have his own "jihad." Other storybook characters had their own "jihads." Noah had his flood. Moses had his Exodus. Adam and Even had their eviction. Even Pharaoh's Army had it's own "jihad."

Just because a word is foreign to you, doesn't mean it has an evil connotation. I just had my own "jihad" this morning with my dogs. I kinda like the word "jihad." I can relate my personal tribulations to others without having to go into all the gory boring details.
All the muslims who I know are rich, so a muslim is someone who has money.
Tell that to the Christians in Sudan who are getting jihaded.
Here's that quote again, relevant parts emphasised (such a pity about that poor spelling...):
Youtube member tamarindophoto said:
Yeah, try to burn a flag in downtown Birmingham and see the other side of the coin. The whole controversy over the cartoons was spun like ALL of the Islamic world was furious. There needs to be a differentation between "extremests" and Muslims. We realily see differing views of Christianity, and understand that there are "Jesus freak" lunatics, but we see all of Islam as the same. It is just not valid. See the film "Jesus Camp" and put it a bit into perspective.
IAC: Tell that to the Christians in Sudan who are getting jihaded.

M*W: The Sudan is predominantly Muslim. Regardless, this is a political abomination.
IAC: Jihad does have an evil connotation, and I wonder why that is?

M*W: The evil connotation is YOUR'S. The evil is in the EYE OF THE BEHOLDER!

I'm still waiting to read your bibliographies.
IAC: Tell that to the Christians in Sudan who are getting jihaded.

M*W: You are using the word incorrectly. You cannot "jihad" someone else. The word means "struggle(s)." This is what you ultimately said: "Tell that to the christians in the Sudan who are getting "struggled." It doesn't make any sense, but why am I not surprised?
evil fundamentalistic religious cult that subjugates women, and kills the innocent, for totally irrational reasons. but trys to justify it by saying there oppressed, there seems to be a lot of very oppressed rich muslims on this planet, life must be real hard for them.