What is a Muslim?

I don't get it?

But I haven't eaten in 14 hours - it's been a long day.

Fitrah deals with innate disposition. As you can see the disposition towards virtue and differentiation between right and wrong is a work in progress too.

In Islamic context, Fitrah (فطرة) is humanity's innate disposition towards virtue and the ability to differentiate between right and wrong

You better eat something quick!
But ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are only concepts - they exist for the individual and usually are formed from the society.

Some people will say homosexuality is inherently ‘wrong’.
Some people will say if a men has 4 wives that he is wicked.

These definitions change with time. Homosexuality was illegal, now it is not, polygamy was and is illegal. This says that the definition of what was wrong has changed in the case of homosexuality – for the society.

Another good example of why a ‘set’ of stagnant rules is bad for society. It is much better to let social mores evolve thereby allowing the society to progress. If one were to say this document here has all there is to know and need to know about life and it says XXXXX therefore XXXX is the best – that society will stagnate and rot. Or so History has shown us again and again.

Do you agree?
But ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are only concepts - they exist for the individual and usually are formed from the society.

Some people will say homosexuality is inherently ‘wrong’.
Some people will say if a men has 4 wives that he is wicked.

These definitions change with time. Homosexuality was illegal, now it is not, polygamy was and is illegal. This says that the definition of what was wrong has changed in the case of homosexuality – for the society.

Another good example of why a ‘set’ of stagnant rules is bad for society. It is much better to let social mores evolve thereby allowing the society to progress. If one were to say this document here has all there is to know and need to know about life and it says XXXXX therefore XXXX is the best – that society will stagnate and rot. Or so History has shown us again and again.

Do you agree?

Right and wrong are concepts which require differentiation. The ability to differentiate is innate since man's innate nature (as that of a child) is towards virtue.

So are we now better able to differentiate than before?
Right and wrong are concepts which require differentiation. The ability to differentiate is innate since man's innate nature (as that of a child) is towards virtue.

So are we now better able to differentiate than before?
Is right and wrong always black and right? Can there not be something that is right for me and wrong for you (say eating crackling pork? :) or denying the existence of God(s) or visa versa, say ....???

Once someone comes along and says – for now and forever, eating port = SIN and denying god = SIN then there maybe a short period (couple hundred years) of prosperity as all ducks are put in a line - then there will be stagnation. Sure, some basic right should be held to, no matter what, I think the Declaration of Independence put them nicely. However, there must be allowances made for society to change, prosper and thus progress.

Take a look at what happened to Xian Europe as they delineated what was wrong and what was right. For a time, perhaps, it was OK - as everyone came to agree to certain social morals and these were good for society: No, one should not steal from one’s neighbor, no, one should not kill out of spite, etc… however, the more these rules intrude into ones personal lives the more stagnate a society becomes: Do not engages in homosexual behavior (even the thoughts are wicked), do not eat pork, do not drink alcohol, do not blaspheme God, do not even think it….

Another interesting example, perhaps, is the stagnation that occurred towards the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate or the People Republic in China. Sure, maybe for awhile it works – but then it stops working.

Or so it would seem to me?

There are people who believe that all Muslims are inherently evil. Doesn't this, in itself disprove Fitrah? Or is there some exception to the rule?
There are people who believe that all Muslims are inherently evil. Doesn't this, in itself disprove Fitrah? Or is there some exception to the rule?

Fitrah means that all people are born innocent and have the capacity for good. Ignorance and fear is what leads men towards wrongdoing. The only way to improve the human state is to acquire knowledge, about people and about the world.
"Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Him."

"Anyone who ads to or deletes from this Book shall be anathema."

Porkers eat anything, so not smart to eat them.

Is that a good start?