what is a god (define please)

Stalking, Jan, would be if I went into all the threads you frequent and posted this:

Observe, with interest A Darn Jane's debating style:

Refuse to answer any question directly.
Refuse to study the evidence, whilst implying the evidence has been studied.
Characterise the evidence as opinion.
Deny everything.
Answer questions with another question.

The technique is effective on two levels.
a) It frustrates those presenting a counter argument, as they are unable to penetrate her obfuscation and misdirection. [Not that they need to.]
b) It allows A Darn Jane to comfortably maintain her own delusions. [Although even the casual observer can see, not the holes in her logic, but the entire absence of logic.]

In general though, A Darn Jane's views do provide an interesting illustration of the evolutionary limitations of intelligence.
A Superstition- God- a : a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.
2 : a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary
Well put Ophi, I've racked my brains one time with this one when arguing with Jan; "Does the air exist? you can't see it, so it must not exist" been a long while back, but somehow we got off the topic, and she retorted with something of this nature. ;)
