what is a god (define please)

the preacher said:
ever religion lays claim to the correct god/gods but none explain what they are.

if I were to ask you to find a giraffe, but you'd never seen one, It would be impossible for me to expect you to find one without first providing you with a description of the creature.
if you were to come across an giraffe, you would have no way of knowing if it was the creature you were looking for, without a discription.

So please Define a god.
this may help
the preacher said:
ever religion lays claim to the correct god/gods but none explain what they are.

if I were to ask you to find a giraffe, but you'd never seen one, It would be impossible for me to expect you to find one without first providing you with a description of the creature.
if you were to come across an giraffe, you would have no way of knowing if it was the creature you were looking for, without a discription.

So please Define a god.

What are you talking about? Almost every religion describes God in some way if you read the scripture.

For instance, a Hindu Scripture, the Srimad Bhagavatam has an elaborate description of God:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no beginning, no end and no middle. Nor does He belong to a particular person or nation. He has no inside or outside. The dualities found within this material world, such as beginning and end, mine and theirs, are all absent from the personality of the Supreme Lord. The universe, which emanates from Him, is another feature of the Lord. Therefore the Supreme Lord is the ultimate truth, and He is complete in greatness"

"The Supersoul alone is the ultimate controller and creator of this world, and thus He alone is also the created. Similarly, the Soul of all existence Himself both maintains and is maintained, withdraws and is withdrawn. No other entity can be properly ascertained as separate from Him, the Supreme Soul,who nonetheless is distinct from everything and everyone else. The appearance of the threefold material nature, which is perceived within Him, has no actual basis. Rather, you should understand that this material nature, composed of the three modes, is simply the product of His illusory potency"

"Just as the same material elements exist within and outside of all material bodies, similarly, I cannot be covered by anything else. I exist within everything as the Supersoul and outside of everything in My all-pervading feature"

Similarly Jesus describes the kingdom of God:
"Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you."

"I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained. Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there"

"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."
I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there"

(A) God is omnipotent
If (A)God is omnipotent, then (B)God can lift anything.
If (A)God is omnipotent, then (C)God can make anything.
If (C)God can make anything, then God can make a rock so big that (~B)he can't lift it.


B^~B => ~A (By negation introduction)
(Note ~A is the negation of A, that is, it means God is not omnipotent)
Jan Ardena said:
There is only one God, He describes Himself fully, in the "Bhagavad Gita" (Song of God).

Let me know if you need a copy. ;)


I HAVE ONE.. can you tell me the chapter and or page??

"I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there"

Always knew it. God is a slime mold or a lichen of some kind. Knew it!
the preacher said:
ever religion lays claim to the correct god/gods but none explain what they are.

if I were to ask you to find a giraffe, but you'd never seen one, It would be impossible for me to expect you to find one without first providing you with a description of the creature.
if you were to come across an giraffe, you would have no way of knowing if it was the creature you were looking for, without a discription.

So please Define a god.

God - The worlds most attractive fantasy life form(s) that enables people have to have intensly strong and beneficial relationships with their egos.
Almost every religion describes God in some way if you read the scripture.

Then there must be more than one god. If not, why isn't god described identically in all scriptures?
BECAUSE.. we as humans cannot know GOD... we can only discuss him..

and the possibility.

some people really believe surtain things.. and religions have formed.

none of which is a bad thing.

...some people really believe surtain things.. and religions have formed.

none of which is a bad thing.

Witch burnings
Suppression of free inquiry for most of human history
Isreal vs Palestine
Mythbuster said:
(A) God is omnipotent
If (A)God is omnipotent, then (B)God can lift anything.
If (A)God is omnipotent, then (C)God can make anything.
If (C)God can make anything, then God can make a rock so big that (~B)he can't lift it.
What does "omnipotent" mean to you?

Does it mean "Capable of anything including actions which defy logic"?
Or does it mean "Capable of any logical action"?

If the first applies, then the laws of logic are clearly of limited application to an omnipotent being's actions. Such a logic-defying omnipotent being could in fact make B and ~B both true.

If the second applies, then:
If God is omnipotent, then God can lift anything if it doesn't create a logical conflict.
If God is omnipotent, then God can make anything if it doesn't create a logical conflict.

Do you see where this is going?

Christian philosophers differ on whether or not God can defy pure logic. (For example, I think Descartes says yes and Aquinas says no.)
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I think all hypothesized gods have some common features?

Superhuman ability to sense the physical world (eg can read human minds)
Superhuman or absolute power to influence the physical world... (may or may not be currently exercised)
...and the spiritual world (ie ties to human afterlife)
Superhuman intelligence and wisdom
superluminal said:
Cute? Cute?!?! He's a vicious, killing machine. And loves to get his belly scratched... :D
Ooooooooooooo's a cute liddle luvvy wuvvy vicious killing machine then? :)
He's soooo happy to rip the throats out of rampant theists... tail wagging, puppy-dog eyes, blood and bone flying... such a cute little furball!
Pete said:
I think all hypothesized gods have some common features?

Superhuman ability to sense the physical world (eg can read human minds)
Superhuman or absolute power to influence the physical world... (may or may not be currently exercised)
...and the spiritual world (ie ties to human afterlife)
Superhuman intelligence and wisdom

Creation of the universe
Vicious yet loving

I'm trying to think of a god from say hindu, norse, or any other culture that dosen't share at least some of these attributes. The Buddha is the only one that comes to mind, and he wasn't a god. The one philosophy (I hesitate to call Buddhism in it's original form a religion) that dosen't include an all powerful god is the most humane and rational. Go figure.
superluminal said:
Creation of the universe
Vicious yet loving
I'm not sure about those, particular in the context of pagan or pantheistic religions. Some members of the Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian, and Hindu pantheon don't seem to fit.
Pete, if you realy want a word to describe the word God, it's simple. God is physics.

It's not a perfect being, it's not an overlord judge, it's not superman, bugs bunny or Mr.Butt. = Those ''Gods'' are just personal gods.

God is physics. There is no heaven or hell cause we have no soul so nothing in this natural world is judging us other then physics. Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, Temperature, Pressure... if i had to find a word for each of those forces, i would call them Gods.

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Glaciation, Tornadoes, Tsunamis... they are all natural phenomenons. So this is the reason why i reject the word God. If you believe in such thing then im sure you cant reject my Mr.Butt nether cause Mr.Butt created God and the argument will never end.
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