what is a god (define please)

so as far as we know the one true god is made up from about 30 million others, is blue or grey, he exists but does'nt exist, and his name is krishna, or it's the sun.(this according to jan,vital, and qorl.
am I right so far.
they each pieced together a strange definition, but a definition all the same.
I would of liked a more sensible one, and the only one so far has come from an atheist "god is physics" that is a f**king good definition.

pete, dont try to talk logic with reasonable people your out of your, depth.
and evidence pete, evidence, show some f**king evidence.(wow superhuman, supernatural, "Bo**ocks")
Mosheh Thezion said:
I HAVE ONE.. can you tell me the chapter and or page??


I'll try.
Here is a description of His Universal Form by Arjuna;


BG 11.13: At that time Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands.

BG 11.15: Arjuna said: My dear Lord Kṛṣṇa, I see assembled in Your body all the demigods and various other living entities. I see Brahmā sitting on the lotus flower, as well as Lord Śiva and all the sages and divine serpents.

Krishna describes His Oppulence;

BG 10.33: Of letters I am the letter A, and among compound words I am the dual compound. I am also inexhaustible time, and of creators I am Brahmā.


BG 14.3: The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living beings, O son of Bharata.

BG 14.4: It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kuntī, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father.

BG 14.27: And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal, imperishable and eternal and is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness.

BG 15.18: Because I am transcendental, beyond both the fallible and the infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated both in the world and in the Vedas as that Supreme Person.

geeser said:
neither is a your subjective god.

If God exists, then God is sentient.

If God doesn't exist, then clearly physics is not God.
preacher said:
and evidence pete, evidence, show some f**king evidence.
What for? We're talking about what the word "god" means, not whether God exists.
the preacher said:
So please Define a god.
An imaginary, mythological or otherwise ficitonal entity that is more powerful than a mortal, but less powerful than a titan or a uber frost giant (Greek and Norse Mythology).
"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."
the preacher said:
so as far as we know the one true god is made up from about 30 million others, is blue or grey, he exists but does'nt exist, and his name is krishna, or it's the sun.(this according to jan,vital, and qorl.
am I right so far.
they each pieced together a strange definition, but a definition all the same.
I would of liked a more sensible one, and the only one so far has come from an atheist "god is physics" that is a f**king good definition.

pete, dont try to talk logic with reasonable people your out of your, depth.
and evidence pete, evidence, show some f**king evidence.(wow superhuman, supernatural, "Bo**ocks")

Hey preacher,

I don't think you got the point of the quotes. God isn't one concrete definable thing. Also, you say that I said God is Krishna, however if you read those quotes you would understand "God" is not a particular person, and does not belong to a particular nation. Also a sensible definition exists in one of the quotes I gave:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no beginning, no end and no middle. Nor does He belong to a particular person or nation. He has no inside or outside. The dualities found within this material world, such as beginning and end, mine and theirs, are all absent from the personality of the Supreme Lord. The universe, which emanates from Him, is another feature of the Lord. Therefore the Supreme Lord is the ultimate truth, and He is complete in greatness"

God is physics? Well that's true from Krishna's perspective, as physics is an ultimate truth.
VitalOne said:
Hey preacher,

I don't think you got the point of the quotes. God isn't one concrete definable thing. Also, you say that I said God is Krishna,
or the sun, no I said you, jan and qorl, had made definitions, and yes I understood your definition.
VitalOne said:
however if you read those quotes you would understand "God" is not a particular person, and does not belong to a particular nation. Also a sensible definition exists in one of the quotes I gave:
theres nothing sensible about a god and no sensible definition could come from someone who believes in a god, however I willing to listen to your views, although they can only be totally subjective.
VitalOne said:
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no beginning, no end and no middle. Nor does He belong to a particular person or nation. He has no inside or outside. The dualities found within this material world, such as beginning and end, mine and theirs, are all absent from the personality of the Supreme Lord. The universe, which emanates from Him, is another feature of the Lord. Therefore the Supreme Lord is the ultimate truth, and He is complete in greatness"
hence why I said "it exists but does'nt exist".

krishna is classed as a godhead.
krishna is but the pinnacle of over 30 million gods.
SnakeLord said:
In that case just go to dictionary.com
Yes, that's the first place I went. It's got a nasty abrahamic bias.

Problem solved, thread ended.
Sure... Quoting the dictionary always ends debates about the meanings of words. :rolleyes:
My Perfect Proof for the Non-Existence of God
P1 If the theory of gravity were in fact true we would all have condensed into an infinitely small singularity
P2 We have not condensed into an infinitely small singularity
C God does not exist

Your First Perfect Proof for the Existence of God
P1 If the universe existed eternally man would have evolved to be perfect
P2 Man has not evolved to be perfect
C Therefore mankind is 6000 years old, the creation myth in Genesis is true and the God of the bible exists

Notice how the first premises in both cases badly distort the science they revolve around? Notice how the second premises then point out how a certain aspect of the distorted version of said scientific does not obtain? Notice how both arguments finish with non-sequiturs? Clearly if my argument is invalid then so is yours since they both have the same features and the same If P then Q not Q therefore G or not G formats.
the preacher said:
theres nothing sensible about a god and no sensible definition could come from someone who believes in a god, however I willing to listen to your views, although they can only be totally subjective.
Nothing sensible about a God and no sensible definition could come from someone who believes in a God? Can you please clarify, I don't see how the definition isn't sensible.

Why do you atheists think you're so superior to everyone else? Ironically, it's the same type of mentality that people who burned others for having views against the Bible...

the preacher said:
hence why I said "it exists but does'nt exist".
So I'm guessing your definition of "exists" is some type of physical, material substance, right? So in your opinion, things like time, vacuum energy, electromagnetic waves, etc...also "exists but doesn't exist"???

the preacher said:
krishna is classed as a godhead.
krishna is but the pinnacle of over 30 million gods.
Those 30 milliion gods are not really gods, they're devas, where as Krishna is equal to Narayana, smaller than the smallest (literally), the supersoul within all beings (even the demons). You make it seem as if it's similar to Zeus in Greek mythology. You seem to be trapped in Western mentality, of this is your God and this is my God.
VitalOne said:
Nothing sensible about a God and no sensible definition could come from someone who believes in a God? Can you please clarify, I don't see how the definition isn't sensible.
you cannot be serious, how can a subjective thing be taken seriously, if you changed the word god for the tooth fairy, would it still be sensible.

quote: "The Supreme Personality of the tooth fairy has no beginning, no end and no middle. Nor does He belong to a particular person or nation. He has no inside or outside. The dualities found within this material world, such as beginning and end, mine and theirs, are all absent from the personality of the Supreme tooth fairy. The universe, which emanates from Him, is another feature of the tooth fairy. Therefore the Supreme tooth fairy is the ultimate truth, and He is complete in greatness"
VitalOne said:
Why do you atheists think you're so superior to everyone else? Ironically, it's the same type of mentality that people who burned others for having views against the Bible...
no comparison, those were uneducated religious fanatics, the atheist has the utmost respect to life and the living.therefore could never deprive any body from there chance to live.
VitalOne said:
So I'm guessing your definition of "exists" is some type of physical, material substance, right?
no anything that can objectively effect one or all the senses.
VitalOne said:
So in your opinion, things like time, vacuum energy, electromagnetic waves, etc...also "exists but doesn't exist"???
not so, these can be measured, and therefore effect one or all of the senses.
VitalOne said:
Those 30 milliion gods are not really gods, they're devas, where as Krishna is equal to Narayana, smaller than the smallest (literally), the supersoul within all beings (even the demons).
in your subjective opinion.
VitalOne said:
You make it seem as if it's similar to Zeus in Greek mythology. You seem to be trapped in Western mentality, of this is your God and this is my God.
well it is, it's just as subjective.