what is a god (define please)

the preacher

fur is loose 666
Registered Senior Member
ever religion lays claim to the correct god/gods but none explain what they are.

if I were to ask you to find a giraffe, but you'd never seen one, It would be impossible for me to expect you to find one without first providing you with a description of the creature.
if you were to come across an giraffe, you would have no way of knowing if it was the creature you were looking for, without a discription.

So please Define a god.
God is just a word used for human imagination.
I can say:

Mr.Butt created him self with his butt and created the universe with his butt at the same time ! Life isn't perfect so from there, you get the big bang !
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the preacher said:
ever religion lays claim to the correct god/gods but none explain what they are.

if I were to ask you to find a giraffe, but you'd never seen one, It would be impossible for me to expect you to find one without first providing you with a description of the creature.
if you were to come across an giraffe, you would have no way of knowing if it was the creature you were looking for, without a discription.

So please Define a god.

Well see, theres the catch. A god can't be described for you to find becuase it doesn't exist. Or as religious people like to say, god is everywhere. Meaning in our minds. Meaning he's an all knowing imaginary friend to everyone.

Sorry, but I couldn't help it. No offense meant to religion or religious people. You have your beliefs, I'll not have yours.
Define a god

The definition of a god is as diverse and individual as the fingerprints of the person who imagines one.
GOD.. is the source of energy which formed the universe...


nothing else can actually be known about GOD... other than that proposed by religious leaders throughtout history.


Mosheh Thezion said:
GOD.. is the source of energy which formed the universe...


nothing else can actually be known about GOD... other than that proposed by religious leaders throughtout history.



that is how i think of a god, energy.
Mosheh Thezion said:
VERY GOOD.... in truth.. it is all we can know.

everything else... is theory.


the aspect of god itself is theory, but yes your correct,

everything else would be theory, ontop of theory,

but a infinite energy source that would be classed as "god", is what i think as a good explanation of the universe, and its mysteries

possibility, but people confuse the afterlife, heaven/hell, with god, these 2 things dont have to coinside with each other, but if such a bieng/energy force, sucha s god did exist it most likely would understand consciousness, so would give an afterlife, (within its power considering it created all of this),
but maybe it dosent like us and refuses, who knows,

Mosheh Thezion said:
GOD.. is the source of energy which formed the universe...
However, energy and matter are inextricably, objectively correlative.

If you're proposing that this "GOD" energy-source-thing is material, others would greatly appreciate knowing it's dimensions, mass, and location.

Mosheh Thezion said:
nothing else can actually be known about GOD...

Should've seen that coming.
I wouldn't call it a God. It's simple a natural force that causes things to happen without decision or choice, but works more like a chemical reaction. The right conditions cause a certain outcome.

As for Mr.Butt case, All he can do is just suck and fart. he would kick all your gods asses with his mighty fart explosions. He can also suck them up like a vacuum !
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the preacher said:
ever religion lays claim to the correct god/gods but none explain what they are.

if I were to ask you to find a giraffe, but you'd never seen one, It would be impossible for me to expect you to find one without first providing you with a description of the creature.
if you were to come across an giraffe, you would have no way of knowing if it was the creature you were looking for, without a discription.

So please Define a god.

There is only one God, He describes Himself fully, in the "Bhagavad Gita" (Song of God).

Let me know if you need a copy. ;)

nothing else can actually be known about GOD... other than that proposed by religious leaders throughtout history.

In other words, whatever they make up as they go along is good enough for you. That can be the only explanation to your statement since it contradicts itself with any other explanation.

nothing else can actually be known about GOD... other than that proposed by religious leaders throughtout history.

Didn't a Pope come up with the myth that Mary's body when she died, ascended up to Heaven? This was 1,000 years after the alleged birth of Jesus and even the Bible makes no mention of this... Yet it is an established belief of Catholics.

Don't ask the Pope where he got his facts from, 'God' told him :D

There you have a prime example of why all of religion is bullshit.
God's Gray Aliens have technologically on a level of magician, so he really doesn't have to be here, if you know what I mean.