What if?


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
If you could know God, would you want to? And if you wanted to, then why?
i mean know him/them personally. as in have some type of relationship with...

No, because of the untold suffering that is the price of his botched creation. He is said to have two chances i.e., pre- and post -deluge . and still didn't get it right.
I'm not so sure, this god or gods has hurt a lot of people here on Earth....or at least hasn't helped many people who need it.

Frankly, I dont think god or the gods give a damn either way, so I could care less as well.
If God exists and I'm told when I receive my judgment that Hell is my next destination then do you think He would honor my request to disappear forever? No eternity anywhere, just gone. I have a feeling He would toss me into Adstar Lake, what do you think?
Adstar Lake is were you will toss yourself, a descend into a mirror reflection of yourself in it and the God you never sought to see.

Do I know God or what? He would rather see me suffer in Adstar Lake than eliminate me forever. He is not merciful.
No, because of the untold suffering that is the price of his botched creation. He is said to have two chances i.e., pre- and post -deluge . and still didn't get it right.

so you're saying that he causes the suffering that we all endure? so it's not a consequence of all of our actions? i think it's a consequence of our actions and the more i get to know him, the more he shows me this, and so i change.
so you're saying that he causes the suffering that we all endure? so it's not a consequence of all of our actions? i think it's a consequence of our actions and the more i get to know him, the more he shows me this, and so i change.

You are using an outmoded defence. It is generally said that all good is attributable to god whereas all evil is attributable to mankind because of our sinful nature. It is often said that we choose to sin because god gave us free will.

How on earth is an earthquake a consequence of our actions ? And the same goes for hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other natural disasters. If god created everything, then he is responsible, not humankind.

It never ceases to amaze me how god gets credit for everything we like without incurring blame for the bad things in life. It is totally illogical.

When has a harvest festival ( thanksgiving ) service ever been cancelled because of a poor harvest ? Someone is bound to say " thank god it wasn't worse ". Can you not see the obvious contradiction here ?
i have found it to be true that the more i know god, the more i know myself.

The more I know myself, the more I know I realize that there is no God but only people telling us there is a God so they can take your money and control you. Mythology is a very interesting subject to study and if you would just read about mythology you would see that throughout time it was used to control people and gain power and wealth over those who were told to believe in whatever myth was being made up at the time. The Egyptians , as just one example, were all being led by a myth that certain Gods and Goddesses were in control over everyone and the Priests were in charge of offering those Gods offerings to appease them . Just as today , those in charge want your faith and your money to appease the God of today.
so you're saying that he causes the suffering that we all endure? so it's not a consequence of all of our actions? i think it's a consequence of our actions and the more i get to know him, the more he shows me this, and so i change.

Thousands of children die of starvation each day. Is that a consequence of your gods actions or the actions of mankind?

If the actions of your god, then your god is cruel and immoral.

If the actions, or perhaps the lack of action, of mankind, of which much of the population is made up of theists, then mankind is cruel and immoral, and everyone should burn in eternal hell.

"Go forth and multiply."

He sets the stage.
The more I know myself, the more I know I realize that there is no God but only people telling us there is a God so they can take your money and control you. Mythology is a very interesting subject to study and if you would just read about mythology you would see that throughout time it was used to control people and gain power and wealth over those who were told to believe in whatever myth was being made up at the time. The Egyptians , as just one example, were all being led by a myth that certain Gods and Goddesses were in control over everyone and the Priests were in charge of offering those Gods offerings to appease them . Just as today , those in charge want your faith and your money to appease the God of today.

The god of today is called Mammon.