What if God is actually evil?

I did more than try, I did it. I did raise my son by myself....all the way from 4 years old to maturity. :)

What I was trying to communicate is that religion uses myth and stories to communicate idealized behaviors. In the instance of Christ dying on the cross, to me it says that self sacrafice is so important, that not even God...the creator of all things...is immune to the benefits and the burdens of self sacrafice.
M*W: Okay, sometimes I look too deep into one's comments. Contratulations on raising your son. It seems that even though they're grown now, they still need guidance. Of course, that is always free, but the self-sacrifice is not.
There is evidence that God is torturing people and is doing whatever he wants with them

I mean why else would he create things like droughts, diseases (like infections and viruses) and body malfunctions, thirst and hunger and many other things which cause tremendous suffering to mere mortals like me?

Also why does God give people eternal torment for finite crimes?
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why do you think it was unnecessary?
if he had not of died and been resurrected, where would we be?
M*W: In all honesty, we would be right here, right now, with nothing different or exceptional nor promising eventual, added to our lives. There was no purpose for the crucifixion. Now if there is a promise of something at the end of the road, I can see why people believe it, but it's not truthful nor factual. People want to believe in myth, that's all. However, I'm saying that just because it makes them feel good, it doesn't make it true.
M*W: How could any god allow his only son to be killed for the sake of mankind? It just doesn't make sense to me, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for such a death. Fortunately, I've let go of all involvement with this kind of mythology.

you have not; it's all you talk about. you're practically on a campaign.

do you realize how your own indoctrination into and practice of organized religion has jaded you?

you are still buying into the same misrepresentation of christ, you're just on the other side of the table now. in my eyes, you may as well still be a practicing catholic for all it's worth.

does my perspective about you make any sense to you?
There is evidence that God is torturing people and is doing whatever he wants with them

i feel that.

I mean why else would he create things like droughts, diseases (like infections and viruses) and body malfunctions, thirst and hunger and many other things which cause tremendous suffering to mere mortals like me?

do you realize that a lot of people are just fine with the way things are?

Also why does God give people eternal torment for finite crimes?

finite crimes like what?