What if God is actually evil?

Even if God does give us some reward for good behavior, this means that it's still beyond your control. Everything which is beyond your control or when someone else who is much more powerful than you is controlling you or worse is taking your life while giving you nothing in return is not a good thing in my opinion unless it is some sort of process of becoming part of God or actually working together with God and leaving this earthly life and the human form forever.

I think that living forever on Earth in human form is the real Hell unless you are freed from the human form and earthly life and either become a physical part of God or become some sort of God yourself, working togehter with God and becoming a force for creation.

I believe Jesus.

I believe the reward is for trusting and believing God/Jesus. being saved is not a reward for good behaviour but a positive response to the will of God

As for control. We have control of our response to His will and the teachings of Jesus.

I believe when those who believe Jesus are raised from the dead we will be changed and made good again. And this world will be renewed and also made good again. i believe we will exist for eternity on earth in perfected bodies, it shall not be a hell on earth, as the earth is now.

I believe i am working with God. Although it is His work that He is pleased for those that believe him to take a joyful, but in the end, ceremonial part in.

I will be freed from this faulty form, i will not become a god, but i will be with God forever.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i do not believe god totally controls us, he has given us free will..the ability to make our own choices..
of course we still have no control over what he does to us..

Jesus Or Burn

hmm .....let me think

People always say that they need and want a God to protect them and give them an afterlife. But what if God is actually bad instead of good? What if God actually treats us like we are his toys and does whatever he wants with us?

If God totally controls us but we have no control at all over ourselves or over what he does to us, is it actually a good thing? And what if you discovered that God is actually bad? Would you still believe in God or prefer there to be no such God?

Theologically that would not be possibly. God is all god; god created all. Everything is a representation of god there for god is both good and evil.
What can you do about an evil omnipotent that has decided to ruin your day? Not much, I'd imagine. Perhaps this is a sort of WHEN GOD GIVES YOU LEMONS, YOU FIND A NEW GOD situation.
The question here is that how can something perfect create something so imperfect?

If the world and people which he created are imperfect, doesn't this show that there is some kind of problem with God?

He already created other things which cause suffering to humans and animals alike like the need to constantly drink, the need to constantly eat, an undesirable sex drive which forces men to masturbate all the time and many other things which cause tremedous suffering like diseases, animals being eaten by other animals, droughts, floods, volcanos and many other bad things.
The question here is that how can something perfect create something so imperfect?

But is it truly so?
Do we now see the whole creation as is actually is?
Do we now fully know who we are and what the Universe is really like?

If the world and people which he created are imperfect, doesn't this show that there is some kind of problem with God?

But are the world and people really imperfect?
Imperfect by what criteria?

What is you opinion of the following scripture:

Psalm 82:5-7

Jesus actually referred to this.
M*W: Question: Who wrote down what Jesus said at the time he said it? I ask this because there has been nothing found that Jesus actually wrote. Paul wrote the Epistles circa 50-68 AD. The Gospels were written from circa 70-120 AD. Nothing was written down at the time Jesus was to have said what he did. Who wrote down Jesus's original words?
M*W: Question: Who wrote down what Jesus said at the time he said it? I ask this because there has been nothing found that Jesus actually wrote. Paul wrote the Epistles circa 50-68 AD. The Gospels were written from circa 70-120 AD. Nothing was written down at the time Jesus was to have said what he did. Who wrote down Jesus's original words?

John 10:34
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

This is believed to be written by John, when he was 80, in around 90-100AD.

Comparing this to say Buddha, where the earliest writings about him (author(s) unknown) were penned about 400 years after he died.
I would suggest to you that God is something far more complex than classically envisioned. And I seriously doubt the human brain, in its unmodified state, is capable of fully understanding God.

I would further suggest that in God's world there is no evil nor good...there is just an endless series of possiblities and probablities. It is or it is not.

then you have a radical different view of human nature for a start

If we have no control, what would it matter?

no one is better than god and i believe in god ..... god is protect us and save us for any trouble ....so i believe god is great thing in this whole world
M*W: How could any god allow his only son to be killed for the sake of mankind? It just doesn't make sense to me, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for such a death. Fortunately, I've let go of all involvement with this kind of mythology.
M*W: How could any god allow his only son to be killed for the sake of mankind? It just doesn't make sense to me, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for such a death. Fortunately, I've let go of all involvement with this kind of mythology.

but he was resurected....
so he knew..
M*W: How could any god allow his only son to be killed for the sake of mankind? It just doesn't make sense to me, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for such a death. Fortunately, I've let go of all involvement with this kind of mythology.

With all due respect, I think you missed the point. The point is self sacrafice. It is a common theme found in many religions. Self sacrafice is one of the noblest of human behaviors.

The death of Christ enshrines this noblest of deeds. One of the benefits of religion is the teaching of socially beneficial behaviors.
With all due respect, I think you missed the point. The point is self sacrafice. It is a common theme found in many religions. Self sacrafice is one of the noblest of human behaviors.

The death of Christ enshrines this noblest of deeds. One of the benefits of religion is the teaching of socially beneficial behaviors.
M*W: With or without a dying savior, a person will encounter situations in life that requires a lot of self-sacrifice. Try raising four kids alone in today's world with no help from anyone. That requires a lot of self-sacrifice! It's worth it in the end, but try doing it!

Also, being an atheist does not eliminate the areas of self-sacrifice one must experience.
M*W: With or without a dying savior, a person will encounter situations in life that requires a lot of self-sacrifice. Try raising four kids alone in today's world with no help from anyone. That requires a lot of self-sacrifice! It's worth it in the end, but try doing it!

Also, being an atheist does not eliminate the areas of self-sacrifice one must experience.

I did more than try, I did it. I did raise my son by myself....all the way from 4 years old to maturity. :)

What I was trying to communicate is that religion uses myth and stories to communicate idealized behaviors. In the instance of Christ dying on the cross, to me it says that self sacrafice is so important, that not even God...the creator of all things...is immune to the benefits and the burdens of self sacrafice.
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