What if God is actually evil?

Someone asks a question and i answer. I didnt say that i believed in God or i didnt, just making the point and it is a fair point.
I thought you were referring to me:

Was not till afterwards that i figured it out, it wasnt clear that all.

Again, can you read? I quoted the post I replied to. How on Earth could you think I addressed that to you?
I was trying to buiild on your response to Pluto2. If God were not at least to some degree evil while being omniscient and omnipotent, why would he/she build imperfections or evil into his/her world?
I was trying to buiild on your response to Pluto2. If God were not at least to some degree evil while being omniscient and omnipotent, why would he/she build imperfections or evil into his/her world?
Well, the standard response of a Christian would be something like "To test your faith". I take it you've read the bible?
Well, the standard response of a Christian would be something like "To test your faith". I take it you've read the bible?

In a perfect world created by a perfect being, why would faith need to be tested? Maybe the perfect being is not so perfect? And if imperfection translates to evil, then would God not be evil? And since our universe owes its existence to impefection, are we not also evil?
And if every time someone picked up a brush they painted the Mona Lisa?

And that John is the point most often used to justify imperfection. Can perfection exist without imperfection? Are they not just two sides of the same coin?
People always say that they need and want a God to protect them and give them an afterlife. But what if God is actually bad instead of good? What if God actually treats us like we are his toys and does whatever he wants with us?

Very feasible, although I would call this type of God a god. Like Jehovah(god of the bible) for example, could be an evil god.

If God totally controls us but we have no control at all over ourselves or over what he does to us, is it actually a good thing? And what if you discovered that God is actually bad? Would you still believe in God or prefer there to be no such God?

I think we control our own actions, no one else, we might get influenced but no god or God is typing this to you.
Even if God does give us some reward for good behavior, this means that it's still beyond your control. Everything which is beyond your control or when someone else who is much more powerful than you is controlling you or worse is taking your life while giving you nothing in return is not a good thing in my opinion unless it is some sort of process of becoming part of God or actually working together with God and leaving this earthly life and the human form forever.

I think that living forever on Earth in human form is the real Hell unless you are freed from the human form and earthly life and either become a physical part of God or become some sort of God yourself, working togehter with God and becoming a force for creation.
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Even if God does give us some reward for good behavior, this means that it's still beyond your control. Everything which is beyond your control or when someone else who is much more powerful than you is controlling you or worse is taking your life while giving you nothing in return is not a good thing in my opinion unless it is some sort of process of becoming part of God or actually working together with God and leaving this earthly life and the human form forever.

I think that living forever on Earth in human form is the real Hell unless you are freed from the human form and earthly life and either become a physical part of God or become some sort of God yourself, working togehter with God and becoming a force for creation.

You are a gnostic at heart.
People always say that they need and want a God to protect them and give them an afterlife. But what if God is actually bad instead of good? What if God actually treats us like we are his toys and does whatever he wants with us?

i have yet to hear someone say they want god to give them all sorts of grief and struggles so they can be a better person..

If God totally controls us but we have no control at all over ourselves or over what he does to us, is it actually a good thing? And what if you discovered that God is actually bad? Would you still believe in God or prefer there to be no such God?

i do not believe god totally controls us, he has given us free will..the ability to make our own choices..
of course we still have no control over what he does to us..

maybe thats why he created satan..so we would know what bad is..(oops..joe said that already..)