what if God could be proven?

Actually first you need to realize the difference between something being logical and something being scientific. Because that is the primary problem with atheists- it can be seen from your assertion that God is illogical-

Peace be unto you ;)

I'm not asking about scientific. I'm asking about logical. If something isn't logical, then it doesn't make sense. If it doesn't make sense, then it isn't true. :cool:

So my question to you was, why do you believe in a god-myth? What is compelling you to devote yourself to such beliefs? Are you merely a product of the way you were raised? Or do you find illogic to be more comforting than logic?
Is he still there? Its been two years now, have you named him yet?

edit:Oops its dragon, I guess the unicorn has left.

The unicorn is out back in the stable, with the rest of the herd.
Yes.... how else would you determine changes to the system, when it is the individual forces summed up that give you the force/energy of the system.

Why not just concentrate on the changes we do observe, like tsunamis?
I'm not asking about scientific. I'm asking about logical. If something isn't logical, then it doesn't make sense. If it doesn't make sense, then it isn't true. :cool:

First you need to learn logic.

Lets break it down, so that you can learn from each part.

"if something isn't logical"

I already said God was logical.

"if something isn't logical, then it doesn't make sense"

Sometimes even logical things don't make sense to some people.

"If it doesn't make sense, then it isn't true"

No, if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense.. Sense has nothing to do with 'true' or 'false'

So my question to you was, why do you believe in a god-myth? What is compelling you to devote yourself to such beliefs? Do you find illogic to be comforting? Or are you merely a product of the way you were raised?

Ask the question again when you understand what I was saying.

Peace be unto you ;)
A whole lotta irrelevant nonsense meant to obfuscate the matter at hand.

786, you're showing a definite unwillingness to give a straight answer to a straight question, without any strings attached. Why is that..?

There's no need to break it down. I stated everything in no uncertain terms. So... what is compelling you to believe in your god-myth? Surely that isn't a difficult question for you to answer. :cool:
Okay, but I was talking about the change of the whole system.

What about it? Do you actually think changes that are millions of light years away are going to affect us here?

What is your point?
786, you're showing a definite unwillingness to give a straight answer to a straight question, without any strings attached. Why is that..?

How can I give a straight answer when I know the question is full of stupidity.

There's no need to break it down. I stated everything in no uncertain terms.

Sure but in no uncertain stupid terms. "if it doesn't make sense it isn't true"- :bugeye:

What your question implies is as follows:

God is illogical
Illogical means it doesn't make sense
"it doesn't make sense" means its not true

I see a problem with all of them. Why should I answer a question which is full of faults?

Peace be unto you ;)
What about it? Do you actually think changes that are millions of light years away are going to affect us here?

What is your point?

Okay.............. we were talking about how God can change the system and the effect will be seen on nature. Spidergoat suggested we've never witnessed this, and I explained that this is due to the fact that we have never been able to see the change of the complete system as what we see is the partial changes which are 'normal' (as far as we can tell) because we look it in terms of the other forces- the change would only be 'really' visible if we can see it for the whole system.

Peace be unto you ;)
How can I give a straight answer when I know the question is full of stupidity.

Because it's a very easy and straightforward question. If I were to believe in a god-myth, I wouldn't find it hard to answer. So why is it that you do? Surely you can tell us what compels you to believe in your god-myth. There's no need to restate everything you already said. Just tell us. Go ahead. Do it. ;)

What your question implies is as follows:

God is illogical
Illogical means it doesn't make sense
"it doesn't make sense" means its not true

I see a problem with all of them. Why should I answer a question which is full of faults?

But that doesn't have anything to do with my question as to what compels you to believe in your god-myth. Go ahead. Tell us what logical reasons you have.

You don't want to..? Awww. :cool:
Tell us what logical reasons you have. :cool:

You don't want to..? Aww.

Your context of the question certainly was full of bullshit, now if you want to admit that your context is crap- leaving that aside and answering your question..

It is logical to believe in something if that something is logical to begin with. God is logical.

Now your main question, why believe in one religion over the other?

Ok so first I accept God is logical- then I look at what a religion say about other things- and I find that what I believe in is more logical/consistent than what other religions teach.

Do you have a problem with that?

Peace be unto you ;)
You still haven't answered the question. Why am I not surprised..? :cool:

Well you haven't admitted that your context is full of bs :rolleyes:

So about what 'compels' me-

What compels me to believe is my personal experiences and also my belief that the universe is meaningful- in order for that to be believing in a supernatural being who created it for a purpose seems logical.

Anything else?

Peace be unto you ;)
Okay.............. we were talking about how God can change the system and the effect will be seen on nature. Spidergoat suggested we've never witnessed this, and I explained that this is due to the fact that we have never been able to see the change of the complete system as what we see is the partial changes which are 'normal' (as far as we can tell) because we look it in terms of the other forces- the change would only be 'really' visible if we can see it for the whole system.

Yeah, I get that. The problem with that is you add an extra layer of complexity and confusion to an already simple explanation.

You're saying, "God did it"

Nature doesn't appear to be operating that way unless you're ready to admit that god purposely created a tsunami to kill a quarter million of his beloved followers. Or, did it just happen due to nature and the laws of the universe acting entirely on their own?
Yeah, I get that. The problem with that is you add an extra layer of complexity and confusion to an already simple explanation.

Correct but the discussion was with the assumption God exists and what could constitute evidence for Him. So what are you ranting about?

Peace be unto you ;)
What compels me to believe is my personal experiences and also my belief that the universe is meaningful- in order for that to be believing in a supernatural being who created it for a purpose seems logical.

Ah, did you believe you had a vision of your god at one point or did you attribute an act you witnessed to the idea of a god you already believed in? What leads you to believe that the universe is meaningful and why do you believe that only a god-myth can provide that meaning for you? What first led you to the belief in a god? Did you come up with the idea yourself? Or did you hear about your god from others, such as your parents/culture/friends?

If we're talking about logical in the sense of "it being remotely possible and I can't think of anything else disregarding the scientific reasons we already accept," then why don't you believe in leprechauns and fairies too? How do you know they didn't create the world? The mythology behind those god-myths would be as equally "logical." :cool:
It is logical to believe in something if that something is logical to begin with. God is logical.

You have no concept of logic to begin with. Gods are illogical. There is no reasoning for their existence.