what if God could be proven?

what you say sarkus implies that there is only one state of perfection.
and that every thing one can possibly do has to be in a direction towards perfection.
what if perfection wasn't a dot, and there can be directions within it?

IOW,humans never reached the state of perfection to talk about it, as i said, gods can have their reasons which are different from our reasons; i.e don't head toward fulfilling an imperfection.
You need to address the issue that any action, regardless of your view of perfection, is in response to a need / want.

And that very need / want implies imperfection.

It's not a matter of whether they consciously head toward filling an imperfection - but it is the nature of conscious action that it is a response to a need, and thus to an imperfection.

Name a conscious action that is not in response to a need, whether you are a God or not?
You need to address the issue that any action, regardless of your view of perfection, is in response to a need / want.
well then i think it's here where we disagree.
i can imagine an entity that does what it wants, pracicing its will, whithout fulfilling any need.
And that very need / want implies perfection.
need might imply imperfection, but want implies a persona, not necessarily a need.
It's not a matter of whether they consciously head toward filling an imperfection - but it is the nature of conscious action that it is a response to a need, and thus to an imperfection.
yes, the nature of OUR concious actions..which is thw whole point.
Name a conscious action that is not in response to a need, whether you are a God or not?
it happens that i can't, but doesn't mean a god can't.

besides1, if god has needs but can easily and effortlessly fulfill them, does that count as an imperfection?
example/ god needs company, but can create them endlessly, does that mean god needs company?

besides2, which is the most important, you are defining perfection as a zero dimention point, which when reached you can either stay or go down, why can't it be flat?
why can't god do things without the outcomes of his actions make up his imperfections? is it because we humans can't do it? well they don't call him god for nothing you know..
i really think it's a simple concept.
Gods don't have any needs. Gods dwell outside time, therefore don't have time to do/need/want anything.
Hence the lack of need to create.

scifes said:
well then i think it's here where we disagree.
i can imagine an entity that does what it wants, pracicing its will, whithout fulfilling any need.
And yet just a few sentences further on you can not actually imagine an action that fulfils the criteria of not fulfilling a need... but you can imagine a god that can do such an action?
You are unfortunately someone who appears to type things without actually appreciating what you are typing.

example/ god needs company, but can create them endlessly, does that mean god needs company?
I have bolded the parts of your sentence that seem to demonstrate my point above.
If god needs company then, yes, it means that god needs company.

You think it's a simple concept because unfortunately you aren't appreciating the logic (or lack thereof) of what you are conceiving.

Your entire line of argument is "God can do what he wants. He's a god."
Which at it's heart is an utterly pointless and meaningless concept.
And when facing a flaw in your line of thinking you revert to "God can do what he wants. He's a god."

You want god to be one thing - but then can't seem to accept the implications.

If god needs company then, yes, it means that god needs company.

Apparently you don't understand the relationship of 'need' and 'time'. If you need something then there is a 'time' when you don't have something.. God being past + present + future = in other words in his being is a singularity of time- then there is no 'time' where he 'needs' anything... the word 'need' is only used for our mind... You can't imagine a point for time is a singularity of 'all time' so you can't possibly understand how his 'needs' aren't really 'needs'- its only used for our understanding.


Your lack of understanding what God is, from which you draw your arguments.. that indeed is pointless.

Peace be unto you ;)
Well if you question then they have to respond, no?

Peace be unto you ;)

exact reason its pointless to talk reasonably with an extreme religous person because they only say well my faith i believe ect they cannot come up with one shread of proof that "god" exsists and some religous people believe in god and believe without a doubt we are the only intelegent life, ludacris
exact reason its pointless to talk reasonably with an extreme religous person because they only say well my faith i believe ect they cannot come up with one shread of proof that "god" exsists and some religous people believe in god and believe without a doubt we are the only intelegent life, ludacris

Excuse what are you saying in respect to my 'quote' (mind telling me which post # it is because I don't know what you're talking about ).

Peace be unto you ;)
Everything is done for a reason.

If you didn't need anything then you would indeed do nothing.
However, for humans, there is always a need - be it physical, intellectual etc.

A being in a state of perfection would have no such needs - as a need implies an existing lack to that perfection. And thus they would do nothing. They would not want. They would not act. They would do nothing.

Ask yourself: Why did God want to create us?
"Want" implies a need to be filled... so what need was God trying to fill?
What imperfection existed that he needed to fill it with our creation?

he was bored and needed something to laugh at..lol
Excuse what are you saying in respect to my 'quote' (mind telling me which post # it is because I don't know what you're talking about ).

Peace be unto you ;)

one of the first few didnt read thru all 20 some pages. wasnt talking about you just the fact that if you try to debate with one they cant come up with any proof what soever
one of the first few didnt read thru all 20 some pages. wasnt talking about you just the fact that if you try to debate with one they cant come up with any proof what soever

You mean 'natural' proof for something 'supernatural'..? :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
why is the disscussion keep going back to proof?

this thread assumes he does exist..
it is supposed to be a disscusion about how/what life/reality would be like if god were undeniably present,if he were to be so visible that any arguement from atheist would be considered mentally short..IOW they would not be able to claim he doesn't exist cause we would be able to point to him and say he is there..
Ah yes, the Perfection/want/need scenario. It is the one of the few inherent and bottomless holes in the Christian, Judaic, Islamic religions. It is one that will be argued endlessly until those who do not see it as a fallacy will argue against its fallaciousness, well, fallaciously.

God is Perfect, as assumed and declared unerringly...


God WANTS things, as shown by our existence, the existence of the bible, his only begotten son in heaven coming down and dying for our sins, those sins also created by God directly because he is the creator of all things like death, destruction, hate, disbelief, pedophilia practices by church officials, people who believe in gods other than Him, who then kill the people that DO believe in Him because those killers believe the god that tells them to kill is the right one...etc...

This in turn is always argued against with one simple statement which I have already seen twice in only 5 posts from two different people:

i can imagine an entity that does what it wants, pracicing its will, whithout fulfilling any need.

Gods don't have any needs. Gods dwell outside time, therefore don't have time to do/need/want anything.

So it must be assumed then that there is a God who doesn't want anything, or need anything, but acts at RANDOM as can be descried by any other intelligent observer...

*Insert Retort Here*

Now hold on a second, if it's not random then it's calculated...but to what ends? If it is calculated then it is so for a DESIRED outcome...if it is not calculated then it is a RANDOM outcome...

*Insert Retort Here*

If it's calculated to generate RANDOM outcomes, then the outcomes themselves are not truly RANDOM as they are not truly random in a calculator...they're generated by equations and iterations of equations. But they are indeed calculated for the want/need "Almost Random Outcomes".

So tell me which is it?

Desired/Calculated or Undesired/Random?

Is everything religious,pious, humanistic, and existential a random generation from the "God Calculator" the "Perfect Calculator" with no INTENT.

...or does everything created by God radiate with intent, desire, want of a certain scenario? And indeed a NEED yes need...of a certain set of cirumstances to generate that outcome? Meaning he may not WANT the circumstances themselves, but NEEDS the circumstances to have a certain outcome, thus creating them to produce that outcome...

IOW,humans never reached the state of perfection to talk about it, as i said, gods can have their reasons which are different from our reasons; i.e don't head toward fulfilling an imperfection.

Then why do we talk about God as Perfect if no one understands it?
Why do we say "want" and "desire" when we don't mean to imply the actual definitions of those word...and indeed use them when we mean to imply some oxymoronic nonsense that contradicts itself?

Note: Sarcasm will ensue in the section bounded by asterices, feel free to skip it if you don't like sarcasm, I am "excercising"...for those who enjoy a bit of sass in forums used to promote intelligent conversation enjoy...


Statement: I want things I don't need for ANY reason...

Reply: Then why do you want them...

Statement: Because I desire things I don't ACTUALLY need...


You desire things you don't need, kind of like a nice watch? an attractive wife? happiness? pleasure? satisfaction? joy? love? people to worship you, and to accept your only begotten son as their savior, and not to covet their neighbors wife, not to show their face in public if they're a woman, not to eat non-kosher foods, and not to doubt your power but to believe in you and love you unconditionally, unquestioned, and based only on faith and a slew of contradictory ideas?

Contradictory Ideas like: unconditionally loving and believing in someone that will send you to hell otherwise and will bless you with good life and good cirumstance if you DO believe in them, and more importantly unconditionally loving someone that can give you eternal life of reciprocated love, happiness, roads paved with gold, immediately after those daily blessing you have been awarded, and the nonbelievers are stripped of for the opposing reason??

Statement: YES! Indeed, I don't need those things for ANY reason, I just want them...randomly, not because they feel good to humans, not because they make my state of existence more livable as they would a human with the same fulfilled desires, nor is it because it would make my existence more Perfect than it already is, not because I gain ANYTHING from those things, but because they're randomly generated as desireable things and by "random" I actually mean, not describeable by ANY WORDS you know as a human being, but words I choose that are similar to "random" like "wanted" or "desired"...

A modicum of logical observation can see that things are wanted because we NEED things to feel complacent at SOME point in the never-reached-but-always-moved-toward future.

What good is it to create such confusion, to turn potential believers away because of something as simple as poor diction?

Good diction is a skill moderately developed by age 18 in most education systems. And we can't even have the privilege as intelligent beings, created by God as such, to have our entire existence explained to us in terms more convincing than an elementary school student using random words they didn't know any definitions for?

Are we to abandon all things that have been given to us by God directly: the gift of comprehension? The gifts of deduction, of experiment, of theory, of language itself?

Has God framed me for disaster by giving me a desire for credence?

When things sound logical I believe them as true until further notice, when things sounds illogical I do not believe them as unalterably true, ever, nor will I believe them as likely true until more information is given pointing in that direction...

Did God create me (someone who REQUIRES logic and observation and experiemt, and reassertion, and reason in general to believe in things, someone stubborn to those ideals) as someone destined to go to Hell from the get-go?

Should I love him unconditionally for it?
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why is the disscussion keep going back to proof?

this thread assumes he does exist..
it is supposed to be a disscusion about how/what life/reality would be like if god were undeniably present,if he were to be so visible that any arguement from atheist would be considered mentally short..IOW they would not be able to claim he doesn't exist cause we would be able to point to him and say he is there..

Because religious discussion, no matter how they are framed at the beginning, no matter what the topic is supposed to be directly, deviate expontentially from that beginning, every single time.

God is real...and with that said I live my life asking questions, learning new things about the universe, and our existence, going on about life as a child in a new playroom with toys never before seen or played with, loving every precious moment every precious instant of existence...

Though this would change if the classical "God" would be real...the one of Judaeo-Christian-Muslim texts... the one that reeks of human inadequacy, one that gives in to very carnal pleasures, like love, worship, unqeustioned compliance. That god is perhaps the biggest blunder of human existence...

If that God were real I would first apologize to him for any inconvenience I caused by not believing in him...but... he made me to do it. I would follow in compliance as long as I could, I would look at him like a corrupt and tyrannical government who controls state of living, I have to follow orders and keep quiet in public. I would attempt to orgranize a coup and matyr myself for the potential of a greater good. I would love my life, not for the carnal pleasures that were given to me for eternity, but for the ability to demonstrate a will-to-evolution, a will-to-change, a will to make the world around something far more ethereal and far more divine than worship, hell, sanctity of marriage, and the inferiority of woman as a gender...

Eiher that or he would Zap me to make me like all the other robots, loving him and singing praises, with no reason not to...no reason to grow, and no reason to live...
NMSquirrel you have inspired me to write a "short story"!!! This topic is a wonderful question, I appreciate you for it...perhaps I will give you a cut of the profits as well...good show my friend, good show...
NMSquirrel you have inspired me to write a "short story"!!! This topic is a wonderful question, I appreciate you for it...perhaps I will give you a cut of the profits as well...good show my friend, good show...

Who's going to buy it...j/k :D

Peace be unto you ;)
You mean 'natural' proof for something 'supernatural'..? :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)

LOL. Yes that is not possible and neither is being able to prove god exists because there is no evidence for one.

If there ever is evidence for one, then we will have our proof.
If that God were real I would first apologize to him for any inconvenience I caused by not believing in him...but... he made me to do it.
made you do it? how did he make you believe in him?
I would follow in compliance as long as I could, I would look at him like a corrupt and tyrannical government who controls state of living, I have to follow orders and keep quiet in public.
hmm interesting..you assume he would come and take away your freedom to choose..
I would attempt to orgranize a coup and matyr myself for the potential of a greater good. I would love my life, not for the carnal pleasures that were given to me for eternity, but for the ability to demonstrate a will-to-evolution, a will-to-change, a will to make the world around something far more ethereal and far more divine than worship, hell, sanctity of marriage, and the inferiority of woman as a gender.
ok..now this says you still have the ability to choose...
Either that or he would Zap me to make me like all the other robots, loving him and singing praises, with no reason not to...no reason to grow, and no reason to live...
i personally think that is what he has his angels for..
LOL. Yes that is not possible and neither is being able to prove god exists because there is no evidence for one.

If there ever is evidence for one, then we will have our proof.

You missed the point... I was expressing the stupidity of the request. You are asking for 'proof' which has to be natural (for you to even have the ability to examine it) for something which is supernatural (God)-

Peace be unto you ;)
NMSquirrel you have inspired me to write a "short story"!!! This topic is a wonderful question, I appreciate you for it...perhaps I will give you a cut of the profits as well...good show my friend, good show...

lord knows i could use the money..
i am a contractor and work is dead right now..