What have you learned.....

The problem I have is ..., but many, many of them hold on still to their false and outdated beliefs even though the truth is right there in their bloody faces.

Then if it's so simple, provide proof that there is no god ...and we'll all accept it as you have. Simple, huh?

That's where my animosity comes from.

How odd. You say first that we're all free to believe as we wish, yet here you claim animosity toward those who don't believe as you do? See, M*W, why I say ...you go on the attack?

The truth has been presented equally to all of us on sciforums. I just don't understand how some die-hards can still believe in myths.

The truth? Can you prove any of that, M*W? And if you can't, then isn't your beliefs just plain ol' beliefs like those you seem to hate?

I also take this personally, especially when I have researched, written, explained, commented and attempted to teach others with knowlege I have legitimately found.

So you've found the truth? And you can prove it? Please do!

I can reconcile the other's continued lack of enlightenment comes from their inability to let go of their earlier indoctination of false myths.

False myths? And can you prove any of your assertions? Or is it that you simply belief differently to others? And that you have no tolerance for those who believe differently to you?

Perhaps you could use some lessons in humility as well as humanity.

Baron Max
Tell me again, why as this turned into an Atheism vs. Theism war?

What have I learnt? That debating the existence is God is futile (and those who do are usually stubborn/illogical idiots.)
Even when you can learn from it?

If it's a "debate", then it's presumed that there are pros and cons involved ...those who have already made their decisions about the subject.

Otherwise, it's called a lecture or other classroom-style teaching.

Baron Max
If it's a "debate", then it's presumed that there are pros and cons involved ...those who have already made their decisions about the subject.

It doesn't seem to me that it was intended to be a debate at all.
Rather a discussion.
Is it any different in real life?

Yeah, you can usually tell if someone is lying in person (at least I can usually tell). On this site, it's just words on a screen, you get little or no "personality" feedback, no blinking of eyes, no failure to make eye contact, turning away at times, etc.

And probably even more important, is that in real life, some of us wouldn't even be in the same physical settings as others who frequent the site.

So, yeah, big difference.

Baron Max
It doesn't seem to me that it was intended to be a debate at all. Rather a discussion.

Well, let's get technical, then. This thread wasn't intended as a discussion, either. It asked several simple, plain questions. The respondents should have answered those personal questions without anyone responding at all.

Baron Max
Yeah, you can usually tell if someone is lying in person (at least I can usually tell). On this site, it's just words on a screen, you get little or no "personality" feedback, no blinking of eyes, no failure to make eye contact, turning away at times, etc.

All true.

However, when you see people posting day in and day out on different subjects, it's easier to spot inconsistencies and contradictions than in a crowd of people you hardly know.

Really, though, when people talk of what they believe and why they believe it, they are generally either being genuine or or an apologist. With minimal conversation the difference can be spotted a mile away.
Not that apologists are always lying. In fact, most of them do believe what they are stating what they believe. The difference, however, is in how they justify their beliefs.
This is where discussion in this place tells so much about the posters, what they think, how they think, their backgrounds and many other things.
Saying, "I believe in God" is meaningless. Explaining why you believe what you believe - that tells volumes about you.
However, when you see people posting day in and day out on different subjects, it's easier to spot inconsistencies and contradictions than in a crowd of people you hardly know.

I mostly don't do that at all. I read what's written on the post, usually not even paying much attention who wrote it, and respond to what's written.

I don't much give a shit about who's who around here, and I surely don't form opiinions about many of them. I'll admit that there are a couple, but it's pretty damned few.

In fact, Raven, now that I think about it, it might be a big mistake to even attempt to "get to know" posters here ...because then you generally are prone to "reading between the lines". And in written communicaton, that's a very bad habit to get into.

Baron Max
I am here for the people and the interaction.
I am here because I want people to challenge me and I want to challenge people.
I am here to learn from people and maybe teach a few.

Why are you here?
Why are you here?

Mostly to try to get others to see things from differing perspectives.

People will often say some liberal, doo-gooder crap like "We should all love one another". I'll ask them if we should also love all rapists, murderers, thieves, burglars, terrorists, .......

See? People seldom see those sides of issues ...and I think they should.

Baron Max

It is less about the individuals and what they think personally, than just about what people think and how that affects me.

It's really not even about whether or not they are being truthful.

For example:
Someone says, "This is what I believe and this is why."
If that makes sense to me, I compare it to what I think, see how they mesh, question my assumptions and perhaps change my point of view.
It's about seeing and considering perspectives other than my own.
Then if it's so simple, provide proof that there is no god ...and we'll all accept it as you have. Simple, huh?
M*W: The simple fact that there is no evidence proving a god is enough for me.

How odd. You say first that we're all free to believe as we wish, yet here you claim animosity toward those who don't believe as you do? See, M*W, why I say ...you go on the attack?
M*W: I believe that each of us has the right to believe what he or she wants to believe. My animosity is not toward that, but toward theists who continue to question their own faiths blindly without the ability to reason or rationalize, while at the same time questioning and ridiculing atheism. You can't have it both ways. Believe what you want, but leave the rest of us alone.

The truth? Can you prove any of that, M*W? And if you can't, then isn't your beliefs just plain ol' beliefs like those you seem to hate?
M*W: I guess the ultimate truth is what we each choose to believe.
So you've found the truth? And you can prove it? Please do!
M*W: I've found my truth, and I found it on sciforums. That's not to say that my mind wasn't already open, because I had been searching for the truth for years past. I knew it was the truth for me when I found it.

False myths? And can you prove any of your assertions? Or is it that you simply belief differently to others? And that you have no tolerance for those who believe differently to you?
M*W: I've tried to explain this to you in this thread, but you continue to want to argue about the same shit, different day

Today is an American holiday. It's time to spend with family and frien, be thankful for all our good tidings and enjoy the food. Your arguments today seem to be on a downward spiral, so I'll just wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and wish for you to be with your loved ones.
from you participation in the Religion Forum?
I have come to the conclusion that some people, for biological reasons, lack the ability to come to certain epiphanies. such as the fact that Xenu is make-beleive. Much like sight, this is based on biological processes.

Interesting huh? A person who can not understand Santa is madeup....
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