What exactly constitutes rejection / acceptance of Jesus?

See how it all fits so elegantly together. Mother Goose and Little Goose Girl's geese are direct descendants of the geese in Noah's ark.
Feelings are objective ? :crazy:

yes, feelings are mostly objective. for example if i cut myself with a knife, it hurts. and most people would agree that knives hurt, so it's wrong to cut someone with a knife.
Well you consider it then you accept it or reject it.

Hey Adstar, let me ask you something.

Could I reject the bible simply on the grounds that various other scriptures, like the quran and talmud, contradict it? Even if I don't accept those scriptures either?
yes, feelings are mostly objective. for example if i cut myself with a knife, it hurts. and most people would agree that knives hurt, so it's wrong to cut someone with a knife.

Weren't you really talking about feelings in the emotional range ?
Or did you mean that your understanding was beaten into you ?

this understanding doesn't come from society or teachings, it comes from our feelings. our feelings are objective, so right and wrong are also objective. what feels bad is bad and what feels good is good.
I accept the bible. I accept Aesop, Mother Goose and Grimms, too. What's your point?

Do you accept them all as fables? How about a textbook on US history? It's just a book. How about medical instructions? They are just words. You can accept them as fables, too. :)
Do you accept them all as fables? How about a textbook on US history? It's just a book. How about medical instructions? They are just words. You can accept them as fables, too. :)

I accept them for their intent as much as their content.

For example, I would view Aesop and Grimms for attempting to demonstrate lessons learned, some from a common sense perspective and others not.

A textbook on US history as a record of events supported by gobs of evidence.

A book on medical instructions might help save a life.

What about the bible, you ask?

I view the bible as a book of myths and parables. Anyone can read the words describing how god commanded Moses to slaughter multitudes and how he wiped out nearly all mankind with a flood, and can criticize this evil entity till the cows come home.

Did a god command Moses to do such things? Probably not.

Does the god as described in the bible exist? Doubtful.

Did Moses even exist? Unlikely.

Nonetheless, I can also read through and find passages telling us to do unto others as we would we want done to us. Of course, that's just simple common sense and pretty much the only reasonable option there is for humans to exist and live with one another, successfully. It's in our genes, anyways.

There really isn't much in the bible of value that I couldn't find elsewhere.

So, it would appear that the intent of the bible to be the word of an all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful, creator of the universe is incontrovertibly denied by its very own content.

To worship such a book is to be in denial of that content which demonstrates god to be more of a vindictive and malicious bully than a moral and ethical teacher of right and wrong.
You should yearn for forgivness for your imperfection.


And for what imperfection exactly?
Should I yearn forgiveness for not being omniscient, for not being able to fly, for not being able to create something out of nothing ...?
Hey Adstar, let me ask you something.

Could I reject the bible simply on the grounds that various other scriptures, like the quran and talmud, contradict it? Even if I don't accept those scriptures either?

If you did not accept the other scriptures then you would not accept their statements that contradict the statements in the Bible.

So no you cannot use the fact that different books state different things as to the nature and will of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If you did not accept the other scriptures then you would not accept their statements that contradict the statements in the Bible.

So no you cannot use the fact that different books state different things as to the nature and will of God.

This is not true.

If you witness many people quarreling about what they say is the same thing, while you yourself have no direct knowledge of said thing, it is fair to conclude that there is something wrong - either with those other people, the thing in question, yourself, or all, or a combination of the afore-mentioned.
And since many people quarreling about what they say is the same thing, and you yourself have no direct knowledge of said thing, there seems to be no way of resolving the issue, other than said thing intervening right here and now, with you.
If you did not accept the other scriptures then you would not accept their statements that contradict the statements in the Bible.

So no you cannot use the fact that different books state different things as to the nature and will of God.

Good answer.