What exactly constitutes rejection / acceptance of Jesus?

No, it has been proven to be true, the film maker most certainly wants to make money from this belief.

I find it very interesting that those who make such claims about the non-existence of Jesus are unwilling to look into claims of his existence. Why is that?
I find it very interesting that those who make such claims about the non-existence of Jesus are unwilling to look into claims of his existence. Why is that?

Who said they weren't?

Oh yes, you did. :rolleyes:
Good, I am glad you will make no more uneducated references to the absence of any evidence of the existence of Jesus. :D
BTW what was found was an ossary containing a few bones. THen the speculation started. Could these bones have been contemporary with Jesus ? Let's date them ! Give or take a bit, they could have been contemporary with Jesus.

Cynical voiceover : " They could have been contemporary witrh anyone who lived at that time. In fact, they have to be contemporary with something or other."

Ah, but the incsription ! It looks as if the name could be Jesus or something very close to Jesus.

Cynical voiceover: "Fred is not close to Jesus but how about Jerome, Jeremiah, Josephus, etc. Here we encounter a small priblem. Vowels were not written so the consonants could have more than one meaning. "

Presenter: " Next week we shall examine the question of whether the Risen Christ had eaten yeast before he ascended into heaven to sit on his own right-hand side. "
Good, I am glad you will make no more uneducated references to the absence of any evidence of the existence of Jesus. :D

We'll also continue to search for the existence of visiting aliens because another crop circle turned up and someone made the claim to the existence of visiting aliens, as that is, according to Sam, an "educated reference."
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We'll also continue to search for the existence of visiting aliens because another crop circle turned up and someone made the claim to the existence of visiting aliens, as that is, according to Sam, an "educated reference."

Yes, we will, at least some of us will. I read an article in Science where they found two unidentified hairs of a yet to be identified primate in some part of northern India. May be the proverbial yeti. :D

BTW what was found was an ossary containing a few bones. THen the speculation started. Could these bones have been contemporary with Jesus ? Let's date them ! Give or take a bit, they could have been contemporary with Jesus.

Cynical voiceover : " They could have been contemporary witrh anyone who lived at that time. In fact, they have to be contemporary with something or other."

Ah, but the incsription ! It looks as if the name could be Jesus or something very close to Jesus.

Cynical voiceover: "Fred is not close to Jesus but how about Jerome, Jeremiah, Josephus, etc. Here we encounter a small priblem. Vowels were not written so the consonants could have more than one meaning. "

Presenter: " Next week we shall examine the question of whether the Risen Christ had eaten yeast before he ascended into heaven to sit on his own right-hand side. "

Have you seen the documentary?
Yes, we will, at least some of us will. I read an article in Science where they found two unidentified hairs of a yet to be identified primate in some part of northern India. May be the proverbial yeti.

Or, some other modern folklore contrived for the gullible.
Perhaps the DNA results will show-unknown. Does this mean it is contrived folklore for the gullible?

Absolutely, the gullible will claim it as supporting evidence for their contrived folklore, despite the results.
Yes, we will, at least some of us will. I read an article in Science where they found two unidentified hairs of a yet to be identified primate in some part of northern India. May be the proverbial yeti. :D

Have you seen the documentary?

Yes. I have parodied it because it is like a number of others I have seen, piling speculation upon speculation with nothing concret to support it.
jesus was the truth personified. rejecting jesus means to reject the truth and acceptance of jesus means to accept the truth and be truthful. jesus was also good personified.
jesus was the truth personified. rejecting jesus means to reject the truth and acceptance of jesus means to accept the truth and be truthful. jesus was also good personified.

what? which truth? good to whom?

Jesus was God in man or incarnate. Jesus was also God's son.:bugeye: Thus God was God's son. :bugeye: The trinity is one of those fun things about God that makes me go,"God, explain this to me." God says,"You are not able to understand now. I will not explain this until you get to Heaven." and I say, "Okeedokee then." :)
What exactly constitutes a rejection of Jesus?

What is it that a person would need to do in order for that action to be considered a rejection of Jesus?

What exactly constitutes acceptance of Jesus?

What is it that a person would need to do in order for that action to be considered an acceptance of Jesus?

To accept Jesus is to believe Jesus. To believe Jesus one must first believe that Jesus is. Not as some historical figure who had some nice thoughts and a bad attitude towards the authorities of the time that got Him killed, no. But as the only begotten Son of God who by His death and resurrection has won for those who believe Him, atonement of all sins and eternity with God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
To accept Jesus is to believe Jesus. To believe Jesus one must first believe that Jesus is. Not as some historical figure who had some nice thoughts and a bad attitude towards the authorities of the time that got Him killed, no. But as the only begotten Son of God who by His death and resurrection has won for those who believe Him, atonement of all sins and eternity with God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And what does it require to believe that ?