What does God want?

In the interest of objective balance, I will stipulate that "fellowship" can be a positive community activity and if this is centered around a common belief or commitment, this may itself not necessarily be a bad thing.

However, I have attended church on occasion to expand my own knowledge and I was not impressed with the fellowship espoused by the preacher at those times.

When a preacher urges his congregation to only deal with others of like minds and avoid dealing or doing business with people of different faiths or beliefs, I tend to view that as exclusive and prejudicial. Not a worldview I can support. And if God's intentions are thus represented I tend to reject the premise altogether.
Actually its an interesting point how we attempt to integrate fellowship (or even the unity of all life) within society. Society, by it's very nature is fractured into different classes so its always tricky territory.
For instance even the notion of equality (for the sake law, democracy, etc) is a transcendental position (after all, if no one is actually materially equal, why should we get equal rights?) in secular society (irony much?), ..... yet I don't think anyone would cite the difficulty in navigating an even course in this civil field as grounds for rejecting them outright.

Of course you can talk of things being done more successfully or less so, however.
For instance even the notion of equality (for the sake law, democracy, etc) is a transcendental position (after all, if no one is actually materially equal, why should we get equal rights?) in secular society (irony much?)
I would very strongly urge you to rethink that (bolded by me) posit. Equal rights are not equatable to skill sets, wealth, or power, bestowed by a transcendental maker. Just because the BOR says so, does not make it true.
It has more to do with respect for an individual's secular right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, at all levels.
And if I may add, "freedom of thought", which is specifically restricted by religious dogma.
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I would very strongly urge you to rethink that posit. Equal rights are not equatable with skill sets, wealth, or power.
I wasn't suggesting they were.

It has more to do with respect for an individual's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, at all levels.
For that to be valid, somewhere down the track you must be introducing something other than a material analysis of the situation (after all, if we are all different according to any material criteria you care to indicate, why do we deserve equal rights/votes etc?) .... but that aside, its plainly obvious that implementing these ideals has a turbulent history, yet I'm pretty sure no one would cite such problems as a basis for dismissing or downgrading claims of their validity in society.
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why do we deserve equal rights/votes etc?
Because our representatives in congress do in fact represent the least of us. Working poor people pay taxes too and usually at a greater relative rate than the rich and powerful.
Religions do not pay taxes at all. Why should they have right to representation?
Because our representatives in congress do in fact represent the least of us in congress. Working poor people pay taxes too and usually at a greater relative rate than the rich and powerful.
Religions do not pay taxes at all. Why should they have right to representation?
So if I finance congress to a greater extent (regardless whether we are talking qualitatively or quantitatively) I am due greater rights/representation than you?

I'm just trying to understand how you think equality should work in your books.
I expect donations to churches enables you to claim it off your taxes...or does it ?
Well if tax deductible then the giver pays less tax because that income that is given to the religious organisation avoids tax and the recipient the religion pays no tax...
Is it that way over there?

If so that could do with reform maybe...its not fair really a d there seem to be some folk who exploit the system.
No tax on charitable work maybe?
A yways speculation wont change things but no tax no representation seems fair.
So if I finance congress to a greater extent (regardless whether we are talking qualitatively or quantitatively) I am due greater rights/representation than you?
All players should pay for their chips at least ...I suppose the delivery of groups of voters pays the price to present a powerful lobby.

So if I finance congress to a greater extent (regardless whether we are talking qualitatively or quantitatively) I am due greater representation than you?
That is what you posited in post #163 and #167 and is what I objected to.
I'm just trying to understand how you think equality should work in your books.
Almost exactly as written;
"all persons are endowed with the same fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".
Personally I should like to see additional legislation stating something like; "And all persons contribute a share commensurate with their ability to pay toward the implementation and enforcement of these rights".
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That is what you posited in post #163 and #167 and is what I objected to.
I suggested the inevitable segregation within society, from congressmen to carpet cleaners, from judiciaries to jail residents, arises from material differentiation. If you are over laying all this varigation within a greater context of equality, you are introducing something which has a basis in transcendence (?) since any sort of material analysis gives no two equal results.

Almost exactly as written;
"all persons are endowed with the same fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".
Personally I should like to see additional legislation stating something like; "And all persons contribute a share commensurate with their ability to pay toward the implementation and enforcement of these rights".
Ah! Social communism that communicates in capital.
Definitely sounds gulag friendly!

I mean someone in prison has a commensurate ability to pay for the and enforcements of civil rights at maybe -10% or lower.
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Considering he never answers the prayers of the god bothers I would contend that's a big hint he wants to be left alone

All players should pay for their chips at least ...I suppose the delivery of groups of voters pays the price to present a powerful lobby.

So if you have groups of voters gaming the system of equality, the solution is to game it accordingly ..... sounds problematic.
Ah! Social communism that communicates in capital.
Definitely sounds gulag friendly!
No it's in the Bill of Rights, an instrument for fairness in a democracy.
So if you have groups of voters gaming the system of equality, the solution is to game it accordingly ..... sounds problematic.
Yes then you do no longer have a democracy. You'll have a Gulag friendly autocracy.
No it's in the Bill of Rights, an instrument for fairness in a democracy.

Your additional ideas on the basis of equality are certainly not in any of the documents (BoR or DoI) that establish the unalienable rights within american democracy (or the means to implement them).

Yes then you do no longer have a democracy. You'll have a Gulag friendly autocracy.
Yes, that is a possibility if you focus on investment of capital into the "implementation and enforcement" (aka "administration") of rights as the basis for equality .... a direction that the composers of the bill of rights not only didn't seem to advocate but went to great lengths to avoid.
Your additional ideas on the basis of equality are certainly not in any of the documents (BoR or DoI) that establish the unalienable rights within american democracy (or the means to implement them).
I know that my perspective is from a more modern standpoint.
Yes, that is a possibility if you focus on investment of capital into the "implementation and enforcement" (aka "administration") of rights as the basis for equality .... a direction that the composers of the bill of rights not only didn't seem to advocate but went to great lengths to avoid.
Consider that at that time people of color were considered to be only 3/4 equal to whites. In fact, the original document lacked many positive qualities which were later addressed with 33 Amendments, of which 27 were implemented.

But the unalienable rights as set forth in the Declaration of Independence is often considered the foundation of the Constitution.
They may be described in many ways, but English jurist Sir William Blackstone wrote in 1766, "these may be reduced to three principal articles:
  1. the right of personal security (life);
  2. the right of personal liberty; and,
  3. the right of private property.."
Note that this was later modified to read the right to "pursuit of happiness", a more liberal approach.
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