What does God do?

You are pointing to potentially guilty people in order to defend your assertion that no children are innocent.
You are pointing to potentially guilty people in order to defend your assertion that no children are innocent.

You said "children aren't innocent and deserve eternal hell?" I give you examples of so called innocent groups. Do you want me to judge one random kid at a time to satisfy you? Do you think mans so called justice on earth is fair? Where do you get your moral code from, I assume you have one?
I see you've got nothing else on-topic to say.

Good game everyone. I think the points go to 'God lives as a belief in the minds of believers'.
spidergoat: Jesus Judges the World, not God. It was the reason God the Father had a Son, to intercede for mankind. Perfect Plan. God the Power, Jesus the Saviour.

EDIT: Since we are in the religion forum, I paste a verse ref: John 5:22
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I agree.

Physicists/mathematicians are scientists. I think you'll need to rephrase this.

Even, if a god as an omnipotent reality exist, , he also needs
to use physical and math laws and formulas to create
the real materialistic universe.
The theory of evolution says that the universe was created
from micro-world to macro-world, from simple to complex world.
But science was studied in vice versa way:
from macro world to micro- world, from complex to . .
. . . to the deadlock, trying to understand the philosophy of
quantum theory.
Even, if a god as an omnipotent reality exist, , he also needs
to use physical and math laws and formulas to create
the real materialistic universe.

I agree.

The theory of evolution says that the universe was created
from micro-world to macro-world, from simple to complex world.
But science was studied in vice versa way:
from macro world to micro- world, from complex to . .
. . . to the deadlock, trying to understand the philosophy of
quantum theory.

Are you asking if the chicken came before the egg?
I've started spelling it out, Gad the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son. 3 aspects make One God.

Most people don't understand the Trinity, but these verses explain it.

John 1:33
Mark 9:7
Isaiah 11:2
John 10:30

I've told you the reason for God the Son coming into this world, but you continue to try to make me out to be some kind of fool. Why? What have I done to you?