What do you wish religious people would teach you?

Oh. It just so happens that when I read the Bible, my understanding of it is nothing like that of most of those who call themselves Christians ...

Well then. Read what you read and believe what you believe about it. And in the end we will find out if you have read and believed in the true message of Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Excellent attitude.

You've really done him proud -


He died for you, so that now you can threaten others with his authority and call them names.


The missing juicy bits here?

A lie by omission is - surprise, surprise - a lie. My history book says 1.1 million gave their lives for the right to their belief when they alone stood up to Rome. A scripture cannot be credible while omitting factual truths:

A falsehood and the Holy One cannot abide together.
Excellent attitude.

You've really done him proud -


He died for you, so that now you can threaten others with his authority and call them names.

excellent attitude.
you've really done yourself proud.
you believe you know everything, and start sharing your bliss with the rest of the inferior ignorant world.

i'm not christian mister, get your facts strait before lecturing.
Heh, typical angry response showing the true colors of religion. Truth hurts huh?
lol, you didn't reply to my points, you said that there are more qualified people to teach you than theists, which considering that the majority of the human race are theists, is a thing only a fool would say.

then you said somebody should teach us some peace, love, and tolerance. concepts you are pretty much clueless about, but if the herd says "baaa", why wouldn't a sheep follow suite?

typical atheists.
lol, you didn't reply to my points, you said that there are more qualified people to teach you than theists, which considering that the majority of the human race are theists, is a thing only a fool would say.
You didn't make any real points.
I implied that theism is not a qualification to teach anything, and it isn't. Physicists teach Physics, Biologists teach Biology etc. Their religious views aren't relevant to their subject, and the thread is specifically about what religious people can teach that others can't. Let me know if you come up with something tangible.

then you said somebody should teach us some peace, love, and tolerance. concepts you are pretty much clueless about, but if the herd says "baaa", why wouldn't a sheep follow suite?
Seeing as you have no idea how peaceful, loving, or tolerant I am, you're just spouting bullshit, and how ironic you consider non-religious people sheep.
Please do continue to throw insults in your orgy of love and tolerance, and amuse us some more with your perceptiveness.
Well then. Read what you read and believe what you believe about it. And in the end we will find out if you have read and believed in the true message of Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

do you eat shellfish?
... It's not that "I" believe in this so called Hell, it's more that "they" believe in it, and wish me to go there, since I don't believe in their God.

Wish you to go there?! Nothing could be further from the truth. People share/announce the message of salvation/escape from damnation, not the message of your damnation...it's an offer of Divine amnesty...but, You CHOOSE to believe the lies you tell yourself rather than the truth shared with you by God through others. What hope is there for you? None.
I implied that theism is not a qualification to teach anything, and it isn't. Physicists teach Physics, Biologists teach Biology etc. Their religious views aren't relevant to their subject, and the thread is specifically about what religious people can teach that others can't. Let me know if you come up with something tangible.
ahhhh..good goood..now you're fixing your screwup..i'm impressed that you have that ability.

Seeing as you have no idea how peaceful, loving, or tolerant I am, you're just spouting bullshit, and how ironic you consider non-religious people sheep.
Please do continue to throw insults in your orgy of love and tolerance, and amuse us some more with your perceptiveness.

lol, yeah ok..
Wish you to go there?! Nothing could be further from the truth. People share/announce the message of salvation/escape from damnation, not the message of your damnation...it's an offer of Divine amnesty...but, You CHOOSE to believe the lies you tell yourself rather than the truth shared with you by God through others.

Riiight. And all this is perfectly simple because all those who use the word "God" talk about the same person, in the same way, about the same things.

What hope is there for you? None.

I am sure talking like that makes you utterly happy. :bugeye:
He died for you


That's a lie-by-omision. He and a million others died by the hands of the Romans. How can one die for others when there was a heresy decree hovering over all Jews in Judea - if there is a secret here it still remains a secret!?
Because you think I should be allright with living in uncertainty until the day I die.
This is demoralizing.

No i don't.

I just realise as the saying goes.

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink"

I have learnt the truth of that in here over the years i have been here. In the end it is a personal decision for every person to accept what they accept and reject what they reject. No one else can make you a follower of Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What do you wish that those who in any way promote their religious tradition would teach you?

Why their brand is so special that it trumps notions of decency, equality and humanitarianism.

(If indeed this is their oblique claim.)
What do you wish that those who in any way promote their religious tradition would teach you?
If I wish to be learn about imaginary things, I've only to read a book of fiction.
There is nothing constructive I or any sensible person could learn from any religion.
Now your going to say thats close minded, but I beg to differ. Having already open-mindedly studied many religions, I see no worth in any of them.
There is nothing constructive I or any sensible person could learn from any religion.
Now your going to say thats close minded, but I beg to differ. Having already open-mindedly studied many religions, I see no worth in any of them.

so what if you find that the lessons you have learned through your life were in the bible?