What do you wish religious people would teach you?

I cannot see any relation to what i said and things you have mentioned like the inquisition?

What i said was...well... what i said. The reaction to the message is in the hands of the one who hears it. I never talked about force. I talked about the message. I don't believe anyone can force anyone to believe anything. Oh you can probably get people to say they believe grass is orange if you apply the correct amount of force but they will not believe the grass is orange.

You said:

Originally Posted by Adstar
One either appreciates what they hear or they don't.

It's got very little to do with the giver. (Well it should have very little to do with the giver) It's all about the message and the one hearing it. The Hearer is the one who controls the level of appreciation, or otherwise, they have.

You say "It's all about the message and the one hearing it".
So per this ("Well it should have very little to do with the giver"), it doesn't really matter what the giver does, as long as he gives the message.
The Holy Inquisition, paedophile priests, deaf preachers and so on all "give the message", so what does it matter if they also beat up the person and such?

As for the 30 second thing. The basic message of Salvation can probably be given in 30 seconds.

And if a person doesn't get convinced in those 30 seconds, they deserve to burn in hell for all eternity with no chance of redemption?
Conviction comes when you face a truth irrespective if you are an offender or not.

So those people who are not convinced of the Gospel (despite having been preached to so much), have not yet faced the truth?
The truth is...... Screw it, I'm just going to turn on the AC.. Hotter than hell in my den..
What you reveal is a lack of confidence in what you believe. If you truly believe that there is no God then a theist saying your doomed to "go to hell" should have absolutely no effect on you.

I have been told on a few occasions from theists that i was evil and was headed to hell, it did have an effect on me. I felt sorry for them. But as for my eternal destination i am supremely confident in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Actually Adstar.. It's really not about a lack of confidence. It's more about the fact that Theists try to judge me, when I really don't judge them. They say I will burn in Hell. I kind of take that as a personal threat. I don't believe what they believe, so, I am scum. It's not that "I" believe in this so called Hell, it's more that "they" believe in it, and wish me to go there, since I don't believe in their God.
You said:

You say "It's all about the message and the one hearing it".
So per this ("Well it should have very little to do with the giver"), it doesn't really matter what the giver does, as long as he gives the message.
The Holy Inquisition, paedophile priests, deaf preachers and so on all "give the message", so what does it matter if they also beat up the person and such?

Your question still does not have any relation to what i said. So much so that i cannot give an answer to a question that has no realtion to what i said.

And if a person doesn't get convinced in those 30 seconds, they deserve to burn in hell for all eternity with no chance of redemption?


If they Reject the Message because they disagree with it and hold to that rejection till the day they die.

A lot of people can get the message and and spend years thinking about it before they come to a firm position on it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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So according to you, forced conversions, the Spanish Inquisition, early (forceful) indoctrination, or proselytizers rattling down the Gospel message in 30 seconds to a stranger in the street - are all allright?

How can anyone involved in rebellion against what Jesus told them to do (Inquisitors for example) be ones who are giving the true message of Jesus????

Back to the basics. If one is given the true Message of God and rejects it and holds onto that rejection till the day of their death then they will not have eternity with God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Actually Adstar.. It's really not about a lack of confidence. It's more about the fact that Theists try to judge me, when I really don't judge them. They say I will burn in Hell.

Well if you want to show someone they need saving then you first have to help them see why they need saving. Part of that is to bring them to a position where they can see themselves as needing saving. It is to get them to judge themselves as guilty as charged. Now if you think your innocent then you have no reaion to feel guilty of anything. If someone came up to me and said i was a serial killer i would not feel guilty of something that i was not. If you feel guilty then maybe it is because you are guilty ever think of that.

I kind of take that as a personal threat. I don't believe what they believe, so, I am scum. It's not that "I" believe in this so called Hell, it's more that "they" believe in it, and wish me to go there, since I don't believe in their God.

The only reason for a person who truly believes God and believes in the lake of fire to come to you and try to convince you of it is because they want to see you Saved from it. Not to get your cast into it.

The object of preaching the Gospel to someone is to Save them from it. Not to condemn them to it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
How can anyone involved in rebellion against what Jesus told them to do (Inquisitors for example) be ones who are giving the true message of Jesus????

How should I know???? I am just a sinner who has no clue what God's will is.

People of all kinds tell me what God's will is, each their own version of it.

I do not know who is right or who is wrong.

Back to the basics. If one is given the true Message of God and rejects it and holds onto that rejection till the day of their death then they will not have eternity with God.

But the point is that the person does not know what the true message of God is.
How can anyone involved in rebellion against what Jesus told them to do (Inquisitors for example) be ones who are giving the true message of Jesus????
They would say that you are in rebellion against the Bible and Jesus.
There are far better qualified people to teach me things.
But someone should really be teaching them peace, love and tolerance.
How should I know???? I am just a sinner who has no clue what God's will is.

People of all kinds tell me what God's will is, each their own version of it.

I do not know who is right or who is wrong.

Well then pick up the bible and read it and decide if you accept the Words of Jesus. You can read, you do not need anyone to tell you anything.

But the point is that the person does not know what the true message of God is.

The point is when they do hear the true message of God, then it is up to them to accept or reject it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
They would say that you are in rebellion against the Bible and Jesus.

Let them. Unless they can show me scripture and back up their thoughts with it, then what they say is of no value and of no effect.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
There are far better qualified people to teach me things.
But someone should really be teaching them peace, love and tolerance.
peace as the opposite of war isn't a virtue in itself.
love breeds hate.
tolerence has to either tolerate intolerence, or be intolerant of it.

we are more than qualified to teach you bozo. the question is whether you are qualified to learn, and you among most of your kind just are not.
What do you wish religious people would teach you?

Good messages - leaving out the messengers' names. NO NAMES, but majestic laws equally applied for all, is the only future religion for mankind. This is the true meaning behind not worshipping a graven image - its the wrong path ultimately. Consider:


It stands pristine on its own - so what's with the names - who needs it?
Well then pick up the bible and read it and decide if you accept the Words of Jesus. You can read, you do not need anyone to tell you anything.

Oh. It just so happens that when I read the Bible, my understanding of it is nothing like that of most of those who call themselves Christians ...

The point is when they do hear the true message of God, then it is up to them to accept or reject it.

Yes, we all know by now that you are a master of truisms ...
we are more than qualified to teach you bozo.

Excellent attitude.

You've really done him proud -


He died for you, so that now you can threaten others with his authority and call them names.

peace as the opposite of war isn't a virtue in itself.
love breeds hate.
tolerence has to either tolerate intolerence, or be intolerant of it.

we are more than qualified to teach you bozo. the question is whether you are qualified to learn, and you among most of your kind just are not.

Heh, typical angry response showing the true colors of religion. Truth hurts huh?
Let them. Unless they can show me scripture and back up their thoughts with it, then what they say is of no value and of no effect.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

there are lots of times, i know something is in the bible, but am unable to find it..that doesn't mean it has no value.