What do you wish religious people would teach you?


Valued Senior Member
What do you wish that those who in any way promote their religious tradition would teach you?
At this point, I wish they would just get out of the way. Its one thing to witness to the way, and quite another to proclaim to be the way itself.

Religion should represent something, and not attempt to be that something.
What do you wish that those who in any way promote their religious tradition would teach you?

That they would ask me if I was interested in knowing more about their "views" and beliefs" before they start trying to "educate" me about their religion.
I wish they would see the world as it may really be, than persist in delusion. I need evidence rather than faith. Though there is no evidence either way, still what are the likeliness that one of our religions is right. Look at the universe, look how big it is and how small we are on our pale blue dot.
I wish religious people would teach me that it's okay for them to believe how they do without involving me in any way possible. Let me have (and enjoy) my road to wherever it is I'm heading towards.

Of course this just applies to the evangelical religions out there, which unfortunately is antithetic to their core beliefs. Ah well, it was worth a shot.
Not really an answer to the question you asked... But I guess tolerance. Theists are happy in that which they "believe" to be true. And I have no problem with that. Allow me the same courtesy. Don't push beliefs on those that don't share the same theories or "dogma". If I wanted to understand what they are pushing, I'd ask.. I don't need God in my life, why would he need me in his? But the bible thumpers say I will go to hell if I don't submit to their God's will.Maybe, I will just create my own God, along with it's own doctrine, and if the Theists don't follow it, I will threaten them with hell as well... Sorry for the rant.:eek:
i wish they would teach..to each other!
if god is such a personal thing,why do they need a script?
What do you wish that those who in any way promote their religious tradition would teach you?
On the contrary, I would be doing the teaching. You could alternately call it...deprogramming.
definite morals would be a great teaching. maybe more practice in what people preach as well. If ya don't practice all the ideas you supposedly hold true. don't preach them. Remember some ideas came about in a time and place where Hammurabi's code was still practiced. Im sure that lead to a skewing of ideal morals.

I think preaching is best done in the actual practice of helping someone attain a higher state of being at any case:D
I wish they would teach me how to appreciate their religious tradition.

One either appreciates what they hear or they don't.

It's got very little to do with the giver. (Well it should have very little to do with the giver) It's all about the message and the one hearing it. The Hearer is the one who controls the level of appreciation, or otherwise, they have.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Not really an answer to the question you asked... But I guess tolerance. Theists are happy in that which they "believe" to be true. And I have no problem with that. Allow me the same courtesy. Don't push beliefs on those that don't share the same theories or "dogma". If I wanted to understand what they are pushing, I'd ask.. I don't need God in my life, why would he need me in his? But the bible thumpers say I will go to hell if I don't submit to their God's will.Maybe, I will just create my own God, along with it's own doctrine, and if the Theists don't follow it, I will threaten them with hell as well... Sorry for the rant.:eek:

What you reveal is a lack of confidence in what you believe. If you truly believe that there is no God then a theist saying your doomed to "go to hell" should have absolutely no effect on you.

I have been told on a few occasions from theists that i was evil and was headed to hell, it did have an effect on me. I felt sorry for them. But as for my eternal destination i am supremely confident in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
definite morals would be a great teaching. maybe more practice in what people preach as well. If ya don't practice all the ideas you supposedly hold true. don't preach them.

No that does not hold true. I have watched a doco on recovering alcoholics. And i listened to one of them give a very impressive speech full of emotion against alcoholism. The guy left the unit but 3 months later he was back in with the same problem.

I never doubted the guys’ rejection of alcoholism when he declared it with passion and the message was true and good. Just because He could not live up to the truth of his convictions does not make those convictions false. So that they should never be shared with others.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
One either appreciates what they hear or they don't.

It's got very little to do with the giver. (Well it should have very little to do with the giver) It's all about the message and the one hearing it. The Hearer is the one who controls the level of appreciation, or otherwise, they have.

So according to you, forced conversions, the Spanish Inquisition, early (forceful) indoctrination, or proselytizers rattling down the Gospel message in 30 seconds to a stranger in the street - are all allright?
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No that does not hold true. I have watched a doco on recovering alcoholics. And i listened to one of them give a very impressive speech full of emotion against alcoholism. The guy left the unit but 3 months later he was back in with the same problem.

I never doubted the guys’ rejection of alcoholism when he declared it with passion and the message was true and good. Just because He could not live up to the truth of his convictions does not make those convictions false. So that they should never be shared with others.

You seem to think that this analogy is justified. On the grounds of what do you think this reasoning "Even if someone doesn't manage to live up to their convictions, does not mean those convictions are false" applies to spiritual life?

If you can't live a conviction, how do you know it is true?
Originally Posted by Adstar
One either appreciates what they hear or they don't.

It's got very little to do with the giver. (Well it should have very little to do with the giver) It's all about the message and the one hearing it. The Hearer is the one who controls the level of appreciation, or otherwise, they have.

So according to you, forced conversions, the Spanish Inquisition, early (forceful) indoctrination, or proselytizers rattling down the Gospel message in 30 seconds to a stranger in the street - are all allright?

I cannot see any relation to what i said and things you have mentioned like the inquisition?

What i said was...well... what i said. The reaction to the message is in the hands of the one who hears it. I never talked about force. I talked about the message. I don't believe anyone can force anyone to believe anything. Oh you can probably get people to say they believe grass is orange if you apply the correct amount of force but they will not believe the grass is orange.

As for the 30 second thing. The basic message of Salvation can probably be given in 30 seconds.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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You seem to think that this analogy is justified. On the grounds of what do you think this reasoning "Even if someone doesn't manage to live up to their convictions, does not mean those convictions are false" applies to spiritual life?

If you can't live a conviction, how do you know it is true?

:D Conviction comes when you face a truth irrespective if you are an offender or not.

If i said that Child sexual abuse was wrong. Most people would be convicted that it was and agree with the statement. There would be no need for them to resist sexually abusing children to confirm to themselves that sexually abusing Children is wrong. The vast majority know its wrong without ever being tempted to commit any act of sexual abuse of a child.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It's got very little to do with the giver. (Well it should have very little to do with the giver) It's all about the message and the one hearing it. The Hearer is the one who controls the level of appreciation, or otherwise, they have.
So according to you, forced conversions, the Spanish Inquisition, early (forceful) indoctrination, or proselytizers rattling down the Gospel message in 30 seconds to a stranger in the street - are all allright?

yea..i don't understand where the 'forced' part came from..

i am a christian and i would run from those that think god is in a script.

my daughter was here..

when i watched it i wanted to be there to get in those christians faces,that is not how you win ppl to christ.
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