What do you pray for ?

It is always an amazing thing to see how an anti-christ can quote scripture and clearly be totaly wrong in their interpretation. It's like they have a block and simply cannot read what is plainly written. Lets go through the verse this anti-christ has used and show just how blinded they are.

Glad I amazed you in some small way at least!

Here the important word is willfully The anti-christ has been blinded to this word and simply reads the scripture like this 26 For if we sin xxxxxxxxxx after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.

Those who have embraced the Love of the truth still sin but not willfully. it is not their will to go out and sin. They do sin but within them is a desire not to sin. Paul explained this in Romans 7.

Why then does this warning exist?

Adstar, if this is true then why was this very serious warning (and many others like it) ever written in the Bible at all. According to you this can never happen, is that correct? Why then would God (as if this actually were possible and very real) warn Christians about "sinning willfully" when according to you it is impossible? I do not understand how that makes any sense, in the least. Do you?

It would be about like me warning you that if you are not careful you could turn yourself into a coffee cup. This would be utter nonsense, would it not, because the thing I am warning you about would be impossible at the start. The warning must be possible for the warning to be substantial, real, and warranted. You are actually teaching people that this warning “of God” is unsubstantial, false, unreal, and even unwarranted, because it simply could never happen. This has at least the appearance of arrogance, to me, since you seem to think that you know more about what is possible than God.

If I am wrong, please explain this or at least clarify your position!

Thank You!

Yeah... So??? This scripture has no relevance to the point i made that there is no need to pray for forgiveness because Jesus has already secured that forgiveness by His act of atonement. Christians know that other people are just human like them and they pass on judgement to God for the wrongs that have been done them.

So yeah totally irrelevant to the topic but i guess to a person who cannot bring themselves to forgive others might believe it is imposable for other people to do it. But the Love of God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit has its effect on a lot of people.

I forgive others all the time just as I forgive you now for misjudging me. And just as I have forgiven you many times before in the past. You know this!

There is no reason to explain what is obvious. You understood it the first time, Yes?

What does this scripture have to do with the topic of the forgiveness that Jesus secured for His followers? And as for the added ranting and raving and accusing it is like water of a ducks back. :)

I should not be amazed, I should realize how someone who has rejected the love of the truth can be totally blinded and be unable to see what is there and be deluded into seeing things that are not there. Such is life. Amazing.

Again, the meaning is obvious.

Anyway? I hope you have a great Christmas and please, please, be careful that you don't turn yourself into a coffee cup!
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I pray for lots of things, some universal, like a daily prayer that peace will come to the world, some having to do with family and loved ones, asking God's blessings on them, some personal in which I bring my questions and concerns to God. Some of my prayers are for people I don't even really know. In fact I say a daily prayer for someone who posts in Sciforums and who I know is having health issues.

I try begin each day with prayer although that doesn't always happen. My prayers are not simply asking God to do things or to give me things. They are conversations in which I thank God for past blessings and ask for future blessings for myself and others.
Thanks Till.
The way I always understood prayer is that it's asking God to help you achieve stuff.. but you still have to work on it yourself. You won't get anything thrown into your lap by God if you simply pray for it.
Is that about correct ?
If my mom was deathly ill in the hospital, I would get our family together and form a prayer chain around her bed. I don't believe in a god, but I do believe in the power of prayer if that person you are praying for knows you are praying. Its like 'mind over matter'.
If my mom was deathly ill in the hospital, I would get our family together and form a prayer chain around her bed. I don't believe in a god, but I do believe in the power of prayer if that person you are praying for knows you are praying. Its like 'mind over matter'.

Funny, they did a study on that and found it had the opposite effects.
"In another of the study's findings, a significantly higher number of the patients who knew that they were being prayed for — 59 percent — suffered complications, compared with 51 percent of those who were uncertain. The authors left open the possibility that this was a chance finding. But they said that being aware of the strangers' prayers also may have caused some of the patients a kind of performance anxiety."

The correlation wasn't significant enough to conclude that "prayer has the opposite effect intended," but there *was* a study that found that people who knew they were being prayed for had more complications than those that didn't know. And the group that wasn't prayed for had the least complications or was equal to the group that didn't know they were being prayed for.

In otherwords: prayer is b.s.
LOL, performance anxiety. That's funny. I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone, but for my Mom, I'd give it a shot.
like a daily prayer that peace will come to the world

It would seem that god isn't listening, so why bother? Not to mention that if he did ensure world peace he would seriously have to impact the theists idea of 'free will', so why bother? Thirdly it says in the bible that he will cause world peace - just after he lets the devil cause mass havoc and lets himself rule for a while... so why bother praying?
It would seem that god isn't listening, so why bother? Not to mention that if he did ensure world peace he would seriously have to impact the theists idea of 'free will', so why bother? Thirdly it says in the bible that he will cause world peace - just after he lets the devil cause mass havoc and lets himself rule for a while... so why bother praying?

Good points.. :)
A person's prayer is a private thing between you and GOD, except when praying in group settings.
Matthew 6:6 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall recompense thee".
I guess it doesn't hurt to tell other people what you pray for. Its a good way to incorporate GOD into people's lives even when they don't want it. For example... I told my children one day when we all sat down to eat dinner that we were going to be silent and each say our own silent prayer before eating our meal. The way I saw it..didn't matter if they wanted to or not, GOD was on their mind at that moment and at that table also. Even if for the moment, GOD was in their life. In a way its like when the people who post negatively on SF about GOD and religion. For that time GOD is playing a part.
Anywho.. If I were to say what it is I pray for it is this. First I give praise and thanks. I take into concideration my blessings instead of focusing on what I don't have. I pray for forgiveness. Then I send my concerns to GOD. Those who are hurting in one way or another. I ask for spiritual guidance in my life and other's lives. Then I pray for GOD's will and not my own in reguards to my prayers and the wisdom the recognized the difference between the two. Finally I tell GOD that I trust in his will in answering my prayers.
I didn't bother to spell check this one. So forgive me in advance
That last part is not in my prayers. lol
I'd pray to win the Newyear's lottery.. 20 mil euro's :D

20 million euros? I wish I had that much in Italy. That's a lot more that USD. about 0.6 more right now, and will be 2 times more by 2015. 10 euros = $20 USD