what do women get out of islam?

If the acceptance of Institutionalized Slavery in society taints their view on Slaves themselves (even if only a small number of people actually own any) then why wouldn’t the same be true for polygamy? Wouldn’t the acceptance of polygamy in society taint the view of women themselves in this society (even if only a small number of people actually have multiple wives).

If two in every one hundred men decide to marry one extra wife, then there will be virtually no effect. Besides, your example from slaves to women doesn’t work well for me. Accepting institutionalized slavery only affects your view on slaves, just as polygamy affects only your view on marriage. Not women.

Wow – we’ll have to agree to completely disagree with one another on this one. Slavery is heinous. Probably the main reason why the West entered the industrial revolution, whereas the Romans (while at a similar level of technology) didn’t, is because the West made Slavery illegal.

The West entered the industrial revolution because of its success in WW2. America wanted slaves (Africans), and benefited through them by free labour. America would have run better with the free labour, and it would have been completely protected from any possible pre-emptive strikes by the likes of Japan/Russia. To add to that, with the use of Russian slaves, the whole Cold War could have been avoided.

It wasn’t Slaves that built America – it was freeing them. Societies that accept Slave ownership have only ever advanced to just UNDER the technical achievements of the Greeks.

Nobody said slaves built countries. By Islam, slaves protect countries, and you know what I mean by this.

Is it just me, or do you have a cultural inkling Slavery is wrong and seem to want to say that Slavery is evil and - but you can’t. To say Slavery is evil may imply that a Slave owner was evil. That's no good because Slavery is endorsed by the Qur'an - so you skirt around it by saying no war is good, no wars = no Slaves – a win win.

Absolutely not. I agree with slavery perfectly if it’s the aftermath of a war. If anointed a leader, I would choose to value my citizens’ values and safety by assuring them no further warfare. If slaves an only be acquired by a war, do you honestly think I’d want slaves? I always side by the option that isn’t war.

No the question is: Is it the Dictator that causes Muslim men to act like this? That is clearly not the question you answered. You instead answered your own question which was: Does a Dictator have the power to prevent Muslim men from acting as such? I agree, perhaps, if they were so inclined. Any man who has attained power in a Muslim country seems inclined to the exact opposite. Regardless, dictators are not Gods their power is maintained by those that believe in their rule. If they ordered the death of every child under 15, starting with their closest advisor's children, you can bet their days would quickly come to an end. Perhaps ordering the arrest and punishment of Muslim men for ill treatment of women would be similar? Maybe there are not enough police to enforce such an edict?

The dictators do cause the women to be treated unfairly because they allow the men in society to do so. The law, the force, the punishment, etc, is all in a leader’s hands. If a leader doesn’t have the poise, the grit, the testicular fortitude to stop criminal behavior towards its citizens, then they shouldn’t be a leader.

This still doesn’t answer the question of why in societies with majority Muslim populations the women are treated unequally by Muslim men. While I agree a strong and feared Dictator may address this – He certainly isn’t forcing Muslim men treat their women as second class citizens. They do that of their own accord.

Why do they do it? Because they can.

It also doesn’t explain why women are not afforded equality with men in Muslim dominated democratic societies.

How long have you lived in these democracies to truly know? I’ve lived in a Muslim democracy (Turkey) for quite a while, and I can tell you first-hand that women are treated equally. Women can dress as they please, people have their own religions and aren’t scared of it, women occupy all sorts of jobs, etc. Before you actually live and experience a democracy mostly involved of Muslims, you can’t really put your say in it.

The answer for why Muslim men act as such can not logically be because of Dictators. He doesn’t force them to act like this, nor does he force them to support people who act like this. They do that themselves - so we will need to find another answer.

What answer do you propose? You adore criticizing answers, but abhor offering them.
If two in every one hundred men decide to marry one extra wife, then there will be virtually no effect.

And if ten do? Fifty? What is preventing them?

The West entered the industrial revolution because of its success in WW2. America wanted slaves (Africans), and benefited through them by free labour. America would have run better with the free labour, and it would have been completely protected from any possible pre-emptive strikes by the likes of Japan/Russia.

Holy crap. It's hard to know where to begin.

First, the Industrial Revolution occurred between 1760 and 1830. WWII occurred between 1933 (depending on the nation being considered) and 1945.

Slavery in America ended in the 1860s.

Ergo, slavery was not ended in so that the Americans would have a better manpower pool in the 1940s. Moreover, I would like you to illustrate exactly how such a pool would or would not "have been completely protected from any possible pre-emptive strikes by the likes of Japan/Russia." I am forced to ask: does your slash mean you think they were part of the same power bloc?

I can already see your response: "I don't need a history lesson." Yet, evidently, you do.

To add to that, with the use of Russian slaves, the whole Cold War could have been avoided.

Flabbergasted. Simply awestruck. What in the hell are you trying to talk about? Is it possible to ban someone from the site just for ignorance?

Nobody said slaves built countries. By Islam, slaves protect countries, and you know what I mean by this.

OK, I don't. Slaves protect countries? You're talking devshirme? Where are you from?

Why do they do it? Because they can.

OK, well how about not doing it, because they can. The problem is that the Quran gives certain directives to people choosing this line of action, and that they take it up.

How long have you lived in these democracies to truly know? I’ve lived in a Muslim democracy (Turkey) for quite a while, and I can tell you first-hand that women are treated equally.

Ah! I caught the faint scent of Ottomania in your earlier postings. Turkey is a very tolerant islamic nation, but that's the point: Turkey is a very tolerant islamic nation, so long as you're not an Armenian or something. They represent - along with parts of India - the tip of the "nice-berg". The mean is somewhat more..."mean".

What answer do you propose?

More political secularism, and the separation of religiion from politics.
From experience, I have seen most of people who claim that women are mistreated in Islam are not even familiar with Muslim women or Islamic culture for that matter. Often, they read something somewhere and feel this qualifies them to offer their analysis on this.
From experience, I have seen most of people who claim that women are mistreated in Islam are not even familiar with Muslim women or Islamic culture for that matter. Often, they read something somewhere and feel this qualifies them to offer their analysis on this.

Or they read sensationalist news and consider that to be the norm.

Or they read jihadwatch;)
A question posed of a Historian writing about Chinese and Japanese History:
Does a culture that allows men to marry more than one woman, but not vice versa, a culture which does not stratify people based on gender? Does a woman who is a second, third, or fourth wife feel that she is equal to her husband?

Well I looked into polygamy and Mormons. I’m not mormon and I am not certain what life is like for women in Mormon country but from wiki I gathered a few things

1) Early Mormons were “comparatively women-friendly”. While they practiced polygyny they also experimented in polyandry! So perhaps polygamy is fine if equal.
2) The Early Mormon church rejected the Augustinian doctrine of original sin, which held that humanity inherits the sin of Adam and Eve in which they ate the forbidden fruit. This sin was historically blamed on Eve, and was thought to be the source of women's submissive and dependent state. Mormonism rejects the doctrine of original sin.
3) In all frontier areas, women took a more prominent role than they would have in the East.
4) Because it was a new religion the promotion of women's rights, within a in the secular sphere, allowed women in Utah, to work toward equality in sacred matters.
5) Women in Mormon Fundamentalist Mormon groups are treated unequally.

This means that it is more likely that women in a liberal Muslim society, like the one Sam has in mind (where homosexual Muslims are normal) would probably afford women more rights versus a fundamental Muslim society.

If two in every one hundred men decide to marry one extra wife, then there will be virtually no effect. Besides, your example from slaves to women doesn’t work well for me. Accepting institutionalized slavery only affects your view on slaves, just as polygamy affects only your view on marriage. Not women.
I will agree with you on this much: Polygamy affects only your view on marriage. Yes this is true. But Qur’anic doctrine isn’t one of polygamy it’s one of polygyny. I think that a society the accepts marital discrimination based on sex will have an effect on the society. Honestly, a society that acceptes polyandry is probably more liberal than one that is monogamist.

The West entered the industrial revolution because of its success in WW2. America wanted slaves (Africans), and benefited through them by free labour. America would have run better with the free labour, and it would have been completely protected from any possible pre-emptive strikes by the likes of Japan/Russia.
I just have no idea what’s going on here. The Industrial revolution happened in England and happened centuries before. Basically Slavery is in antithesis towards industrial progress. No nation that accepted Slavery has undergone an industrial revolution.

How in the world you can think that things would be better for Americans, Japanese and Germans had America enslaved the Germans and Japanese is beyond me. I think your judgment is clouded on this matter.

Can you imagine what it would take to enslave AlQuida members in Afghanistan? Lets say after every American war campaign any people they rounded up they then set about turning into slaves. Probably right now you are thinking – it wouldn’t happen. Make no mistake, it would happen - of that there is certainty. But what it would require to degrade, humiliate and break a human spirit – to turn someone into a Slave - does harm to both people.

Slavery is evil and thank the Gods Americans never made Japanese or Germans into Slaves.

We will agree to disagree. Forget the Slavery example.

Why do they do it? Because they can.
This doesn’t make sense. American, England, Germany, ect.. all gave women legal equality without a Dictator. It was the men themselves after all who demanded that women to be treated equally.

How long have you lived in these democracies to truly know? I’ve lived in a Muslim democracy (Turkey) for quite a while, and I can tell you first-hand that women are treated equally. Women can dress as they please, people have their own religions and aren’t scared of it, women occupy all sorts of jobs, etc. Before you actually live and experience a democracy mostly involved of Muslims, you can’t really put your say in it.
Would you say that present day Turkish people are more, or less, fundamentally Religious when compared to people living in say Pakistan or KSA?

Often the Turkish people I talk to tell me that Turkey is part of Europe. Always has been. That’s why they removed Arabic and revived Turkish. I wonder: Is Turkey culturally European? I do like going to eat and watch belly dancers :) I even gave it a go once to the horror of my then girl friend (lifting up my shirt was a little too much!)

What answer do you propose? You adore criticizing answers, but abhor offering them.
What do you mean? I gave my (A) (B) (C) hypothesis in addition to monogamy.

Let’s see, Women Rights, as in Legal Equality, can be arrived at from more than one avenue and I agree one avenue may be that of a liberal dictator.
This still doesn’t explain why the people themselves choose (of their own accord) to mistreat women.

Of course this assumes women are in a fight with patriarchical societies. In early Japan women may have been equal. The Japanese didn’t write themselves, but in the earliest written history of Japan the Chinese wrote that there was no social distinction between men and women and there were women rulers in Japan (this may have been propaganda though). Also, Shinto (prior to Buddhism) was a strongly matriarchal religion. It’s been suggested that it was the Chinese ideas of social order and “civilization” that introduced Patriarchy to the Japanese. So, perhaps one manner in which women are equal is one in which the early Mother Earth Shamanism is never abandoned for a male-dominated Religion and women are consistently valued as important leaders in the arts, sciences, and politics.

As for our male-deity dominated religious societies I’d say these can play a role:

1) Separation of church and state – that is, a secular government.
2) Secular societies tend to be religiously liberal.
3) Equality in marriage (that is, if there is polygyny there is also polyandry)
4) Women are needed to work and are therefore able to work.
5) Strong liberal Dictator with a penchant for women rights.

Well what about the Middle East?

1) Separation of church and state – that is, a secular society.

In the middle east, there has rarely been a successful separation of church and state. While they have known of these ideas since being conquered by the Greeks in 300BCE it’s never taken root. In the past dictators/emperors/kings claimed divine validity - hence there was little incentive to separate their own authority from that of whichever God they were representing. This was the case pre-Islam and this is still the case.

2) Secular societies tend to be religiously liberal.

All ME societies are male-dominated and this is reflected in that all of the successful religions in the ME have a patriarchal God-head (pre-Islam and post-Islam).

3) Equality in marriage (that is, if there is polygyny there is also polyandry)

For Islamic counties polygyny is acceptable while polyandry is not. This is not conducive towards female equality (see opening question)

4) Women are needed to work and are therefore able to work.

If I am not mistaken I think most women are wanted to create god-awful large Catholic-sized families/mini-tribes. It’s kind of hard to have equality while prego 9 months out of every 10. That said, I do think in wealthy pre-Gulf war I Iraq women were finally given a go and things were looking up – for a bit.

5) Strong liberal Dictator with a penchant for women rights.

It certainly is possible in combination with a will of the people. Mao together with his Communist Manefesto promoted female legal equality and it really did work in China.

As for Turkey, Atatürk in his own words:
"the social change can come by (1) educating capable mothers who are knowledgeable about life; (2) giving freedom to women; (3) a man can change his morals, thoughts, and feelings by leading a common life with a woman; as there is an inborn tendency towards the attraction of mutual affection.

[OMG Qa`Dark that's what I said - remember regarding monogamy!!! :)]

Atatürk decreed that the religious insignia (aka veil and turban) used outside times of worship was to be considered antiquated and not forward looking even the fez was considered “a symbol of oriental backwardness” and thus banned.

Atatürk again "everything we see on Earth is the product of women" and the Turkish woman should be brought to the status which she deserved. The place of women in Kemal's cultural reforms was best expressed in the civic book that was prepared under his supervision.[57] Kemal said that "there was no logical explanation for the political disenfranchisement of women. Any hesitation and negative mentality on this subject is nothing more than a fading social phenomenon of the past. ……Women must have the right to vote and to be elected; because democracy dictates that, because there are interests that women must defend, and because there are social duties that women must perform.

Polygamy in the Ottoman Empire, which was an accepted social phenomenon of Muslim Arab society even today, under Atatürk's reforms polygamy was made illegal.

Atatürk's promoted secularism together with a modernization drive and a desire to be more European.

IMHO, it seems that Turkey is more liberal and have granted women legal equality in spite of Islam - certainly not due to it. Just look at Atatürk's reforms
- secularization (reducing the influence of Islam in daily life)
- changing the language from Arabic to Turkish
- making polygamy illegal
- reducing even the outward religious attire (aka liberalizing a more secular society)
- banning slavery
- Accepted the Swiss European civil code which defined the rights of women in a marriage as equal to men.

Even when he married Lâtife Uşaklıgil he did so with a civil ceremony in contrast to a religious one.

Well, how is that that for an answer? Me and Atatürk seem to be on the same wavelength here!

From experience, I have seen most of people who claim that women are mistreated in Islam are not even familiar with Muslim women or Islamic culture for that matter. Often, they read something somewhere and feel this qualifies them to offer their analysis on this.

Or they read sensationalist news and consider that to be the norm.

Or they read jihadwatch;)
Funny that my buddy Reza said women in general in Islamic countries are the like land or a cow their duty and main function is to make more children. As he grew up in Iran I am sure he knows something on the matter.

Anyway, it's a simple fact that women in the Islamic countries are at the bottom in terms of legal equality with men.
That's a fact - no one needs to look up a skewed website as it's a matter of penal code. Just look up the actual laws in each country.

Use both hands and pull hard - your heads are stuck up something
Funny that my buddy Reza said women in general in Islamic countries are the like land or a cow their duty and main function is to make more children. As he grew up in Iran I am sure he knows something on the matter.

Anyway, it's a simple fact that women in the Islamic countries are at the bottom in terms of legal equality with men.
That's a fact - no one needs to look up a skewed website as it's a matter of penal code. Just look up the actual laws in each country.

Use both hands and pull hard - your heads are stuck up something

Ya, I live in a "Third World" country that is non Muslim and I've lived 5 years in Saudi Arabia.:rolleyes:

Your buddy's knowledge of course, surpasses us all.
In Islam, all 'slavery' is prohibited except what the West considers prisoner of war. Slavery in America was much different than in Africa and Middle East. Slaves could earn their freedom easily, and were treated as human beings. It is illegal for example to beat slaves like they did in America. As a matter of fact, the Americans killed millions of Blacks. This is defined as genocide.

I have discussed this already with these people, Qa' dark. I'm afraid any legitimate argument is beyond these two.
If DarksidZz ever makes a poll on the subject, I'm going to nominate Michael as the all time 'hardest working' poster on Sciforums!

All that lengthy meticulous research...wooah! :eek:
If DarksidZz ever makes a poll on the subject, I'm going to nominate Michael as the all time 'hardest working' poster on Sciforums!

All that lengthy meticulous research...wooah! :eek:

It is a shame that all the posts he makes are nonfactual and many of his points are mere opinions. It's one thing to engage in honest research, it's an entire other to base it on prejudice and racism.

To people who actually know Islam and Muslim culture and have lived their lives in this way know to differentiate real scholars from false ones.
Or your own childhood conditioning...which makes YOU just as prejudiced.

Have you ever been to a Muslim country and witnessed Muslim culture and religion to make that deduction?

I know I love and appreciate my people, but also I don't engage in false propaganda, I admit we have alot of problems, yet people like Michael don't have any idea about what they are talking about. Please read my previous posts for more info.

Many people like Michael feel the need to comment on things which they have little to no knowledge about. Honest research is the key to solving the problem of this mindset.
It is a shame that all the posts he makes are nonfactual and many of his points are mere opinions. It's one thing to engage in honest research, it's an entire other to base it on prejudice and racism.

To people who actually know Islam and Muslim culture and have lived their lives in this way know to differentiate real scholars from false ones.

So you're in sinuating that Michael's arguments are baseless? Isn't that just dismissing the argument with ignorance?

If any religion is to thrive it should do well to fix itself when people out there really are abusing their power in the name of that religion. If it doesn't make the other non-Islamic communities aware of where it stand on these matters and are proactively taking actions to erase misunderstanding then they will be looked at a certain way. Mind you there will always be ones that are completely racist no matter waht convinceing you try.

Michael's argument have done nothing but present facts that you seem not to acknowledge simply because it's too much for you to comprehend based on how perfect you have been brainwashed to believe your religion is. Let's be honest here... Can you honestly say that all actions committed against women in the name of your religion based on ethics, morales and human right is perfectly fine the world over? Are all actions commited in the name of your religion fine simply becuase it's done in the name of Islam? Are women in all Muslim nations being treat with the same right and equality as male?
Have you ever been to a Muslim country and witnessed Muslim culture and religion to make that deduction?
Ive never been to a muslim country no.

However I have worked with many muslims for decades. I also dine in their wonderful restaurants...the food is better.

I can also make my own tahini sauce. :)
Let's be honest here... Can you honestly say that all actions committed against women in the name of your religion based on ethics, morales and human right is perfectly fine the world over?
To be fair, there should be a distinction between what is derived from Islam, and what is derived from the various middle eastern cultures.

There is no such thing as Islamic algebra.
Your buddy's knowledge of course, surpasses us all.
Haa! I knew you'd respond as such.

Sam, the fact is one of legality.
Argue with a penal code :p

Or, even better, ofer some thing constructive. I've looked far and wide. Ancient Far East to a modern polygamist monotheism ie Mormonism. And I did change my view on polygamy and monogamy to one of monogamy and equal polygamy.

In Islam, all 'slavery' is prohibited except what the West considers prisoner of war.
which was easy in the early days, when islam exploded into the world, conquering left & right, laying low empires, enslaving those, enlarging harems, taking booty in both senses of the word.
for history, see barbary pirates

Slavery in America was much different than in Africa and Middle East. Slaves could earn their freedom easily, and were treated as human beings.
yes, in muslim countries they were castrated, otherwise they would have overrun the home countries & been sexual competition for their masters

It is illegal for example to beat slaves like they did in America.
easier to kill them, yes?

As a matter of fact, the Americans killed millions of Blacks. This is defined as genocide.
whereas mulsims castrated males, & raped the females, a much more humane treatment, yes?

I have discussed this already with these people, Qa' dark. I'm afraid any legitimate argument is beyond these two.
you mean, we won't buy your propaganda so easily, but hey, it don't hurt to try ;-)
So you're in sinuating that Michael's arguments are baseless? Isn't that just dismissing the argument with ignorance?

I'm not insinuating anything. I'm telling you outright, he is wrong.

Unlike many other posters on this forum, I'm not ignorant of Muslim culture. I'm a Muslim, and a student of Islamic theology.

If any religion is to thrive it should do well to fix itself when people out there really are abusing their power in the name of that religion. If it doesn't make the other non-Islamic communities aware of where it stand on these matters and are proactively taking actions to erase misunderstanding then they will be looked at a certain way. Mind you there will always be ones that are completely racist no matter waht convinceing you try.

There is information readily available on websites such as islamicity.com, islaam.com and cair.net, etc where you can find information about Islam. In our time, there is no excuse for ignorance. If one seeks proper knowledge, then one must pursue it.

Michael's argument have done nothing but present facts that you seem not to acknowledge simply because it's too much for you to comprehend based on how perfect you have been brainwashed to believe your religion is. Let's be honest here...

Nothing but present facts? And you say I'm brainwashed.

Islamic laws are extremely logical, yet the actions of the practitioners aren't always so. Most of the Muslims, however, are peaceful, honest people who follow their religion. Invasion or conflict, will obviously push people to resistance (but this isn't a political discussion so I will not elaborate on this point).

Can you honestly say that all actions committed against women in the name of your religion based on ethics, morales and human right is perfectly fine the world over? Are all actions commited in the name of your religion fine simply becuase it's done in the name of Islam? Are women in all Muslim nations being treat with the same right and equality as male?

You will find Islam is one of the most just religions on the planet. Women have rights equal to men. We take great pride in the care of our women. Women have been the heads of state of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, etc.

We greatly respect and honor our women. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be to him) said, "The best of men is the one who is best to his wife." In Muslim nations, when women walk in the road, men move out of the way to let them through. If a women gets on a bus with full seats, men get up and offer them their seat. If elders or women enter the room, we lower our head in respect. This is the Islamic way, yet you are only informed by posters like Michael that we are villians and our culture is evil. Where is your conscience and human dignity?

It is an unfounded myth that women in Muslim countries are treated worst than in the West. How many cases do we see in the US news of husbands killing their wives, especially in the south? How about women cheating on their husbands, and divorce cases where the couples fight over the children ruining their lives? Has America ever had a woman head of state? Problems exist everywhere, and there are bad people in all cultures, yet we cannot use this to mock the rest of those who are good people.
We are stuck with the simple fact that in this modern age there are many countries with majority Muslim populations which are severely lagging behind every other country in terms of female legal equality.

As I said, yes a strong dictator (so inclined and with a well thought out philosophy) is one manner in which equality may be achieved, and I presented as much with Mao and Communism and with Atatürk and his modernization drive in Turkey. The Laws can be looked up by anyone here - there's no opinion there. The opinion is on why? Why are there such Law? Why are women treated so unequally in Muslim coutnries?

As I said, there used to be a similar mindset in China and in medieval Europe. Now there isn't. So, I'm not being anti-Islamic. I agree Taoist China, Shinto-Buddhist Japan, Xian Europe and fundamental modern Mormons were/are anti-women equality. All but the fundamental Mormons have modernized - much like Turkey (a great exception in the Muslim World).

As the topic is about Islam and female equality I am attempting to come to a conclusion. Anyway, the topic is poignant because in this day and age it is overwhelmingly "Islamic" coutnries that are the ones severely lagging legally far far far behind, even in Democratic Islamic societies.

Perhaps a better thread would be: Why are women treated legally unegual and does religous doctrine play a role?
