What created "existence"?

How did existence begin? Some people say that the so-called "Big Bang" created the universe, BUT what then created the "Big Bang"?
there is no real conversation here. no-one can answer and i cant even see how anyone can have an opinion on the matter. :eek:

the universe has no biggining or no ending its infinate like GOD.
have some faith blind, open up that third eye learn how to breath through your penial gland bud....peace ONE
Reply to Static76

What if there was no big bang? What if God and the whole creation thing was the real way the Earth was formed? Makes lots more sense... I mean, for the Big Bang to be real, that would contradict scientific laws... I mean if there was nothing, then how did the first cell appear? How did an unliving universe create a living cell?
I mean if there was nothing, then how did the first cell appear? How did an unliving universe create a living cell?

It didnt. A big man that lives in a castle in the sky, who himself, appeared out of nowhere - he invented us. And now he just sits around and watches us kill each other and starve to death:rolleyes:

OH! And welcome to Sciforums:) Nice name:D
interesting ..... interesting.. Idea

I agree with most of you guys that the universe has always existed. I also agree with the person that said that existence occurs in infinite states of cause and effect with no beginning.( thats a head splitting statement). And if we go with the matter cannot be destroyed law, it would be safe to say that the Universe in which we live in does not exist in the previous forms it was in. I also would like to say why I think that human beings believe that the universe we exist in had to be created at one point. My theory is that Human being believe in creation because it is amazing to think that something so complex and beautiful could come into existence on its own steam without any existence from a supreme power. It is the limitations of our finite minds and bodies that prevents us from understanding something infinite, which is outside our scope of reality. We are part of it, not beyond it. There is a supreme power I think in a sense. Maybe its the Entire Universe and all the rules or order and change that it puts on all things that exist within its parameters. It works on its own without any help. It just is. Ever moving and eternal. A constant in our universe. I feel like we're spinning in a giant wheel that never stops turning.

If you are told to build a house without any tools and resources how will you build it. The same concepts refers to the creation of the universe. You cannot create something from or with nothing.

No, you cant build something from nothing. But thats not the point. The point is that the house always existed.
I realize this dosn't answer the whole question, but it can perhaps shed a little light on the existence of OUR universe. Now i have to agree that you cannot make something out of nothing, but you CAN make something out of old parts, right? If the world was to explode, whether accidently (supernova) or purposefully (nuclear fallout), would every single atom, necleus, and electron be destroyed? Everyone knows that this world isn't going to last forever, so what if other worlds before have also vanished, leaving behind nothing more than the spare parts from which our world was born? Possibility?
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
NOBODY knows,
and my prediction is nobody will ever know.
You are so wrong, my friend. TheVisitor knows because God said he is perfect.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Not only am I saved, but in God's eyes I'm perfect......
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D. D.

Not only am I saved, but in God's eyes I'm perfect......

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You know I qouted a scripture with that saying we all are perfect in the eyes of God as seen through the blood of Jesus.

You guys been over here talking about me I see,

I didn't check this thread,

Thats real "big" of you.........:bugeye:

Well, You know what they say.....

If you can't handle the heat....:D
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Maybe its the Entire Universe and all the rules or order and change that it puts on all things that exist within its parameters. It works on its own without any help. It just is. Ever moving and eternal. A constant in our universe. I feel like we're spinning in a giant wheel that never stops turning.

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This has been thought of before, The Indians (i.e. Native Americans) had a form of Nature Worship.

As have many cultures...

It has it's good points but the Creator doesn't worship the creation ...........thats backwards.
Dr. Lou Natic

What created existence?
NOBODY knows,
and my prediction is nobody will ever know.

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I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you.......Doc

You're predictive "powers" leave much to be desired. :rolleyes:
Re: Dr. Lou Natic

Originally posted by TheVisitor
I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you.......Doc

You're predictive "powers" leave much to be desired. :rolleyes:
So does your scripture quoting and internet copy-n-paste routine.:rolleyes:
Well said, Disciple. Pray (no pun intended) Visitor, How was existence in general formed?

Take an infinite line, or the symbol for infinity, then chop a little spot somewhere in it..............

That's us now.....in "time" against the backdrop of eternity.

Elohim in eternity was alone, before existence or the material was created...God is a spirit, the bible says.

In Him though were attributes, to be a saviour, a healer, a father, a son......all things in creation.

To be a saviour, first something had to be lost...In His mind He planned to come Himself, God as our savior to redeem us and be the saviour of a people that would love Him and worship Him as God - which means "object of worship".

Before this He wasn't even God, Because there was nothing yet to worship Him , then He created angels, and so forth.

By the creative power of God, He began to form Himself into the physical.

First a thought.....then a Word....a word is a thought expressed.

We were in His mind then, as a thought.....if you ever will be saved, you were in Him from before the foundation of the world.

The Lamb's book of life in the bible, was His attributes - i.e. those names in there were His sons and daughters.....(The Sons of God)

They are His attributes, His genes like any father has in him genes yet to be expressed, then gets married has children and then he can have fellowship with them.

Now from here.....let me (cut and paste) from a post I left somewhere else.

---- To be Continued....
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Existence ---Continued

In the garden of God, the Serpent walked upright, talked to Eve, and eventually beguiled her into disbelieving God's word and believing the devil's lie. This Serpent however was merely an animal, and therefore could be possessed and used by the devil, for it did not have a soul like a Man. The Serpent was the closest member of the animal species to Man.

Adam was created in the image of God, an attribute of God's own genes, a Son of God. And like a son grows up to reflect the image of his father, Adam was to reflect God's image , to manifest God in this physical realm. He was created the first of a new species, higher in power and authority than the angels," The Sons of God". But Adam fell - these sons of god were suposed to be brought forth by the spoken word, like Adam was, and like Jesus was, not by sex...Thats why Jesus had to come by the spoken word to redeem these fallen sons.

Eve was not in the original creation, but was taken from Adam, a by-product, this is why she could be deceived. Lucifer had stated "he desired a kingdom more glorious than Michael's" , and said "I will ascend up and set as God and be worshipped as God". The scriptures say he deceived one-third of the angels in heaven, and when he spoke through the serpent to deceive Eve he was trying to carry out his plans to destroy God's future kingdom and create his own "Satan's Eden ", where he sits as God, and is worshipped as God, by all the peoples of the earth.

Science, education, and modern civilization are all a part of his plan to get people to lean on their own understanding, instead of faith in God, who is the Word (1 john 1:1-14 ).

The Serpent said to Eve, "surely you shall not die, but your eyes shall be opened and you shall be like gods". Adam was created by the spoken Word. Satan can not create something from nothing, he can only pervert something God has already created, so he used the serpent to seduce Eve and thereby create a hybrid race. It's been documented many times that a woman can have sex with two different men within a 24 hour period and conceive by both of them ,giving birth to twins, both of different fathers. The scriptures say "Cain was of his father the wicked one", And after being with the serpent, Eve went to show Adam this that she'd learned, the bible says" Adam knew his wife Eve, and she bore him a son, Cain, and then bare his brother Abel.

So there are two sons representing two separate races, The Sons of God, (Adam and Eve's real children, made in the image of God - Jesus said: "You call them gods whom the word of God came to, and they were"....He was speaking of the prophets...The Word of God came to the Sons of God before the flood too....Enoch and Noah are examples....and with lifespans of nearly 1000 years), and the Son of Men (from which the came the giants, the serpent was larger than man).

So you have two races on earth before the flood which mixed together right before the "destruction".

The Sons of God, (Jesus said they were "gods" whom the Word came to)....These had lifespans of an incredible 900+ years.

And The Sons of Men, (Giants and the desendants of Cain's linage) who without the faith inf God as the other race had, lived by the "knowledge of Good and Evil" their own understanding upon which they leaned....The length of their lifespans are not recorded. (These created the first cities, science, musical instuments, metalurgy and populated the globe...)

The two races mixed before the flood, and Noah and his three sons carried over on the ark the genes of both......as recorded in the actions of his son Ham.

If the length of the lifespan of Cain's linage was much shorter, as it probably was ..the other would have seemed immortal, even though they did eventually die. ("a day to god is a thousand years", and they did die the "day" they sinned).

Even on this side of the flood lifespans gradually decreased.....Abraham's father Terah lived to be 205.

The Giants genes resurfaced soon and populated the post-flood world until they were diplaced by the Israelites and others.

Deuteronomy 3:13 - And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, with all Bashan, which was called the land of giants.

Proof of their existance may lie in the reminants of a 12 digit based numerical system still in place today. Humans have ten digits so why the 12 digit system..?

2 Samuel 21:20 - And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.

"The last of them were killed off...3000 years ago, by King David and his band of "mighty men."

Now think of the various legends and accounts in the worlds ancient history that "fit" this setting....

The rest of Humanity is a mixture of both's characteristics ...the difference today is in ones faith in the supernatural Word of God.
Those who reject it display they have the Mark of the Beast...

See it was the beast in the beginning (the serpent) who fathered Cain, he couldn't receive revelation from God, and murdered his brother, lied to God's face and went out to live separated from the "presense of God.

This also explains the existence of the world's different religions .....Cain was very religious, but couldn't accept the truth.

We are all living in just a moment of time surrounded by God's eternity.

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"Original sermon by Billy Grahm, copyright Bible Thumpers, 1957":rolleyes:
By CyberLogic: ( thats a head splitting statement).
Yeah it is. :D
And if we go with the matter cannot be destroyed law, it would be safe to say that the Universe in which we live in does not exist in the previous forms it was in. I also would like to say why I think that human beings believe that the universe we exist in had to be created at one point. My theory is that Human being believe in creation because it is amazing to think that something so complex and beautiful could come into existence on its own steam without any existence from a supreme power. It is the limitations of our finite minds and bodies that prevents us from understanding something infinite, which is outside our scope of reality. We are part of it, not beyond it. There is a supreme power I think in a sense. Maybe its the Entire Universe and all the rules or order and change that it puts on all things that exist within its parameters. It works on its own without any help. It just is. Ever moving and eternal. A constant in our universe. I feel like we're spinning in a giant wheel that never stops turning.
I think you must have stollen this from a song CyberLogic. There is no way that you could have written this. Its too good! :p :D